100字范文 > 抗氧化成分 antioxidant英语短句 例句大全

抗氧化成分 antioxidant英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-15 07:20:20


抗氧化成分 antioxidant英语短句 例句大全



1.Studies on the Antioxidants of Ethanolic Extracts in Buckwheat by HPLC/ ESI-MS;荞麦籽粒乙醇提取物抗氧化成分的高效液相色谱电喷雾质谱研究

2.There are many phenolicantioxidants in oat.燕麦中含有众多酚类抗氧化成分,该文概述这类抗氧化物质组成及功能作用,并介绍不同提取 条件及加工工艺对燕麦抗氧化酚类物质影响。


1.Study on Antioxidant Activities and Antioxidative Compounds of Four Species of Ascomycetes四种子囊菌的抗氧化活性及抗氧化成分研究

2.The Dynamic Accumulation of Primary Active Components of Apocynum Venetum L. Growing in Songnen Plain and Its Antioxidant Activity;松嫩草原罗布麻主要抗氧化成分积累动态及其抗氧化活性

3.Property of Antioxidate Composition about Pawpaw and Research on Multiple Antioxidate Food Additive;木瓜抗氧化成分的性质以及复合抗氧化食品添加剂研究

4.Studies on Bioactive Components and Total Antioxidant Activity in Orange Juice;橙汁抗氧化活性成分及总抗氧化能力的研究

5.Study on the Antioxidant and Antitumour of Active Constituents of Psoralea Corylifolia L.;补骨脂抗氧化与抗癌活性成分的研究

6.Chemical Constituents Isolation and Antioxident Activity Screening from Pumpkin南瓜化学成分分离及抗氧化活性筛选

7.Chemical Components and Their Antioxidant Activities Studies on Maize Silk(Stigma Maydis);玉米须化学成分及其抗氧化作用研究

8.Study on Chemical Constituents and Antioxidant of Acanthus Ilicifolius;老鼠簕(茎)化学成分和抗氧化活性研究

9.Study on the Chemical Constituents and Antioxidant Activity of Flos Puerariae野葛花化学成分及其抗氧化活性研究

10.Study on the Total Antioxidant Capacity and Bioactive Compounds of Kiwi, Persimmon and Apple Fruits猕猴桃、柿和苹果果实的抗氧化能力及其抗氧化活性成分的分析

11.Antioxidative Activity of Probiotics and Their Internal Correlative Antioxidative Components益生菌抗氧化活性及菌体抗氧化相关成分的分析

12.Investigating Antioxidant Mechanism of Phenolic Compounds and Exploring a Suitable Way to Synthesis Novel Antioxidant;酚类化合物抗氧化机理分析及新型抗氧化剂合成思路的理论研究

13.Research for Anti-oxidation Performance of Al-Si Coating with Different Content;不同成分Al-Si涂层的抗氧化性能研究

14.Determination of Efficient Components and Antioxidantive Activities of Chinese Herbs;中草药有效成分测定及其抗氧化作用

15.Antioxidant Properties and Identification of Active Components of Pu-erh Tea;普洱茶的抗氧化特性及活性成分鉴定

position of Pomegranate Peel Polyphenols and Its Antioxidant Activities石榴皮多酚组成分析及其抗氧化活性

17.Isolation and Composition Analysis of a Kind of Extracts of Antioxidant Activity from Lentinus Edodes;香菇中一种抗氧化活性成分的分离及组成分析

18.Chemical Constituents Isolation and Antioxident Activity Screening from Cucurbita Moschata Duch;南瓜化学成分分离及其抗氧化活性筛选


Antioxidant constituents抗氧化成分


1.Influence of ultrafiltration onantioxidants and total antioxidant activity in blood orange juice;超滤对血橙果汁中抗氧化成分及总抗氧化能力的影响

2.The outlet of HPLC flow cell was connected to a split valve in order to divert a flow to ESI-TOF/MS for on-line rapid identification of theantioxidants in water extract of tea,and another stream react post-column with the DPPH solution for on-line screening theantioxidants in water extract of tea.本方法用于茶水中抗氧化成分的快速筛选与鉴别,筛选出11个具有明显DPPH自由基清除作用的化合物,通过ESI-TOF/MS在线分析获得的质谱信息,结合相关文献和数据库,实现了各化合物的快速鉴别。

4)antioxidative component抗氧化成分

1.Study on extraction of naturalantioxidative components from peanut hulls;从花生壳中提取天然抗氧化成分的研究

5)antioxidant component抗氧化活性成分

6)antioxidative components抗氧成分

1.After trimethylsilylation,the contents of the four mainantioxidative components in TA,i.采用高效液相色谱进行茶叶抗氧化剂的快速测定,其主要抗氧成分均可检测。


