100字范文 > 抗氧化物 antioxidant英语短句 例句大全

抗氧化物 antioxidant英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-17 03:50:14


抗氧化物 antioxidant英语短句 例句大全



1.Microwave Extraction of Antioxidant from Litchi Pericarp;微波法提取荔枝果皮中抗氧化物的研究

2.A Study on Acute and Subchronic Toxicity of Antioxidant Extracted from Bamboo Leave;竹叶抗氧化物急性和亚慢性毒性研究

3.In this text introduced the color and luster of some kind of meat and discussed the pickle(nitrate and nitrite,temperature,pickle time,salt,pH,pigment,1ight), the heat treatment,antioxidant(Vitamin C,niacinamide,VitaminE ,free radicals terminates reagent,chelate, carnosine) and wrappage etc.本文中介绍了各种肉品的色泽和腌制剂(硝酸盐及亚硝酸盐类、腌制温度及时间、食盐、pH值、色素、光),热处理,抗氧化物(维生素C、烟酰胺、维生素E、自由基终止剂、鳌合剂、肌肽)以及包装物等各种因素对肉品色泽的影响以及肉品的发色、护色、防色的一些常用方法。


1.An antioxidant is a chemical compound or substance that inhibits oxidation.抗氧化物是一种化学复合物或物质,可抑制氧化。

2.Studies on Antioxidant Extract of Pepper and Antioxidative Activity of Pepper Extract;胡椒抗氧化物的提取及抗氧化性能研究

3.Study on Extration Separation and Antioxidative Activity of Antioxidative Substance from Toona Sinensis Leaves;香椿叶抗氧化物的提取分离及抗氧化活性研究

4.Progress of synergistic Anti-oxidative effects based on natural Anti-oxidants天然抗氧化物抗氧化协同效应研究进展

5.Studies on Extraction of Antioxidant from Tangerine Peel and Determination of its Activity橘皮抗氧化物质的提取及抗氧化性能研究

6.Research on extraction of antioxidants and antioxidant properties of Eucalyptus leaves桉叶抗氧化物的提取与抗氧化性质研究

7.Studies on the Extraction, Antioxidant and Anti-antherogenic Activities of Antioxidants from Pomegranate Peel;石榴皮抗氧化物质提取及其抗氧化、抗动脉粥样硬化作用研究

8.Changes of antioxidant compounds and antioxidant activities in strawberry fruit during different harvest time不同采收期草莓果实抗氧化物质含量和抗氧化活性的变化

9.A chemical compound or substance that inhibits oxidation.抗氧化剂,阻氧化剂防止氧化的化合物或物质

10.peroxidase-anti-peroxidase staining过氧化物酶-抗过氧化酶染色

11.Study on effects of the antioxidant extract of inonotus obliquus in vivo antioxidant桦褐孔菌抗氧化提取物体内抗氧化作用研究

12.Separation and antioxidant properties of anti-lipid peroxidation fraction from Toona sinensis leaves香椿叶抗脂质过氧化物的分离及抗氧化特性

13.peroxidase-anti-peroxidase complex method过氧化物酶-抗过氧化物酶复合物法 -简称:PAP法

14.Investigation on the Radical Scavenging Effect of Coordination Complex of Quercetin with Vanadium;槲皮素及其氧钒配合物抗氧化性研究

15.Studies on Antioxidant and Antitumor Activity of Extracts from Wild Buckwheat Rhizome;金荞麦提取物抗氧化、抗肿瘤作用研究

16.Study on the Anti-allergic and Antioxidant Effect of Sanguisorba officinalis Extract地榆提取物抗氧化与抗过敏作用研究

17.Progress of Researches on Anti-inflammatory, Anti-allergic and Anti-oxidant Activity of Labiates Plants唇形科植物抗炎、抗过敏和抗氧化活性研究进展

18.Sdudies on Total Flavonoids and Antioxidation Effect in Jasminum Nudiflorum Lindl.;迎春花黄酮类化合物抗氧化性的研究



1.Extraction ofAntioxidants from Toona Sinensis Leaves and Its Antioxidant Activities;香椿叶抗氧化物提取工艺优化与抗氧化活性分析

2.An Overview on the development of the effects of oxidative damage to aging, and the antioxidants influence upon the agin该文对氧化在衰老中作用和抗氧化物在抗衰老中作用等进展作一综

3.In humans there is increased lipid peroxidation in erythrocyte membranes, reduced blood antioxidants, and increased urinary excretion of 8-iso-prostaglandin F 2α and 8-oxo-7, 8 dihydro-2 deoxyguanosine.在人体表现为红细胞膜的脂质过氧化程度增加、某些血液中的抗氧化物含量减少 ,8 iso prostaglandin和 8 oxo 7,8 dihydro 2 deoxyguanosine的尿排出增加。

3)antioxidant substance抗氧化物

1.Objective: The chemical composition, extraction and biological activity ofantioxidant substance of sweet potatoes were studied.目的:研究甘薯中抗氧化物质的含量,化学成分,分离提取及其生物活性。

4)antioxidant enzyme抗氧化物酶

1.Effects of phenolic acids on seed germination and seedlingantioxidant enzyme activity of alfalfa;酚酸类物质对苜蓿种子萌发及抗氧化物酶活性的影响


1.Seasonal variation inantioxidants of Polygonum viviparum and its relation to solar radiartion in alpine meadow;高寒草甸珠芽蓼抗氧化物质含量的季节变化及与太阳辐射的关系


1.Preliminary study onantioxidants in bleeding sap from Luffa cylindrica Roem丝瓜伤流液中抗氧化物质的初步探讨

2.Preliminary study ofantioxidants in bleeding sap from Vitis vinifera L葡萄伤流液中抗氧化物质的初步探讨

3.There are many naturalantioxidants in season vegetables,they are bio-activity substances.调味蔬菜中存在不少具有生理活性作用的天然抗氧化物质。


钴钼氢氧化物氧化物磷酸盐CAS:68130-37-0中文名称:钴钼氢氧化物氧化物磷酸盐英文名称:Cobalt molybdenum hydroxide oxide phosphate; Molybdenum cobalt acid phosphate complex; Molybdenumcobaltacid phosphate complex
