100字范文 > 实例教学法 example teaching英语短句 例句大全

实例教学法 example teaching英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-08 11:23:24


实例教学法 example teaching英语短句 例句大全

实例教学法,example teaching

1)example teaching实例教学法

1.Theexample teaching is a good way to solve them.针对公安管理专业学生在学习公安统计学时普遍存在的抽象难懂、学而会用的状况,应用实例教学法可以较好地解决这一难题。


1.Discussion on Example Teaching in Police Statistics公安统计学教学中的实例教学法探讨

2.Instance Teaching Method for AutoCAD;实例教学法在AutoCAD教学中的应用

3.Case Teaching Methods in the Java Language Teaching实例教学法在Java语言教学中的应用

4.Application of the pedagogy examples in AutoCAD teachingAutoCAD教学中实例教学法的应用

5.Analysis on theExperiment-teaching Method and the Case-teaching Method in the Class of“hives-analysis”;《文检》课实验教学法与案例教学法探析

6.Discussion on the Cases Methodology in Multimedia Teaching;在课堂教学中实施案例教学法的探讨

7.Our Experience of Case-Based Teaching in Pharmacology Bilingual Education;药理学双语教学中实施病例教学法的实践体会

8.On the Enforcement of Case Teaching Method in the Reform of Law Teaching;论案例教学法在法学教学改革中的实施

9.The Advanced Math Teaching Method of “Case and Experiment” in Higher Vocational Colleges;高职高等数学“案例与实验”教学法初探

10.The Model of the Case Teaching of Statistics;《统计学》课程案例教学法及其实现模式

11.Practice and evaluation of case teaching method for nursing ethics护理伦理学案例教学法的实践与评价

12.The Misuse of Case Teaching Method in Law Education and Ways to Improve It;法学教育中实施案例教学法的误区及完善

13.Practice & Probe of Integrated Application of Case Method & Seminar Method to Law Teaching in Undergraduate Course;案例教学法与Seminar教学法综合运用于法学本科教学的实践与探索

14.MethodologyBased on Cases --Some consideration about the practice of methodologybased on cases in the teaching of the course of ‘Basis of Law’;论案例教学法——关于《法律基础》课实施案例教学法的若干思考

15.Applying Case Teaching to the Curriculum of P.E. for Middle Schools;《中学体育教学法》课程中实施案例教学的研究

16.A Dip into Case Methods of Teaching;关于中学英语教学中的案例教学法的实施

17.Practice and research of case teaching method in teaching of preventive medicine案例教学法在预防医学教学中的实践与探索

18.On Case Study Approach of Higher Vocational English Practical Courses;论高职英语实践课程中的案例教学法


example-driven education method实例驱动教学法

3)example teaching实例教学

1.In the course of teaching,we need to import the students interesting, as well as the ability of program compiling,logical thinking and settling integration problem with adopting the way ofexample teaching and illumination teaching.教学中要培养学生兴趣,采用实例教学、启发式教学方法,注重培养学生的程序编写能力、逻辑思维能力、综合解决问题的能力。

2.This paper includesexample teaching,group study,software engineering laboratory building,and many other content.本文根据SE对软件工程的毕业生的要求,提出了一些加强学生能力的方法和建议,包括实例教学、分组学习、软件工程实验室的建设等多方面的内容。

3.This paper based on C++ Program design course,discussed theexample teaching method for programming language course,gave the program example design method and designed a web based program example self-learning system,which remedied the shortage of example in classroom teaching,and instructed the students studying examples on the system by providing a adaptive learning control strategy.本文以"C++程序设计"课程为对象,探讨了大学编程语言课的实例教学方法,进行了C++程序实例设计,并提出构建一个基于Web的程序实例自学系统,弥补了课堂教学实例数量不足的问题,同时在系统中提供了自适应实例学习控制策略作为学生实例学习的指导。

4)Case Teaching实例教学

1.In order to meet the Java language course teaching reform\"s requirements,This paper adopts case teaching methods to teach Java language on basis of personal teaching experience,which stimulates students\" interest and makes their taking the initiative to study by selecting some examples of representativeness.针对目前高职院校Java语言课程教学改革需要,该文结合实际教学经验,论述了使用实例教学法讲授Java语言,通过选取有代表性的实例,激发学生的学习兴趣,让学生愿意学习、主动学习。

2.Linking to our own university reality, the author has put forward some opinions or new ideas about how to develop case teaching and how to evaluate the case teaching efficiency.由于环境工程专业的特点及社会的需要,实例教学在环境工程专业的教学中显得尤为重要,传统的教学内容和教学方法已不适合此专业的教育。

5)teaching example教学实例

1.How to design a mission for driving and how to take a lesson for the purpose of "Mission Driving" will be disscussed through severalteaching examples.“任务驱动法”是一种“教师为主导,学生为主体”的新型教学模式,通过多个教学实例来探讨如何设计驱动的“任务”和如何上一堂以“任务驱动法”为目的的课。

2.In the course of exercise teaching,the question about cultivating students innovation abilites are discussed byteaching example,and some methods about cultivating students innovation abilites are given.在习题教学中 ,结合教学实例 ,探讨培养学生创新能力问题 ,指出了培养学生数学创新能力的一些途径 。

6)teaching instance教学实例

1.Discussing the task-based approach in foreign language teaching should take measures from meaning,principle andteaching instance of this approach.探索外语任务型教学模式应从任务型教学模式的含义、所遵循的原则及教学实例等方面进行研究。


