100字范文 > 逆相蒸发-探头超声法 Reverse evaporation method and probe ultrasonic technique英语短句 例句大全

逆相蒸发-探头超声法 Reverse evaporation method and probe ultrasonic technique英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-02 06:33:08


逆相蒸发-探头超声法 Reverse evaporation method and probe ultrasonic technique英语短句 例句大全

逆相蒸发-探头超声法,Reverse evaporation method and probe ultrasonic technique

1)Reverse evaporation method and probe ultrasonic technique逆相蒸发-探头超声法

2)reverse evaporation method逆相蒸发法

1.Azithromycin liposome was prepared with the granular soya lecithin byreverse evaporation method.采用逆相蒸发法,利用大豆粉状磷脂制备阿奇霉素脂质体。


1.Preparation and quality evaluation of tea polyphenol liposomes by reverse-phase evaporation逆相蒸发法制备茶多酚脂质体及质量评价

2.Running summaries on three-effect countercurrent evaporation devices of Alfalaval阿法拉伐三效逆流蒸发装置运行总结

3.Preparation of Fluorouracil Liposomes by pH-gradients Method Coupled with Reverse Evaporation TechniquepH梯度法结合逆向蒸发法制备氟尿嘧啶脂质体

4.English blowing英式蒸呢法(顺逆向两次蒸呢)

5.Study on the Heat of Evaporation of Organic Compounds by Gas Chromatography;气相色谱法研究有机化合物的蒸发热

6.Application of Normal Phase Liquid Chromatography-Evaporative Light-Scattering Detection for Determination of Paraffin Wax in Food正相液相色谱-蒸发光散射法测定食品中的石蜡

7.Flash evaporation-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry for the analysis of volatile compounds in Ligusticum chuanxiong Hort闪蒸气相色谱质谱法测定中药川芎挥发性成分

8.METHODS The essential oil was extracted by steam distillation and analyzed by GC-MS technique.方法用水蒸气蒸馏法提取白鲜皮挥发油并用气相色谱-质谱技术分析。

9.Study on Pretreatment of Pharmaceutical Waste Water Using Technology of Azeotropic Distillation and Countercurrent Evaporation共沸蒸馏-二效逆流蒸发工艺预处理化学合成制药废水

10.Research on Evaporation Loss of Natural Draft Counter-flow Wet Cooling Towers;自然通风逆流湿式冷却塔蒸发水损失研究

11.Research on the Relationship of Water Evaporations Between Two Different Evaporators不同蒸发器水面蒸发量相互关系分析研究

12.testing method for evaporation loss of lubricating grease润滑脂蒸发量测定方法

13.Using Flash Distillation-Capillary Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry to Analyze the Volatile Compnents in Chinese Herbal Medicines(Ⅲ)闪蒸-毛细管气相色谱-质谱法分析中草药的挥发性成份(Ⅲ)

14.The Research on Formation Regularities of Phases of Binary Alloy Nanometer Powders Prepared by Arc Evaporation;电弧加热蒸发法制备二元合金纳米粉末的相生成规律研究

15.Determination of Astragaloside in Health Foods by HPLC-ELSD高效液相色谱法-蒸发光散射检测器测定保健食品中黄芪甲苷含量

parison between Simultaneous Distillation-Extraction Method and Head Space-Solid Phase Micro-extraction Method for GC-MS Analysis of Volatile Components in Douchi同时蒸馏萃取与顶空固相微萃取法分析豆豉挥发性成分

17.Simultaneous HPLC-ELSD Determination of Monosaccharide,Disaccharide and Fructo-oligosaccharides高效液相色谱—蒸发光散射检测法同时测定单糖、双糖及低聚果糖

18.Analysis of Volatile Components in Ginger by Microextraction-Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry同时蒸馏微萃取气相色谱质谱法分析生姜中挥发性化学成分


reverse evaporation method逆相蒸发法

1.Azithromycin liposome was prepared with the granular soya lecithin byreverse evaporation method.采用逆相蒸发法,利用大豆粉状磷脂制备阿奇霉素脂质体。

3)reverse evaporating method逆相蒸发法

1.Ganciclovir liposome was prepared byreverse evaporating method.采用逆相蒸发法制备更昔洛韦脂质体,同时对所制脂质体进行了表征和稳定性分析。

2.Methods The liposomes were prepared by thereverse evaporating method.方法采用逆相蒸发法制备脂质体。

3.Methods:Prostaglandin E1 liposome was prepared by thereverse evaporating method and using the technique of HPLC combined with solid phase extraction to determine the concentration of prostaglandin E1 in liposome and the encapsulation.方法:采用逆相蒸发法制备前列腺素1E脂质体,固相萃取-高效液相色谱法测定主药含量及包封率,并用加速试验对制剂的稳定性作出初步考察。

4)reverse phase evaporation逆相蒸发法

1.MethodsThe liposomes were prepared byreverse phase evaporation technique.方法采用逆相蒸发法制备。

2.Through the experiments, it was proved that PST liposome prepared byreverse phase evaporation could be in the most stable state under neutral pH of environmental solution and refrigerated storage.通过逆相蒸发法制备猪用生长激素脂质体 ,重点探讨外界环境和主要原料对猪用生长激素脂质体化学稳定性的影响 。

3.Methods The liposomes were prepared by film dispersion-ultrasonic andreverse phase evaporation technique.方法薄膜分散-超声法、逆相蒸发法制备脂质体,HPLC测定硫酸多黏菌素E脂质体包封率,正交设计法优化脂质体处方。

5)Reverse phase evaporation method逆相蒸发法

1.Lysozyme Liposomes were prepared by reverse phase evaporation method.采用逆相蒸发法,考察了溶剂密度、膜材浓度、制备温度和超声时间等因素对溶菌酶脂质体包封率、稳定性及形态学的影响。

6)Reverse phase film-evaporation逆相蒸发薄膜法


