100字范文 > 诱导教学法 induction teaching英语短句 例句大全

诱导教学法 induction teaching英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-16 10:41:38


诱导教学法 induction teaching英语短句 例句大全

诱导教学法,induction teaching

1)induction teaching诱导教学法


1.On the Value of Inducement Teaching in the College Selective Course of Wushu;诱导教学法在高中武术选项课教学中的价值研究

2.The Practice of Inducing-inquiring Teaching Method in the teaching of Mathematic;“诱导探究教学法”在数学课中的实践

3.New Inquiries About Lead-up Method:a Motor Learning Perspective;诱导式教学法新探——运动技能学视角

4.Studying of the "Self-inquiry and Guided-solution" Teaching Methods;“自主探究—诱导解惑”式教学方法研究

5.Application of CAI Courseware and Inducement Creativity Teaching Method;CAI课件与诱导创作教学法应用浅探

6.Experimental Research on Combination-Guidance Teaching Method Used in P.E.;体育教学中运用“组合诱导”教学法的实验研究

7.a teacher who can motivate her pupils善于诱导学生的教师.

8.The Application of the Guidance in the Teaching and Training of the Juvenile Speed Skating;诱导法在少年速滑教学与训练中的运用

9.The Experimental Research on Inducement Teaching Method of Combination-Technique in Basketball Teaching;诱导式教学法在篮球组合技术教学中的实验研究

10.Motivation Stimulation and Teaching Strategy in TCFL;华语教学的内在动机诱导及教学策略

11.Induction teaching of different levels in hurdle race course in middle schools中学体育课跨栏跑中运用诱导分层教学法的研究

12.The application of the induction auxiliary exercises and the explanation of stimulant action in gymnastics practice teaching体操教学中诱导辅助练习与模拟动作讲解法的应用

13.The Chinese "Task-induction" Educational Model Studies;中学语文“任务诱导”教学模式研究

14.Some Factors for Students Induced Errors in English Teaching;英语教学中诱导学生犯错的某些因素

15.A combination of moral suasion-persuation, encouragement, counselling and cajoling, and impose fines or other forms of punishment.以劝解、说服、辅导、诱导、鼓励等软硬兼施的方法,促使学生完成教育。

16.Application of “Interest-inducing Teaching” in PE of Colleges;“诱趣教学法”在高校体育教育中的运用

17.Emphasize GuideArouse Interest--How to Improve the Effectiveness of Chemistry Teaching Largely;注重诱导 激发兴趣——大面积提高化学教学质量

18.On the Different Sexual Aesthetic Judgement of College Students ;and the Positive Inducation in Physical Teaching;论大学生审美的性别差异与体育教学的正诱导


inducement teaching method诱导式教学法

1.By means ofinducement teaching method,a good result can be achieved in the basketball teaching of combination-technique.通过采用诱导式教学法的实验研究,结果表明:在篮球组合技术教学中效果显著,实验班的测试成绩明显好于对照班,这种方法能够充分调动学生的积极性,增加师生间的信息交流,有利于培养学生的创新能力和教学能力,提高课堂教学质量。

3)guiding-inquiring method of teaching诱导探究教学法

4)inducement creativity method诱导创作教学法

5)inducing approach诱导性教学

1.This article is to provide students with platform and time to bring students’ positive factors and initiative to the full, combine the case study approach with chatting style approach in which teachers play the role of making comments andinducing approach with guiding approach, aiming at developing students’ comprehensive ability in the application of case study in three aspects.本文从把讲台和课时让给学生,充分发挥学生案例教学中的积极性和主动性;把案例教学法和闲聊式教学法结合起来,在点评中发挥教师的主导作用;把示范性教学和诱导性教学结合起来,立足于培养学生的综合能力等三个方面探讨案例教学法的有效运用。

6)inductive teaching诱导式教学

1.Research on experiment ofinductive teaching promotingsenior middle school students mental health;诱导式教学促进高中生身心健康的实验研究


