100字范文 > 动态光谱法 Dynamic spectrum英语短句 例句大全

动态光谱法 Dynamic spectrum英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-23 20:36:37


动态光谱法 Dynamic spectrum英语短句 例句大全

动态光谱法,Dynamic spectrum

1)Dynamic spectrum动态光谱法

1.The Detection of Dynamic Spectrum Based on Spatial Domain Spectroscopy;动态光谱法就是针对这个问题而提出的一种全新的近红外无创血液成份浓度检测方法。


1.Preliminary Study of the Non-invasive Measurement of Blood Compositions Based on Dynamic Spectroscopy;动态光谱法血液成分无创检测初步研究

2.Increasing SNR of Dynamic Spectrum Method Using Harmonic Waves利用谐波分量提高动态光谱法的信噪比

3.The Detection of Dynamic Spectrum Based on Spatial Domain Spectroscopy;基于空域分光法的动态光谱信号检测

4.Spectrometric Determination of Platinum and Palladium in Iron Ores with Preliminary Active Carbon Adsorption活性碳动态吸附—光谱法测定铁矿石中的铂和钯

5.Welding arc emissive spectrum dynamic diagnosis and it"s application焊接电弧发射光谱的动态诊断方法及其应用

6.High-resolution Spcctroscopy of Molecular Highly Excited Vibrational States by High-sensitive Intracavity Laser Absorption Spectrometer用高灵敏度激光腔内吸收光谱方法研究分子高振动态的高分辨光谱

7.Study on the Detect Theories and Signal Acquisition for Dynamic Spectrum;近红外无创血液成分测量—动态光谱检测理论及信号提取方法研究

8.The study on Amplified Spontaneous Emission Broadband Light(ASE) Spectrum Characteristic FBG dynamic demodulation methods;放大自发辐射宽带光源(ASE)谱特性FBG动态解调方法的研究

9.Determination of arsenic speciation in environmental samples by flow injection hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry流动注射-氢化物发生-原子吸收光谱法测定环境样品中砷的形态

10.The Dynamic Spectrum Measurement System Based on Multi-wavelength LED基于多波长LED的动态光谱测量系统

11.The Determination of the Atomic or Ionic Ground State;原子(或离子)基态光谱项推算方法

12.Speciations and Distributions of Arsenic and Mercury in Erigeron Breviscapus by Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry原子荧光光谱法分析灯盏花中汞和砷的形态

13.Determination of Organic and Inorganic Selenium in Soybean by Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry原子荧光光谱法测定大豆中不同形态的硒

parison of Some Methods for the Spectral Analyses of the Active Objects at the Solar Disk太阳圆面活动体光谱分析方法的比较

15.Study on Determination of Albumin in Animal Body Fluid by Spectrographic Methods;光谱法测定动物体液中白蛋白的研究

16.Study of Asymmetric Frequency Shift of the Fermi Resonance in the Raman Spectra拉曼光谱法研究非对称移动费米共振

17.A Novel Dynamic Spectrum Allocation Algorithm Based on POMDP Reinforcement Learning基于POMDP强化学习的动态频谱分配算法

18.Apparatus for Detecting Transient Absorption Spectra in Condensed Phase凝聚相瞬态吸收光谱及动力学测量装置


Dynamic spectrum动态光谱

1.The Pick-up of the Dynamic Spectrum and Its Precision Accuracy Analyse;动态光谱信号的提取与精度分析

2.The Data Acquisition and Pretreatment of Dynamic Spectrum Based on Linear CCD and FPGA;基于线阵CCD及FPGA的动态光谱数据采集与预处理

3.Processing of singularity in detection of dynamic spectrum动态光谱幅值检测中的奇异值剔除

3)in-situ dynamic IR原位动态红外光谱法

4)transient spectroscopy瞬态光谱法

5)Dynamic Spectrum Analysis动态光谱分析

6)Kinetic absorption spectra动态吸收光谱


