100字范文 > 裂缝与控制 crack and control英语短句 例句大全

裂缝与控制 crack and control英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-22 05:18:16


裂缝与控制 crack and control英语短句 例句大全

裂缝与控制,crack and control

1)crack and control裂缝与控制

2)cracking analysis and control裂缝分析与控制


1.Crack Analysis and Control of Cast-in-situ Floor Slab for Brick-and-concrete Dwellings;砖混结构住宅现浇楼板裂缝分析与控制

2.Large-sized Concrete Component Temperature Crack Analysis and Control in Bridges桥梁中大体积混凝土构件温度裂缝分析与控制

3.Inside Weld Crack Analysis and Control of SSAW Pipe螺旋埋弧焊管内焊缝裂纹分析与控制

4.Analysis and treatment of basement concrete crack control地下室混凝土裂缝控制的分析与处理

5.Analysis of the premixed concrete crack reasons and quality control商品混凝土裂缝成因与质量控制分析

6.Reason Analysis and Prevention Measure For the Crack of Basement Concrete Wall混凝土地下室墙裂缝原因分析与控制措施

7.The Mechanical Analysis and Control on Shrinkage Cracking for Concrete Structure;混凝土结构收缩裂缝的机理分析与控制

8.Analysis and Prevention on Non-loaded Crack of Early Concrete;混凝土早期非结构性裂缝的分析与控制

9.Temperature Shrinkage Stress Analysis and Crack Control for Basement Wall;地下室侧墙温度收缩应力分析与裂缝控制

10.The Analysis and Control of Non-loaded Crack on Reinforced Concrete Structure;钢筋混凝土结构非荷载裂缝的分析与控制

11.Analysis and Control of Floor Crack by Cast-in-place Concrete;现浇钢筋混凝土楼板裂缝的分析与控制

12.Concrete Temperature Control and Cracking Analysis during Bridge Construction桥梁工程中混凝土施工的温度控制与裂缝分析

13.Reasons analysis and prevention of cracks on air entraining concrete block wall加气混凝土砌块墙体裂缝原因分析与控制

14.Cause Analysis and Control of Cracks on External Insulation Coating Walls外保温涂料墙面裂缝的原因分析与控制

15.The Simulated Analysis of the Control of Ultra-long Concrete Structure Crack and the Control of Removing Sunflower Type Arch Bridge"s Scaffolds超长混凝土结构裂缝控制与葵型拱桥落架控制仿真分析

16.Analysis on the crack control of bombproof basement关于人防地下室裂缝控制的几点分析

17.Crack analysis and control of extra wide underground RC structure大型地下室混凝土墙裂缝分析及控制

18.Analysis on Effects of Crack Control to Application of HRB400 Reinforcement裂缝控制对HRB400钢筋应用的影响分析


cracking analysis and control裂缝分析与控制

3)control of deflection and width of crack挠度与裂缝控制

4)crack control裂缝控制

1.Temperature monitoring andcrack control in mass concrete construction;大体积混凝土施工中的温度监测及裂缝控制

2.Cast-in-place reinforced concrete building(room)kneading boardcrack control design of some industry workshop;某工业厂房现浇钢筋混凝土楼(屋)面板裂缝控制设计

3.Thecrack control technology of larger area ground concrete;超大面积混凝土地面裂缝控制技术

5)cracking control裂缝控制

1.Mass concretecracking control for Baosteel No.4 BF foundation;宝钢四号高炉基础大体积混凝土裂缝控制分析

2.Study oncracking control for construction of concrete face slab;混凝土面板施工裂缝控制研究

3.Study oncracking control of PC continuous box girder bridges;PC连续箱梁桥裂缝控制研究

6)crack controlling裂缝控制

1.Discussion on the concrete groundcrack controlling of industrial building工业厂房混凝土地坪裂缝控制的探讨

2.In order to study durability,crack controlling of concrete structu res and characteristics of concrete at early age in simulated environment, envir onmental simulation test technology is discussed.为了在试验室人工模拟环境下进行混凝土早期特性、裂缝控制及耐久性的试验 ,需对混凝土结构环境模拟试验室技术进行研究。

3.The ways ofcrack controlling in mass concrete were analyzed in those respects of materials, concrete mix design,structure construction,structure details, maintenance methods and the theory aboutcrack controlling in concrete structure.从原材料、混凝土配合比设计、结构构造和施工养护措施以及裂缝控制理论等多方面对大体积混凝土的裂缝控制进行了探讨 ,同时提出一些经过实践检验 ,行之有效的裂缝控制措施。


反馈控制(见控制系统)反馈控制(见控制系统)feedback control于。。伙。]伙ongZ片}反馈控制(几edbaekcontrol)见拉制系统。
