100字范文 > 责任公平 responsibility fair英语短句 例句大全

责任公平 responsibility fair英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-01 01:22:10


责任公平 responsibility fair英语短句 例句大全

责任公平,responsibility fair

1)responsibility fair责任公平

2)fair liability公平责任

1.It argues that we should introducefair liability into the old system in the aim of remedying the defect of non-fault liability.现阶段应引入二元归责体系,以公平责任弥补无过错责任原则在保护上的单方性和惩罚上的绝对性之不足,使两者能够在该体系中实现互补与协调统一,真正构建出相对合理的归责体系。

2.That is to say,it s mainly the principle of faultliability withfair liability.笔者以校生关系为切入点,在理论上分析了学校体育伤害事故的责任认定,依据民法及相关法律,确立了学校体育伤害事故责任认定的归责原则,以过错责任为主要归责原则,同时辅以公平责任原则,并详细阐述了学校的责任和学生的责任,以期分清责任是非,明确责任主体,确保各方的合法权益。

3.Through the comparison betweenfair liability and content of risk involvement in views of law, it is proposed the theory "content of risk involvement" is applicable.对体育运动中"如果一方致使另一方受到伤害,但双方当事人却均无过错的案例"其法律适用上该如何处理的争议,通过法律角度分析公平责任、自甘冒险理论及二者之比较,提出其应适用于自甘冒险理论,从而为体育发展中的法制化建设提供一条新的思路。


1.Economic law focused on no-fault liability and responsibility of equitable responsibility, with a particular focus on the equitable responsibility.经济法责任侧重于无过错责任和公平责任,尤其侧重于公平责任。

2.On the Principle of Equitable Liability of Tort Liability Act in our Country浅议我国侵权责任法之公平责任原则

3.On Fair Duty Principle;论公平责任原则——兼议公平责任原则的高职教学

4.To avoid misunderstanding of the concept, it is suggested to rename "fair liability" as "balance liability".建议将“公平责任”改称“衡平责任”,以避免概念理解上的混乱。

5.A Critical Review of "Fair Liability" in Chinese Civil Law;对我国民法上的“公平责任”的质疑

6.Fair Liability and Content of Risk Involvement Comparison in Sports Activities;对体育运动中公平责任与自甘冒险的比较分析

7.Educational Equity Responsibility of Government and Its Boundary in the Transition Period;转型时期政府的教育公平责任及其边界

8.The Limitation of Applying "Equitable Responsibility" Principle to Medical Cases;浅析医疗行为适用“公平责任”原则的局限性

anizations are flat,with responsibility delegated way down.公司组织结构扁平化,责任下放。

10.The Study of Risk Management for Ping An Securities Company;平安证券有限责任公司风险管理研究

11.The Justice of Enterprise Employee: Responsibility Attribution Perspective;企业员工公平感研究:责任归因的视角

12.A Brief Analysis on the Balance Between Social Duty of the Company and Shareholders Interests;浅论公司社会责任与股东利益的平衡

13.A delicate balance must be reached that combines the duties of each individual with the responsibilities of the government and companies.要在每一个人的责任和政府与公司的责任之间达成微妙的平衡。

14."Strict, retroactive, and joint and several liability isn"t fair."“从严处理、秋后算账、追究连责任和多方责任的做法是不公平的”

15.Sense of Responsibility and Justice and Organizational Citizenship Behavior:A Study of the Relationship;责任意识、公平感与组织公民行为之关系研究

16.Well, there"s Public Liability insurance.还有“公共责任险”。

17.civic duties, responsibilities etc公民的义务、 责任.

18.a conscientious decision to speak out about injustice.凭良心的负责任的决定说出不公平的事情。


fair liability公平责任

1.It argues that we should introducefair liability into the old system in the aim of remedying the defect of non-fault liability.现阶段应引入二元归责体系,以公平责任弥补无过错责任原则在保护上的单方性和惩罚上的绝对性之不足,使两者能够在该体系中实现互补与协调统一,真正构建出相对合理的归责体系。

2.That is to say,it s mainly the principle of faultliability withfair liability.笔者以校生关系为切入点,在理论上分析了学校体育伤害事故的责任认定,依据民法及相关法律,确立了学校体育伤害事故责任认定的归责原则,以过错责任为主要归责原则,同时辅以公平责任原则,并详细阐述了学校的责任和学生的责任,以期分清责任是非,明确责任主体,确保各方的合法权益。

3.Through the comparison betweenfair liability and content of risk involvement in views of law, it is proposed the theory "content of risk involvement" is applicable.对体育运动中"如果一方致使另一方受到伤害,但双方当事人却均无过错的案例"其法律适用上该如何处理的争议,通过法律角度分析公平责任、自甘冒险理论及二者之比较,提出其应适用于自甘冒险理论,从而为体育发展中的法制化建设提供一条新的思路。

3)fair responsibility公平责任

1.In China,ascription principle of civil law should consist principle of error responsibility,error deduction,fair responsibility,non-error r.我国民法的归责原则体系应由过错责任原则、过错推定原则、公平责任原则、无过错责任原则和严格责任原则组

4)equitable liability公平责任

1.There is some contradiction about theequitable liability in the civil law.我国《民法通则》第132条将公平责任原则作为一般性的归责原则存在诸多悖论,公平责任原则存在理论上和概念上的模糊性,在司法实践中难于操作。

2.The current civil norms such as common strict,the liability of building and the principle ofequitable liability can not be used to solve these cases.以重庆“烟灰缸”案为代表的一系列建筑物抛掷物致人损害案件具有侵权人不明确的特征,无法适用共同危险行为理论、建筑物责任和公平责任原则,在我国现行法律中难以得到合法合理的解决。

3.In resolving students injury disputes,not only fault liability but also liability without fault orequitable liability is applie.学校不是在校未成年学生任何意义上的监护人 ,但由于家长和学校之间存在着实际上的委托关系 ,所以学校对在校未成年学生负有部分监护职责 ;处理学生人身伤害事件不能只依据过错责任原则 ,学校也并不只是承担过错责任 ,在特殊情况下 ,学校还要承担无过错责任甚至公平责任。

5)On Equitable Liability论公平责任

6)fair liability principle公平责任原则

1.Fair liability principle is independent liability for tort principle, is a necessary complement for fault liability principle and non-fault liability principle, embody fair principle of civil law, adapt reality need.公平责任原则是独立的侵权行为归责原则,是对过错责任原则和无过错责任原则的必要补充,体现民法的公平原则,适应现实需要。


