100字范文 > 公平性 fairness英语短句 例句大全

公平性 fairness英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-26 03:05:12


公平性 fairness英语短句 例句大全



1.Analysis onfairness of the financial contribution in new rural cooperative medical care in Shanxi province;山西省新型农村合作医疗家庭筹资公平性分析

2.Convergence andfairness of power control algorithm for wireless sensor networks;无线传感网络功控算法的收敛性及公平性

3.An improved algorithm research of bandwidthfairness among data flows;一种改善数据流间带宽公平性的算法研究


1.Fairness and Mathematical Approach (Ⅲ) Fair Division;公平性与数学化(III)公平分配

2.FERED:Fairness Enhancement REDFERED:公平性增强的RED算法

3.Empirical Research on Relationship between Organizational Justice and Service Fairness;组织公平性与服务公平性关系的实证研究

4.Raising Medical Insurance Level and Pertecting Medical Lasurance System;提升中国医疗保障水平与公平性研究

5.Strand Spaces Analysis of Fairness on Fair Exchange Protocol公平交换协议公平性的串空间分析方法

6.On the Statistical Analysis of Customer"s Perceived Fairness under the Situation of Service Consumption服务消费中顾客公平感知公平性统计分析

7.View Equity and Justice in Labor Relations from the Nature of Capital从资本属性看劳资关系的平等性和公平性

8.On Justice of Chinese Housing Provident System;我国住房公积金制度公平性问题研究

9.Research of the Equality of Chinese Listed Companies Consideration;我国上市公司股改对价的公平性研究

10.An investigation report on the fairness of enrollment examination of civilian servants;公务员考试录用公平性问题调查报告

11.The Research of Equity in the Process of Performance Evaluation of Public Sector我国公共部门绩效评估的“公平性”研究

12.Research on the Fairness of the Public Welfare Distribution Based on the Pubic Finance基于公共财政的公共福利分配公平性研究

13.Protection of Impartiality and Elimination of Limitations in "All are equal before the scores";分数面前人人平等的公平性守护和局限性消除

14.On Equality Between Men and Wome;走向两性平等——教育公平性别视角的分析

15.The Influence of Slack Bus Setting to the Electric Transaction Fairness;平衡节点设置对电力交易公平性的影响

16.Research on the Current Fairness of the Civil Servants Recruitment;现阶段我国公务员考录程序公平性研究

17.On Study of Public Investment Policy and Social Equality on Compulsory Education in Rural Region of China;农村义务教育公共投入政策公平性研究

18.Gender Equity, Equality and Empowerment of Women两性公平、平等和赋予妇女权力



1.Analysis on theequity on health resource distribution in Nantong City;南通市卫生资源分布公平性分析

2.Analysis onequity in utilization of health services among patients 0~17 years old in China.;中国0~17岁人口两周患病服务利用公平性分析

3.Study onequity of health resources distribution in Chongqing City;重庆市卫生资源配置公平性研究


1.On Justice of Chinese Housing Provident System;我国住房公积金制度公平性问题研究

2.Itsjustice and accessibility is gaining a good reputation.香港地区的医疗卫生制度由早期的慈善机构提供演进到现在比较完善的架构,其公平性与可及性受到赞誉。

3.There exists injustice in Qualification Test of Publishing, and it mainly lies in assessor and examinee, the subjects, time for preparing, the decision of passing line and the eligible subjects.指出首次出版专业资格考试在以下5个方面存在着某种程度的不公平性:评定与考试、考试科目、备考时间、合格线划分、合格科目等,提出合格分数线的灵活掌握不失为一种有效的改正方法。


1.Analysis ofimpartiality in health care industry;我国医疗卫生事业公平性分析

2.Motivation andimpartiality of organizational culture;论企业文化的激励性与公平性

3.Corporate culture type research based on motivation andimpartiality;基于激励性与公平性特征的企业文化模式研究


1.RevealingEquality of Healthcare Through Analyzing the Relationship between Severity of Patients and Their Hospitalization expenses;从病情危重度与住院费用的关系看卫生服务的公平性

2.Research of theEquality of Chinese Listed Companies Consideration;我国上市公司股改对价的公平性研究

3.TheEquality Analysis of Compulsory Education Funds Distribution among Areas;我国地区间义务教育经费配置的公平性探析

6)gender equity性别公平

1.The problems and strategies ofgender equity in China s basic education;中国基础教育性别公平存在的问题和对策

2.This article reviews gender issues in China Poverty Alleviation Policies and the impacts of policies ongender equity, showing thegender equity approach and the process of gender mainstreaming.今天,对发展的理解已经超越经济增长的范畴,而更关注包括性别公平在内的人民的参与和自由度的提高,各国的政策干预也越来越多地体现了发展的多重目标。

3.And the field of education in China are subject to the "gender equity" impact, began to explore the "feminist" Localization in China, in a bid to build gender-equitable education system.而我国的教育领域则受“性别公平说”影响,开始探讨“女性主义”在中国的本土化问题,力图建构体现性别公平的教育体制。


连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-
