100字范文 > 救助系统 rescue system英语短句 例句大全

救助系统 rescue system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-06 14:16:53


救助系统 rescue system英语短句 例句大全

救助系统,rescue system

1)rescue system救助系统


1.GMDSS - Global Marine Defense Safe System全球海上安全救助系统

2.Study on the Highway Traffic Emergency Aid System and Support Decision-making of Aid Resources Allocation高速公路交通事故紧急救助系统与救助资源配置辅助决策研究

3.Analysis on Establishing Security and Emergency System of Wenzhou Oceanic and Fishery Administration浅析温州市海洋渔业船舶安全救助系统的建设

4.Case-Based Reasoning Disaster Salvation System Based on Alternative Arithmetic基于替代算法的案例推理灾害救助系统

5.satellite-aided search and rescue programme卫星协助搜索救援系统

6.Research on Marine Search and Rescue Assistant Decision-making System Based on GIS;基于GIS的海上搜救辅助决策系统研究

7.Studies on the Auxiliary Decision-making System for Emergency Response and Preparedness Against Biological Hazards生物危害应急救援辅助决策系统研究

8.Constructing China"s Social Capital System in Social Assistance构建我国社会救助中的社会资本系统

9.Motion control for rescue robot based on PC104 and FPGA基于PC104单板微机和FPGA的救援救助机器人运动控制系统设计

10.Research on the associated system of city emergency of Zhengzhou medicare,fire alarm and police system郑州市MFPS城市紧急救助联动系统的研究

11.Research of Rescuing Commanding Aid Decision System in Mine Fires;矿井火灾救援指挥辅助决策系统的研究

12.The Research of the Electronic-hydraulic Controlling Method of Salvage Equipment System at Abominable Sea Condition;高海况救助设备系统电液控制技术研究

13.Establishment of Social Assistance System for Urban Poor University Students;建构城市贫困大学生统一社会救助体系

14.A Design of Safety Monitoring and Assistant Rescue System for Mining in Pits;一种矿下安全监测与辅助救险系统的设计

15.Oil Recovery System of 8000 kW Salvage Ship8000kW海洋救助船浮油回收系统及设备简介

16.Development and Application of Intelligent Assistant System for Resuscitation Infusion输液抢救智能辅助计算系统的研发与应用

17.Design and Research on Dam-break Rescue Support System Based on GIS基于GIS的溃坝救助支持系统设计与研究

18.Forest Fire Fighting Decision-making Assistant System Based on Arcengine基于AE技术的森林火灾扑救辅助决策系统


succour system for perils of the sea海难救助系统

3)rescue assist system辅助救援系统

4)Guard and rescue system防范与救助系统

5)relief system救助体系

1.Disaster relief work is combined work of different fields and units, the integrated disasterrelief system of Federal Emergency System of US is a set of comprehensive disaster prevention and relief direct and control system, and plays important role in disaster prevention and emergence response.分析探讨其构成、职能及运作的成功经验 ,对于改革我国现有的分散的灾害救助体系有借鉴意

6)Salvorial Relation救助关系


《1979年国际海上搜寻救助公约》为开展国际合作搜寻营救海上遇险人员而制定的公约。政府间海事协商组织(简称海协,现改称国际海事组织)于1979年4月9~27日在汉堡召开国际海上搜寻救助会议,讨论并制定《1979年国际海上搜寻救助公约》。公约强调发扬人道主义,规定缔约国在本国的法律、规章制度许可的情况下,应批准其他缔约国的救助单位为了搜寻发生海难的地点和营救遇险人员而立即进入或越过其领海或领土。公约的附则对搜寻救助的组织、国家间的合作、搜寻救助的准备措施、工作程序和船舶报告制度等作了规定。截至1984年8月31日已有 15个国家参加了公约。公约自1985年6月22日起生效。中国于 1985年6月24日核准了公约。
