100字范文 > 温度裂缝控制 temperature crack control英语短句 例句大全

温度裂缝控制 temperature crack control英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-08 05:12:08


温度裂缝控制 temperature crack control英语短句 例句大全

温度裂缝控制,temperature crack control

1)temperature crack control温度裂缝控制


1.The Control Measures of Temperature Crack in Bridge Mass Concrete桥梁大体积混凝土温度裂缝控制措施

2.The Control Techniques of Temperrature Crack in Mass Concrete Baseplate;大体积混凝土基础底板温度裂缝控制技术

3.Engineering Research for Controlling Temperature Crack of Mass Concrete Foundation Structures;大体积混凝土基础温度裂缝控制施工技术研究

4.Study of Temperature Crack Control of Mass Concrete in Raft-foundation;筏板基础大体积混凝土温度裂缝控制研究

5.Temperture Crack in Architecture Big Volume Structure Research;建筑大体积砼结构温度裂缝控制技术研究

6.Research and Practice of the Thermal Crack Control of Large Volume Concrete Structures;大体积混凝土温度裂缝控制技术研究与实践

7.The Temperature Crack Control of Mass Concrete Pier Base;大体积混凝土桥墩基础的温度裂缝控制

8.The Temperate Crack and Control Techniques of Ultra-long Concrete Constructions;超长混凝土结构温度裂缝及控制技术

9.Temperature Cracks Control of Mass Concrete Construction;水工大体积混凝土温度裂缝施工控制

10.The Cause of Thermal Crack for Concrete Structure and Control Measures;混凝土结构温度裂缝成因及控制措施

11.Control of Temperature Cracks in Construction of Massive Concrete大体积混凝土施工中温度裂缝的控制

12.On control of temperature cracks on large volume thin-wall pier concrete大体积薄壁墩混凝土温度裂缝的控制

13.Control of temperature and cracks in large bulk of concrete construction大体积混凝土的施工温度与裂缝控制

14.Thermal-crack Control Practice for Subway Station Structure地铁车站结构温度裂缝的控制与实例

15.Temperature Response Analysis and Crack Controlling Technique of a Large-area Slab;大尺度楼盖结构温度效应分析及裂缝控制方法

16.Temperature load use and crack width control for monolithic closed coal yard整体式封闭煤场温度作用取值及裂缝宽度控制

17.<title>ack Control and Analysis for Temperature, Stress of Mass Concrete of Foundation of BOF转炉大体积砼基础温度、应力分析及裂缝控制

18.Study on Thermal Crack in Mass Concrete and Its Control;大体积混凝土的温度裂缝及其控制技术探讨


control of temperature cracking温度裂缝控制

3)temperature and crack control温度及裂缝控制

1.In order to ensure the construction quality of the massive prestressed transform beam,to prevent and control the cracking before tensioning,the technology of casting,methods oftemperature and crack controlling are carefully analysed and theoretical calculation is carried out as well as the temperature inspection during construction,all of which have effective results.为保证大体积预应力混凝土转换梁的施工质量,防止和控制在张拉前出现裂缝,对混凝土的浇筑工艺、温度及裂缝控制方法作了认真分析研究,并进行了理论计算和施工过程温度监测,取得了较好的实际效果。

4)controlling concrete temperature crevice混凝土温度裂缝控制

5)Thermal crack Control Study温度裂缝控制研究

6)prevention and control of temperature crack温度裂缝防控


