100字范文 > 大直径圆筒结构码头 large-diameter cylinder wharf英语短句 例句大全

大直径圆筒结构码头 large-diameter cylinder wharf英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-09 03:50:54


大直径圆筒结构码头 large-diameter cylinder wharf英语短句 例句大全

大直径圆筒结构码头,large-diameter cylinder wharf

1)large-diameter cylinder wharf大直径圆筒结构码头

1.Processing technique of prototype observation data forlarge-diameter cylinder wharf大直径圆筒结构码头原型观测数据处理技术


1.Processing technique of prototype observation data for large-diameter cylinder wharf大直径圆筒结构码头原型观测数据处理技术

2.Method of stability analysis of embedded large-diameter cylinder quay沉入式大直径圆筒码头稳定性计算方法研究

3.The Research of Wave Load on the Large Cylindrical Structures;波浪对大直径圆筒结构的作用力研究

4.An Analysis on Seismic Response of the Sunk Large Diameter Cylindrical Structure沉入式大直径圆筒结构地震响应分析

5.Study on dynamic plastic displacement to large-diameter cylindrical structure沉入式大直径圆筒结构的动力塑性变位研究

6.Numerical analysis on overturn center of embedded large diameter cylinder structure沉入式大直径圆筒结构倾覆转动点数值分析

7.Research on the Three-dimensional Computing Method of Earth Pressure for Large-diameter Cylinder;大直径薄壳圆筒结构筒后土压力的空间计算方法

8.Study on the Bearing Mechanism and Optimization Design of the Embedded Large-diameter Cylinder Structure;插入式大直径薄壁圆筒结构承载机理研究与优化设计

9.Research on the Bearing Mechanism and Spring Element Numerical Simulation of the Bed Seated Large-diameter Cylinder Structure;基床式大直径薄壁圆筒结构受力机理与弹簧元数值模拟

10.Experimental Study and FEM Analysis on the Bearing Mechanism and Internal Force of Embedded Large-diameter Cylinder Structure;沉入式大直径圆筒结构受荷模式和内力的试验研究与有限元分析

11.Transient-dynamic-FEM Analysis of the Course of Vibration-driving the Thin-wall Large-diameter Cylinder Structure;大直径薄壁圆筒结构振动下沉过程瞬态动力有限元分析

12.Numerical simulation of wave force on large-diameter cylinders based on Boussinesq equations基于Boussinesq方程对大直径圆筒结构上波浪力的数值模拟

13.A new type structure of large reinforced concrete cylinder is being extended in the construction of quays andbreakwaters.一种新型的钢筋混凝土大圆筒结构正广泛应用于码头和防波堤或护岸。

14.The formula for calculating the additional soil mass and other parameters are deduced according to the characteristics of the large diameter cylinder breakwater.根据大直径薄壁圆筒结构防波堤系统的特点,提出了其附加土质量和其它参数计算公式。

15.Dynamic Response of Large Diameter Cylinder Breakwater Structure under the Wave Impact;大直径圆筒防波堤在冲击荷载下的动力响应

16.Study on Dynamic Analysis and Site Measurement for Large Diameter Cylinder Driving by Vibration;大直径圆筒振动下沉动力分析及现场试验研究

17.Application of Large Cylindrical Structure in Pier Engineering大圆筒结构在海上栈桥工程中的应用

18.Mechanics study of large vertical steel cylindrical storage tank大型圆筒型钢结构储罐受力性能研究


Large-diameter Cylinder Structure大直径圆筒结构

1.Study on Soil Pressure ofLarge-diameter Cylinder Structure;大直径圆筒结构土压力研究

3)large-diameter cylinder shell structure大直径薄壳圆筒结构

1.Finaly, a numberical method and calculated program of thelarge-diameter cylinder shell structure is proposed and several examples applied to engineerings show that the results are quite satisfactory.系统地介绍了大直径薄壳圆筒结构(以下简称为大圆筒结构)的有关设计与计算方法以及如何确定其计算参数。

4)Bed seated large diameter cylinder structure大直径薄壁圆筒结构

5)embedded large-diameter cylinder插入式大直径薄壁圆筒结构

6)Large diameter cylinder大直径圆筒

1.Numerical analysis on earth pressure of front and back of wall on large diameter cylinder structures;大直径圆筒结构墙前后土压力数值分析

2.Experiment on dynamic response of large diameter cylinder sunk into sand seabed due to wave;波浪作用下沙质海床上大直径圆筒结构动态响应的实验研究

3.Anti-inclination mechanism of inside filler of large diameter cylinder;大直径圆筒筒内填料抗倾机理


