100字范文 > 立交方案 overpass scheme英语短句 例句大全

立交方案 overpass scheme英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-29 22:41:59


立交方案 overpass scheme英语短句 例句大全

立交方案,overpass scheme

1)overpass scheme立交方案

1.The paper introduces theoverpass scheme of Huanglingxiang pivot.现就黄岭香枢纽立交方案进行介绍,通过对黄岭香枢纽立交的功能、制约因素以及方案设计比选情况的阐述,分析了如何在满足通行能力要求的前提下,选择合理的立交形式,灵活布设立交匝道,从而使立交与现有地形、地物相协调。


1.Research on Flyover-crossways in Sanyan Bridge Area in Foshan City佛山市三眼桥地段互通立交方案研究

2.Study on Comprehensive Quantitative Evaluation of Interchange Schemes;互通式立交方案综合量化评价方法的研究

3.Interchange Project Synthesis Evaluation Method Based on the Matter-element Analysis基于物元分析的立交方案综合评价方法

4.Selection and analysis of interchange schemes on Tianjin Jinlaidao-Outer Ring Road;天津市津涞道外环线立交方案选择分析

5.Mountainous Highway Interchange Scheme Design山区高速公路立交方案设计探讨及实例

6.Fellowship Programme in Peacemaking and Preventive Diplomacy建立和平和预防性外交研究金方案

7.Optimization and Research for the Freeway Interchange Design Scheme;高速公路互通立交设计方案优化研究

8.Scheme Optimization Research on Interchange Group Based on Vague Set基于Vague集的立交群方案优化研究

9.On exploration of net arrangement scheme for permanent monitoring network for city flyover城市立交永久性监测网布网方案探讨

10.Design of Nanshan Road Donggang Interchange Alignment Scheme in Lanzhou City兰州市南山路东岗立交路线方案设计

11.Scheme Design of Reformation of Hanyulu Interchange and Hongqihegou Interchange in Chongqing重庆汉渝路及红旗河沟立交改造方案设计

12.Study on Evaluation of Planning and Type Selection for Urban Interchange;城市立体交叉规划与选型方案评价研究

13.Study on the Construction Mechanics and Scheme Optimization of Underground Interchange Tunnel;互通式地下立交隧道施工力学研究及方案优化

14.The Inter-connecting and the Overpass Design of Dong Gong Temple on the Chong- Zhun Highway;崇遵高速公路董公寺互通立交设计方案

15.Design of Overall Scheme for Huhang Interchange in Desheng Expressway of Hangzhou City杭州市德胜快速路沪杭立交总体方案设计

16.Optimization of Middle Ring Line Wujiaochang Interchange Sunken Square Enclosure Scheme中环线五角场立交下沉式广场围护方案优化

17.On the Reformation of Urban Expressway Interchange南京城市快速路新庄立交改造方案研究

18.Xinjie Interchange Solution Design Discussion杭州新街互通式立体交叉方案设计探讨


comparison and selection of interchange scheme立交方案比选

3)selection of interchange scheme立交方案选型

4)research on overpass project立交方案研究

5)independent projects独立方案

1.According to the suitability of different techniques of conservation tillage,and distinguish the mutually exclusive projects andindependent projects,the author conformed the suitable model of conservation tillage.构建了保护性耕作适应性评价指标体系,利用该指标体系,可以快速评价免耕、浅松、深松、平作、垄作、碎秆覆盖、整秆(立秆)覆盖、整秆(倒秆)覆盖、留茬覆盖等关键技术的适应性等级与得分,根据适应性状况,区别独立方案和互斥方案两种不同条件,确定适合的保护性耕作模式。

6)traffic item交通方案


《眉寿堂方案选存》《眉寿堂方案选存》 《眉寿堂方案选存》 医案著作。二卷。清·叶桂撰,郭维浚编。原系抄本,后收入《中国医学大成》中。上卷包括春温、时疠、暑、燥、寒、冬温、疟疾等各类时症;下卷记述妇、儿、痘疹、外科。每类病证之医案均重点介绍辨证立法及处方,辨析疑似之证,掌握各类疾病治法。其中妇科治案记述尤详。现存《中国医学大成》本。
