100字范文 > 井下搜救系统 under mine rescue system英语短句 例句大全

井下搜救系统 under mine rescue system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-01 15:24:22


井下搜救系统 under mine rescue system英语短句 例句大全

井下搜救系统,under mine rescue system

1)under mine rescue system井下搜救系统

2)the mine rescuing system井下救援系统

3)search and rescue system搜救系统

1.Based on fuzzy comprehensive evaluation and fuzzy inference,evaluation indicators system and a novel evaluation method forsearch and rescue system adaptability were set up;and this method was proved to be practicable.应用模糊综合评价与模糊推理方法,建立了搜救系统适应性评价指标体系和数学模型;应用该模型对海上搜寻与救助系统进行适应性定量评价,分析了海上搜救系统的运行情况,评价结果与实际相符,说明该方法具有一定的应用价值和创新水平。


1.IMO search and rescue system国际海事组织搜救系统

2.Assessment of the Search Action Capability of Search & Rescue System of Earthquake Disaster地震灾害搜救系统的搜索行动能力评价研究

3.COSMOS Search and Rescue Satellite Aided Tracking低高度近极轨道卫星搜救系统

4.The Design of Locating, Supervising and Rescuing System for Mining Staff;矿井人员定位、管理、搜救系统的设计

5.Research on Adaptability Evaluation of Search and Rescue System Based on Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation and Fuzzy Inference;基于模糊综合和模糊推理的搜救系统适应性评价

6.Design of 3G/GPS-based Sea Typhoon Warning and Search and Rescue System Solution基于3G/GPS的海上台风预警和搜救系统的方案设计

7.Application Research of Wireless Body Sensor Network in Underground Personnel Searching and Rescuing System无线躯体传感网络在井下人员搜救系统中的应用研究

8.satellite-aided search and rescue programme卫星协助搜索救援系统

9.Mine Emergency Search and Rescue Technology and System Research Base on RFID基于RFID的矿山应急救援搜救技术与系统研究

10.global seminar on maritime search and rescue system海上搜索救援系统全球讲习班

11.Research on Marine Search and Rescue Assistant Decision-making System Based on GIS;基于GIS的海上搜救辅助决策系统研究

12.Research and Design on the SAR DSS;海上搜救决策支持系统的研究与开发

13.Speech Technical Research in Maritime Search and Rescue Simulation System海上搜救模拟系统中的语音技术研究

14.Research on Mathematical Model of the Helicopter in Maritime SAR Simulation System;海上搜救仿真系统中直升机数学模型的研究

15.Based on Intelligence Maritime Search Simulation Modeling Research;基于智能的海上搜救模拟系统模型研究

16.Research of Establishment and Application of Climate Modeling in Maritime Search Simulation System海上搜救模拟系统中气象模型的建立与应用

17.Design of the coalmine rescuing and detecting robot and its control system煤矿井下搜救探测机器人及其控制系统设计

18.The application of UML in modeling of special research & rescue robot"s control systemUML在特种搜救机器人控制系统建模中的应用


the mine rescuing system井下救援系统

3)search and rescue system搜救系统

1.Based on fuzzy comprehensive evaluation and fuzzy inference,evaluation indicators system and a novel evaluation method forsearch and rescue system adaptability were set up;and this method was proved to be practicable.应用模糊综合评价与模糊推理方法,建立了搜救系统适应性评价指标体系和数学模型;应用该模型对海上搜寻与救助系统进行适应性定量评价,分析了海上搜救系统的运行情况,评价结果与实际相符,说明该方法具有一定的应用价值和创新水平。

4)Galileo SAR system伽利略搜救系统

5)maritime SAR simulation system海上搜救系统

6)underground rescue井下救援


