100字范文 > 中压电缆 medium voltage cable英语短句 例句大全

中压电缆 medium voltage cable英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-15 04:56:58


中压电缆 medium voltage cable英语短句 例句大全

中压电缆,medium voltage cable

1)medium voltage cable中压电缆

1.The single - core with AC35kV or AC10kV is generally used formedium voltage cable in power supply system of urban orbit traffic.城市轨道交通供电系统的中压电缆一般采用单芯结构,电压等级为交流35 kV或10 kV。

2.In recent years, as electric power enterprises in China pay more attention to the long life and high reliability of power cable, Wuhan High Voltage Research Institute together with The Dow Chemical Company have developed the research project of ageing tests ofmedium voltage cable aiming at the cable structure in China, which evaluates the improvements of cable performances using TR-XLPE.近年来,随着中国电力企业对长寿命、高可靠性电力电缆关注的增加,武汉高压研究所和陶氏化学公司(TheDowChemicalCompany)一道,共同开展了一项针对于中国电缆结构的中压电缆老化试验研究项目,就使用抗水树绝缘料对电缆性能的提升进行评估。


1.Application and Research of Middle Voltage Cable Carrier Communication in Distribution Network;中压电缆载波通信在配网中的应用与研究

2.It is mainly applied in voltage power cables and control cables.主要用于中低压电力电缆和控制电缆的绝缘。

3.Use24 V safe voltage whose power is supplied by signal cable.采用24V安全电压,信号线缆集中供电。

4.The Application of EPR in MV/HV Power Cables in China乙丙橡胶在我国中高压电缆中的应用

5.Method to Reduce Shrinkage of Insulation in LV/MV XLPE Cables减少中低压交联电缆绝缘收缩的方法

6.Application of the Printing by the Hot-Press Printing Wheel in the Wire and Cable Industry浅谈热压印字轮印字在电缆中的应用

7.Prefabricated Accessories for HV Cross-linked Polyethylene Insulated Cables高压交联聚乙烯绝缘电缆线路中的预制式电缆附件

8.Property of Current in Outer Semiconducting Layer of Cable Winding Transformer电缆绕组变压器外半导电层中的电流特性

9.Research on the Suppression Method of Space Charge in High Voltage Direct Current Plastic Insulated Cables高压直流塑料电缆中空间电荷抑制方法研究

10.Application of VSWR Images in RF Coaxial Cable Manufacturing电压驻波比图像在RF电缆制造中的应用

11.Analysis of ground fault current distribution along EHV cable lines超高压电缆网络中接地系统的电流分布研究

12.Statistical characteristics analysis of partial discharge in high-voltage cable joint高压电缆中间接头局部放电统计特性分析

13.Update and analysis of economic current density for medium and low voltage copper cables中低压铜芯电缆经济电流密度的更新与分析

14.Matters Needing Attention in the Application of MV EPR Insulating Compounds中压乙丙绝缘橡胶电缆料应用中注意的问题

15.Induced Voltage and Current Unbalanced Factor when Medium-and-High Voltage Single-Core Cables Paralleled中高压单芯电缆并联时感应电压和电流不平衡系数

16.wireline pressure setting assembly电缆工具压力坐封装置

17.C battery substation变压器室电缆汇接间

18.Research on Power Frequency Withstand Voltage Test of XLPE Cable Insulation Checking;工频耐压试验在XLPE电缆绝缘检测中的研究


MV/HV power cables中高压电力电缆

1.Analysis of the constructional characteristics of the metal screen used inMV/HV power cables;中高压电力电缆金属屏蔽结构特性分析

2.EPR is more and more used as insulation forMV/HV power cables such as closed busbar cables in power plant,jumbo cables,mining cables etc.用于电厂封闭母线的电缆、盾构电缆、煤矿用电缆等中高压电力电缆的绝缘越来越多地采用乙丙橡胶。

3)LV and MV XLPE power cables中低压电力电缆

4)MV shielded cable中压屏蔽电缆

1.MV shielded cables are widely applied in power network, and cable accessories are often used to protect the protective coating fracture at the cable terminal and the intermediate joint.针对中压屏蔽电缆目前广泛应用于电网,而使用中会发生终端和中间连接处防护层断口,所以经常用电缆附件对断口进行防护的问题,对冷缩中压电缆附件进行了详细的介绍,比较了该类产品与热缩产品的优劣,并对国内主要冷缩产品的性能进行了分析,指出需要改进之处。

5)joint box for high-voltage cable高压电缆中间头

6)MV XLPE cable中压交联电缆

1.The metallic shield is indispensable forMV XLPE cables.金属屏蔽层是中压交联电缆不可或缺的结构。



