100字范文 > 金属挤压密封 metal extrusion sealing英语短句 例句大全

金属挤压密封 metal extrusion sealing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-01 07:06:36


金属挤压密封 metal extrusion sealing英语短句 例句大全

金属挤压密封,metal extrusion sealing

1)metal extrusion sealing金属挤压密封

2)Squeezing seal挤压密封

3)metal seal金属密封

1.To meet the requirement of seal under condition of vacuum and low temperature in space environmental simulator,four special techniques of seal,which are softmetal seal,complex seal under effection of tempereture,spherical flange seal,cone flange seal and hollow metal loop seal,are researched on the basis of seal theory.针对空间环境模拟器内活动热沉供液管道密封的真空、低温要求,从密封技术的机理出发,分析了软金属密封、温度作用下的复合密封、特型金属密封等几种密封技术的优缺点,提出了相应的改进方法。

2.The results showed that usingmetal seal and soft seal technology could reduce efficiently areas of ash and air leakage, which made range of temperature between external surface of wall and environment, heat emission density, dust volume and air leakage ratio fall in acceptable range, so that the boiler heat balance efficiency was promoted and the economy was.采用金属密封、软密封技术,可以有效地减少漏灰、漏风点、使炉墙外表面与环境温差、散热密度、粉尘含量及漏风系数均在允许值范围内,从而提高了锅炉热平衡效率,保证了锅炉运行时的经济性。

3.Hollow metal O-ring,C-seal,E-seal and some representative flexiblemetal seal was introduced.介绍了空心金属O形密封环、C密封(C-Seal)、E密封(E-Seal)等几种典型的弹性金属密封,阐述了几种密封的各自特点,以及与产品相关的材料、生产工艺等内容,探讨了国内同行业与国外在产品与技术上的差距,指出了我国在弹性金属密封产品上的发展方向。


1.metal sealed paper-insulative capacitor金属密封纸介电容器

2.Taper type hanger and straight type hanger are available for tubing head.油管挂的密封形式有非金属密封(图一)金属密封(图二)种形式。

3.Valves feature as standard secondary metal-to-metal seal in the event of the primary seat being destroyed by fire.作为标准配置,阀门具有第二个金属对金属密封,以防万一第一个密封被火毁坏。

4.Research on the New Fluoroelastomer Coat-Metal Gasket for Seal of Internal-combustion Engine;内燃机用新型氟橡胶涂层金属密封垫片的研究

5.Introduce and Application of Frictionless Hermetic Damper金属密封无摩擦阻尼器介绍及工程应用

6.metal bellows mechanical seal金属波纹管机械密封

7.joint gasket- or packing- type, of laminated metal foil层压金属箔密封或填密封式接合衬垫

8.metal O-ring and nonmetallic O-ring seal金属-非金属双O型环密封

9.Effect of Hydrogen on the Reliability of Microelectronic Devices氢对金属封装密封元器件可靠性的影响

10.Tripe-lips type: the metal shield with long triple rubber lips has considerable large torque and good sealing.三唇密封形式,金属防尘盖上带有三重细长密封胶唇的严格密封,具有较大的按触密封扭矩。

11.the metal casing in which a train of gears is sealed.密封住一系列齿轮的金属外壳。

12.welded metal-bellows mechanical seal焊接金属波纹管机械密封

13.calculation for bolt force of metal flat gasket金属平垫密封的螺栓力计算

14.enclosed metalized polystyrene capacitor密封金属化聚苯乙烯电容器

15.Some pistons have seating rings of metal or leather.有些活塞上有金属或皮革的密封环。

16.The new-type mono-metal floating seal for roller bit牙轮钻头用新型单金属浮动密封研究

17.joint gasket- or packing- type, of metal sheeting combined with other material (e.g. asbestos, felt, paperboard)金属片与其他材料(例如,石棉、毡、纸板)的静密封或填密封式接合衬垫

18.Seal valve base adopts metal materials, having the features of highter cutting capability and seal performandce.*密封阀座系用金属材料.具有较高的剪切能力和密封性能.


Squeezing seal挤压密封

3)metal seal金属密封

1.To meet the requirement of seal under condition of vacuum and low temperature in space environmental simulator,four special techniques of seal,which are softmetal seal,complex seal under effection of tempereture,spherical flange seal,cone flange seal and hollow metal loop seal,are researched on the basis of seal theory.针对空间环境模拟器内活动热沉供液管道密封的真空、低温要求,从密封技术的机理出发,分析了软金属密封、温度作用下的复合密封、特型金属密封等几种密封技术的优缺点,提出了相应的改进方法。

2.The results showed that usingmetal seal and soft seal technology could reduce efficiently areas of ash and air leakage, which made range of temperature between external surface of wall and environment, heat emission density, dust volume and air leakage ratio fall in acceptable range, so that the boiler heat balance efficiency was promoted and the economy was.采用金属密封、软密封技术,可以有效地减少漏灰、漏风点、使炉墙外表面与环境温差、散热密度、粉尘含量及漏风系数均在允许值范围内,从而提高了锅炉热平衡效率,保证了锅炉运行时的经济性。

3.Hollow metal O-ring,C-seal,E-seal and some representative flexiblemetal seal was introduced.介绍了空心金属O形密封环、C密封(C-Seal)、E密封(E-Seal)等几种典型的弹性金属密封,阐述了几种密封的各自特点,以及与产品相关的材料、生产工艺等内容,探讨了国内同行业与国外在产品与技术上的差距,指出了我国在弹性金属密封产品上的发展方向。

4)gasket of laminated metal foil层压金属箔密封垫

5)extrusion of metals金属的挤压

6)metal extrusion press金属挤压机


