100字范文 > 评价体系研究 Measurement System Research英语短句 例句大全

评价体系研究 Measurement System Research英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-12 04:40:56


评价体系研究 Measurement System Research英语短句 例句大全

评价体系研究,Measurement System Research

1)Measurement System Research评价体系研究


1.Studies on the dispatching mode and its evaluation system of power systems under electricity market environment Part 2: the evaluation system调度模式及其评价体系研究(Ⅱ)——评价指标体系

2.Research on the Industry and Trade Value Chain Evaluating System of an Enterprise;企业的产业行业价值链评价体系研究

3.Study on the Index Evaluation System of the Tacit Knowledge Potential Value in Enterprise;企业隐性知识价值潜力评价体系研究

4.Make a Studies on the Evaluation System of Humanities and Social Sciences Research Quality among Universities大学人文社科研究水平评价体系研究

5.Research on EHSMS Assessment System in Semiconductor Enterprises;半导体企业的EHSMS评价体系研究

6.Sports learning assessment system in ordinary universities in China;普通高校体育学习评价体系研究综述

7.Study on Quality Evaluation System of P.E.-majored Master Graduate;体育学硕士毕业生质量评价体系研究

8.Study on Evaluation System of Public Sport Stadium;公共体育场(馆)综合评价体系研究

9.A study on the evaluation system of learning in college P.E.;大学体育课程学习质量评价体系研究

10.Study on Supply Chain Performance Evaluation System and Evaluation Model;供应链绩效评价体系和评价模型研究

11.The System of indivators Used Evaluation and The Research on The Method of Webquest;Webquest评价体系建构及评价方法研究

12.The Study of Software Architecture Evaluation and Evaluation Matrix;软件体系结构评价体系与评价矩阵研究

parative Studies of EVA Evaluation System and Net Profit Evaluation System;创值评价体系与净利润评价体系的比较研究

14.A Study on Evaluation Indicators of Undergradute Programs高校课程体系的评价指标体系的研究

15.Evaluation index system and method of sports development in China;我国体育发展评价指标体系与评价方法研究

16.Research on the Evaluation System and Method of Virtual Enterprise PPC System;虚拟企业PPC系统评价体系及评价方法的研究

17.The Research on the Excellent Performance Assessment System and Mature Grade;卓越绩效测评体系与成熟度评价研究

18.Research on the Evaluation Index System of Product Pricing Ethics;企业产品定价道德评价指标体系研究


evaluation system of the research-based study研究性学习评价体系

3)Researches on Assessment System of Accomplishment绩效评价体系研究

4)Evaluation studies评价研究

1.Evaluation Studies of MELD to Asses the Prognosis of Patients with Severe Hepatitis;终末期肝病模型(MELD)对重型肝炎预后评价研究

2.The Evaluation Studies on Macro-economic Effects in Qinghai Province青海省宏观经济效益评价研究

5)Evaluation study评价研究

1.Evaluation Study on Qinghai Health Service Project (Health Ⅷ) Supported by the World Bank Loans;青海省世界银行贷款基本卫生服务(卫生Ⅷ)项目评价研究

2.Firstly,it introduced the concept of evaluation study from definition,factor and model.从定义、要素、模式三方面介绍了评价研究的概念;阐述了CAI软件评价工作中存在的重点和难点问题;简要说明正确处理好研究质量评价方法中的三种关系。


1.Study on nutrition evaluation of Chinese lakes;中国湖泊的富营养化评价研究

2.Educational evaluation scientifically and effectively is an important element of the teaching activity.通过对收集的材料和数据进行归因分析,发现现行课堂教学评价研究中已经取得的成绩和存在的问题,从而提出有利于构建科学评价课堂教学的若干建议和设想。


