100字范文 > 公路客运站场规划 plan of road passenger station英语短句 例句大全

公路客运站场规划 plan of road passenger station英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-11 15:14:37


公路客运站场规划 plan of road passenger station英语短句 例句大全

公路客运站场规划,plan of road passenger station

1)plan of road passenger station公路客运站场规划


1.Analysis on Planning of Passenger Stations on Urban Road in Clustered Coastal Cities--Taking Passenger Stations Planning on Roads in Zhongshan City as an Example关于沿海组团式城市公路客运站场规划的探讨——以中山市公路客运站场规划为例

2.Research on Layout Planning of the Highway Main Hub Passenger Stations of Huhehaote;呼和浩特公路主枢纽客运站布局规划研究

3.Study on Logistics Information System Programming of Road Freight Term Based on UML;基于UML的公路货运站场物流信息系统规划研究

4.Study on the Operation Organization Planning of Highway Passenger Transporting Hinge System;公路客运枢纽系统营运组织规划研究

5.Exploration on the Features and Planning Ideas of Major Railway Passenger Station Transport大型铁路客运站交通特征分析和规划思路探讨

6.The Study on Layout Method of Urban Highway Passenger Transport Hub;城市公路客运枢纽布局规划方法研究

7.On railway passenger transport center in south station in Fuzhou and its architectural design福州南站铁路客运枢纽规划及建筑设计

8.Study on Layout Planning of Chengdu Railway Hub Passenger Station after Introducing Passenger Dedicated Line客运专线引入下成都铁路枢纽客运站布局规划研究

9.A RESEARCH INTO THE INTEGRATED MULTIFUNCTION CIRCULATION SPACE--A Case Study of New Railway Passenger Station in Guangzhou;火车客运站综合流通空间规划探索——以广州市铁路新客站地区规划为例

10.Study on Development Layout of Roadway Freight in Guangzhou广州市道路货运站场发展规划布局研究

11.Study on Scheme Design of Prefabricating Yard for Boxed Beams on Passenger Dedicated Lines铁路客运专线箱梁预制场规划方案设计研究

12.Design and research of the pre-cast beam yard planning of express passenger dedicated line高速铁路客运专线预制梁场规划设计与研究

13.Application of AHP to the General Planning of Yardand Station of Highway Main Hub;AHP在公路主枢纽站场总体布局规划中的应用

14.Research on the original loading rates characteristics of passenger transport stations in Guangdong Province;广东省公路客运站场发车实载率的特征

15.Market Survey and Feasibility Demonstration of Highway Main Pivot Stations;建设公路主枢纽客货运站场的市场调查与可行性论证

16.Plan and Design of Passenger Transportation Station which Located in the Countryside of Yunan Province;云南省乡镇汽车客运站规划设计研究

17.Research on Road Freight Station System Planning under the Development of Modern Logistics现代物流发展背景下的道路货运场站系统规划研究

18.Evaluation of the Competitive Capability on External Market of Hub Station;铁路客运枢纽站外部市场竞争力评价


highway passenger stations公路客运场站

1.This paper studied the location planning method and process for passenger stations in comprehensive transportation highway terminals based on the traffic planning and operational research theory,and established a planning model forhighway passenger stations location.运用交通规划和运筹学理论,对综合运输枢纽内公路客运场站的选址布局方法和步骤进行了研究,建立了公路客运场站选址布局的数学模型,通过模型求解以确定枢纽内公路客运场站的最佳布局,并以成都市的几个实例验证了方法的可行性。

3)highway passenger transport station公路客运站场

4)road passenger station公路客运站

1.Factors influencing the service level of aroad passenger station are analyzed.从公路客运站自身特性和旅客满意度评价特性两方面出发,通过分析客运站服务水平的影响因素,确定了客运站评价指标体系。

2.Based on the allocation model and shortest path functionality inherently available in GIS,a method for quantifying average trip distance from the distribution ofroad passenger stations is presented.基于利用地理信息系统(GIS)的空间分配及最优路径功能,提出了对城市公路客运站点布局的出行效率进行定量评价的方法。

5)Long-distance passenger station of highway公路长途客运站

1.As the network node of the highway passenger transportation, theLong-distance passenger station of highway not only acts as the "window" for the passenger transportation, but also acts as the "window" of propagandizing the city where the station lies.公路长途客运站是道路旅客运输网络的节点,是公路长途客运的“窗口”行业,同时又是每个城市对外宣传的“窗口”,其服务质量水平影响着整个公路客运业的服务水平。

6)highway freight terminal公路货运站场

1.The basic requirement of fitting thehighway freight terminals with handling machinery is discussed.论述了公路货运站场装卸机械配备的基本要求 ,建立了装卸机械选型决策的评价指标体系 ;探讨了评价指标的量化方法和装卸机械配备方案的综合评价方法 ,可用于公路货运站场装卸机械配备的选型优化决策。


