100字范文 > 措施体系 measure system英语短句 例句大全

措施体系 measure system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-14 19:36:34


措施体系 measure system英语短句 例句大全

措施体系,measure system

1)measure system措施体系

1.The results indicate the engineeringmeasure system of land reconsolidation project of Three Gorges Reservoir Area has been summed up.研究结果:提出了三峡库区土地整理的工程措施体系。


1.The Protective System of Water and Soil Conservation Measure for The Pipe新疆管道工程水土保持防治措施体系

2.Development and Evaluation of Korea s TBT System;韩国技术性贸易措施体系的发展及评价

3.Modes and Measure Systems for Ecology Restoration of Soil and Water Conservation in Liaoning Province;辽宁省水土保持生态修复模式及其措施体系

4.Bluetooth technology Security Architecture and Security Measures Analysis蓝牙技术安全体系及其安全措施分析

5.Research on Measures to Perfect Community Social Security System;完善社区社会保障体系的思路和措施

6.Deng Xiaoping s Thoughts on Economic Development Strategy;论邓小平经济发展战略措施思想体系

7.India s Policy Measures to Increase Employment and Indian Social Security System;印度的就业政策措施与社会保障体系

8.Significances and measures of firms implementing seafood traceability systems;水产食品企业实施可追溯体系的意义及措施

9.Analysis of quality problems of wall concrete and prevention measures in wood system木体系墙体混凝土质量问题分析及预防措施

10.to review the quality management system periodically;to decide on actions regarding the quality policy and quality objectives.to decide on actions for improvement of the quality management system.定期评审质量管理体系;决定有关质量方针和质量目标的措施;决定改进质量管理体系的措施。

11.On the Safeguard and Special Safeguard Measures under the WTO Framework;WTO体制下的保障措施和特殊保障措施

12.It has also announced measures to inject liquidity into the financial system.美联储还宣布了对金融体系注入流动性的措施。

13.Reestablishing Disease Prevention and Control System of China: Puzzledom, Strategy and Policy;我国疾病预防控制体系建设研究:困境 策略 措施

14.Research on Early Warning and Forecasting System of Tunnel Collapse and Control Measures;隧道塌方预警预测体系及治理措施研究

15.Establishment of Dry Indexes in Guanzhong Irrigation Areas and Research on Drought-resistant Measures;关中灌区干旱指标体系的建立与抗旱措施研究

16.Study on Textile Special Safeguard under the WTO Law System;WTO体系下中国纺织品特别保障措施的法律分析

17.Strengthen Improving Measure to Guarantee the Achivement the Quality Management System;强化改进措施——确保质量管理体系的绩效

18.The Disadvantages and Corresponding Improving Proposals for the Current Land Use Planning System in China;我国现行土地利用规划体系的不足和改进措施


system and measures体系与措施

3)system of compulsory measure强制措施体系

4)measure and security system措施和保障体系

5)control measures system防治措施体系

6)Countermeasures system对策措施体系


不合格品纠正措施(见纠正措施)不合格品纠正措施(见纠正措施)corrective actions for nonconforming product:see corrective actionsbul,卯ping jiuzhe叫euoshi不合格品纠正措施(~tive actions for non-印雨皿吨prt泪uct)见纠正措施。
