100字范文 > 分级尾砂 classified tailings英语短句 例句大全

分级尾砂 classified tailings英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-09 23:16:15


分级尾砂 classified tailings英语短句 例句大全

分级尾砂,classified tailings

1)classified tailings分级尾砂

1.HTG-45 ceramic filter was selected as the dewatering equipment forclassified tailings, and the industrial experiments show that the capacity of HTG-45 and the moisture of the treated tailings can meet the need of the backfilling system,and the energy consumption is only 25.采用国产的BST-6及HTG-1陶瓷过滤机对凡口铅锌矿的分级尾砂进行了过滤试验,通过对比,选定了HTG-45作为分级尾砂的过滤设备。

2.In this paper,the setting property of cement-classified tailings backfill slurry has been tested,according to test parameters,the trend curve of setting property under all kinds of conditions,the change laws of settling property with consistency and mix proportion have been analyzed.文中对矿山水泥-分级尾砂充填料浆进行沉降测试,根据测得的试验参数,得到各种情况下沉降参量的变化趋势线,分析了沉降参量随浓度、配比的变化规律。


1.Study on permeability of cement-classed tailings filling material水泥-分级尾砂充填材料渗透性能研究

2.Study on Settling Property of Cement-Classified Tailings Filling Slurry水泥-分级尾砂充填料浆的沉降性能研究

3.The Modification and Optimization Practice to the Cemented Backfill Process with Classified Tailing in Wushan Copper Mine武山铜矿分级尾砂胶结充填工艺成功改进与优化实践

4.Speciation and Bioavailability of Heavy Metals in Tailings and Agricultural Soils尾矿库尾砂及周边农田土壤重金属形态分布及其生物有效性

5.New application of upward slicing and filling by tailing in Chuang-Shang Gold Mine上向分层尾砂充填法在仓上金矿的新应用

6.Analysis on Shear Strength of Upstream Tailings under High Stress高应力条件下的上游法尾矿砂土抗剪强度分析

7.Research and application of the optimization of horizontal well step sand control technology水平井分级控砂工艺优化研究与应用

8.Study on the Classified Prediction of Damage Degree of Dendrolimus punctatus Walker马尾松毛虫危害程度分级预报的研究

9.graded soil mixture级配(砂)土混合料

10.Study on the Mechanical Parameters and the Method of Rockmass Classification of Sandy Surrounding Rock of Tunnel;砂质土隧道围岩力学参数及分级方法研究

11.Research on Measurement Method for Mortar Content of RCA and Its Classification再生粗骨料砂浆含量测定方法及分级研究

12.A preliminary study on gradation division of sand liquefaction by SPT method in the Panjin City precincts用标贯法对盘锦城区砂土液化进行等级分区

parative observation of MRI and histology of delayed graded compression of the dog cauda equina犬马尾神经分级压迫的MRI与组织学对比观察

14.A family-group rank below subfamily.(2) A taxon at the rank of tribe. Names of tribes have the suffix- INI.(1)一个亚科之下的科群层级。()个族级的分类单元。族名具有一INI字尾。

15.Study on Maoming Kaolin Tailing Sand Cycle Used in Construction茂名高岭土尾砂循环用作建筑用砂的研究

16.Application technology research of tailing sand in ordinary dry-mixed mortar尾矿砂在普通干混砂浆中的应用技术研究

17.These particles range from coarse silt to sand or pebble size.这些颗粒的大小变化范围是从粗粉砂级到砂级或细砂级。

18.These may range from coarse silt to sand or peble size.这些颗粒的大小变化范围,从粗粉砂级到砂级或细砂级。


naturally classified full tailings自然分级干尾砂

3)tailings gradation尾砂级配

1.Characteristics oftailings gradation are studied by using fractal theory.孔隙分形维数和分形维数相关率反映了尾砂粒度分布的整体信息,可用来判断尾砂级配的合理性。

4)semi-classification and semi-tailing filling半分级半全尾砂充填

5)total tailings全级配尾砂

6)Tailing classifying尾矿分级


采砂船碎散分级采砂船碎散分级breaking and screening of dredgingeo}shoehuon su一50门fenjl采砂船碎散分级(breaklng and sCreening。)fdredging)在采砂船上处理胶结的矿砂块或带矿的泥团.使矿砂离解出来成单体颗粒,并将离散的矿砂颗粒群筛分为两种以上的粒度级别的I一艺过程。也有称之夕鑫先矿采砂船上的碎散分级通常是在圆筒筛内完成。圆筒筛由筛架、筛板、支座、传动装置及筛内压力水管等主要部分组成筛板由6()。圆弧形的碳钢或高锰钢板制成;沿其纵向是由首端无孔段,中间是依次带有小孔和大孔的筛分段和尾端的无孔段组成;筛孔直径取决于矿物粒度的组成,通常孔径为8一16mm,最大达3()mm·孔形均为内小外大的圆锥形在圆筒筛内的中上部自首端到尾端布有胶球形活动的压力水喷嘴,水压力为。.3一。.SMPa。圆筒筛的直径,根据采砂船的生产能力确定,筛长通常是其直径的5~7倍。圆筒筛的安装角度为6。一7o圆筒筛工作时,采挖上来的原矿从首端进人筛内,随着圆筒筛的转动,物料向尾部移动,在此过程中物料受到压力水作用和机械作用下被破碎和筛分,小于筛孔的细粒物大部分依次通过筛孔流出,进人洗选作业。大于筛孔的砾石和少量小于筛孔的细粒物,从尾端通过砾石槽排弃掉。为了提高圆筒筛的碎散与筛效率,圆筒筛的结构有许多改进,如增长首端无孔段洗涤段长度,使其与有孔段长度之比值达到0.25一0.5,甚至更大;在筛内布设环形阻料环、纵向物料板及螺旋破碎齿,增长物料在筛内停留时间及机械碎散力;此外,对含泥量超过10丫的难洗砂矿,应采用新型擦洗圆筒筛,除首端无孔洗涤段加长外,中间为双层锥形圆孔筛板及尾部算条筛等,使之具有较强的洗矿、碎散能力与较高的筛分效率
