100字范文 > 高岭土尾砂 kaolin tailing sand英语短句 例句大全

高岭土尾砂 kaolin tailing sand英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-20 05:01:21


高岭土尾砂 kaolin tailing sand英语短句 例句大全

高岭土尾砂,kaolin tailing sand

1)kaolin tailing sand高岭土尾砂

1.Therefore,this article mainly on test study of Maomingkaolin tailing sand cycle used in construction and main content are as follows:The system comparative analysis of the various indexes of the physical properties was used in between Maomingkaolin tailing sand and natural sand as fine aggregate in construction.因此,本文以试验研究为主,对茂名高岭土尾砂循环用作建筑用砂进行研究,主要内容如下:对茂名高岭土尾砂与天然砂进行了在砂作为建筑用砂对细集料方面的物理性质各指标进行了系统的对比分析。


1.Study on Maoming Kaolin Tailing Sand Cycle Used in Construction茂名高岭土尾砂循环用作建筑用砂的研究

2.Resource Characteristics of Arenaceous Kaolin in China and Its Current Situation of Exploitation and Utilization我国砂质高岭土资源特点与开发利用现状

3.Study on the Occurrence Situation of Sulphides in Tailing from China Kaolin Clay Company中国高岭土公司尾矿中硫化矿物的存在状态

4.Analysis on Shear Strength of Upstream Tailings under High Stress高应力条件下的上游法尾矿砂土抗剪强度分析

5.Research on Color Slag Glass-Ceramic Preparing by Utilizing Pyrite Tailing Kaolin Mined from South of Sichuan;利用川南硫铁尾矿高岭土制备彩色矿渣微晶玻璃的研究

6.Research of Utilizing Kaolin From Pyritic Gangue to Produce Special Type Cement and Glass-Ceramic;利用川南硫铁尾矿高岭土制备特种水泥和微晶玻璃的研究

7.Study on the Mechanical Properties of Tailings Sand Reinforced by Geotextile;土工织物增强尾矿砂的力学性能研究

8.Application study on superfine tail mineral sand used in ready-mixed concrete尾矿特细砂在商品混凝土中应用探讨

9.An Experimental Research on the ASR Prevention of the Tailing Dinax Concrete尾矿砂石混凝土ASR预防的试验研究

10.Experimental research on the construction performance of the tailing dinax concrete尾矿砂石混凝土施工性能的试验研究

11.Working property and strength of the concrete mixed with Iron ore gangue铁尾矿砂混凝土的和易性与强度特点

12.a kaolin, mustard, etc poultice高岭土、 芥子末等泥罨剂.

13.Study on properties of thermal insulation glazed hollow bead concrete mixing with ore sand and tailing掺加铁矿砂尾砂的玻化微珠保温混凝土的性能研究

14.Research on Soilless Culture with Tailing Sandfrom Jinping Phosphate Mine;利用锦屏磷矿尾矿砂进行无土栽培的研究

15.Application of Caisson with Concrete without Sand in the Dewatering Engineering of Tailing Dam无砂混凝土沉井在尾矿坝降水工程中的应用

16.Effects of Ferrous Mill Tailings as Aggreagtes on Workability and Strength of Concrete铁尾矿砂对混凝土工作性和强度的影响

17.Research on concrete hollow block made of dry waste rock and tailing sand干选废石和尾矿砂生产混凝土空心砌块的研究

18.Speciation and Bioavailability of Heavy Metals in Tailings and Agricultural Soils尾矿库尾砂及周边农田土壤重金属形态分布及其生物有效性


kaolin tailings高岭土尾矿

3)sandy kaoline砂质高岭土

1.There are plentiful resources of associatedsandy kaoline and soft clay in the Tertiary coal measures in Changchang coal mine area, Hainan province.海南省长昌矿区第三纪煤系地层中伴生有丰富的砂质高岭土和软质粘土资源。


5)Pyrite tailing kaolin硫铁尾矿高岭土

6)weathing soundy kaolinite风化砂质高岭土


高岭土Al203·2Si02·2H20 分子量 261.96 性质 是一种粘土。有珍珠光泽,颜色纯白或淡灰,如含杂质较多时则呈黄、褐等色。大部分是致密状态或松散的土块状。容易分散于水或其他液体中,有滑腻感,泥土味。密度2.54-2.60 g/cm3。熔点约1785℃。具有可塑性,湿土能塑成各种形状而不致破碎,并能长期保持不变。 应用 主要用作纸张、橡胶、涂料等生产的填充料,以及绝缘材解、耐火材料、卫生材料、耐酸碱磁砖和管道等的原料。也可用作生产硫酸铝、群青等的原料。
