100字范文 > 民办中职 private secondary vocational school英语短句 例句大全

民办中职 private secondary vocational school英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-27 08:14:47


民办中职 private secondary vocational school英语短句 例句大全

民办中职,private secondary vocational school

1)private secondary vocational school民办中职


1.The Mode of Run a School in the Private Medium Vocational School;民办中职学校办学模式灵活多样化的探讨

2.Creative Mechanism: Greatly Develop Non-governmental Vocational Education in Quanzhou;创新机制 大力发展泉州民办中职教育

3.The Problems and Countermeasures to the Mid-Vocational Education of the Western Non-government;西部民办中职教育发展中的问题与对策

4.Research on the Function of Government in Private Education;政府在民办教育中的职能定位之研究

5.Research on the Quality Control Problems of Chinese Non-government Funded Vocational Education;中国民办中等职业教育的质量控制问题研究

6.In Discussion Compulsory Education Stage Voluntary School Development Government Function;试论义务教育阶段民办学校发展中的政府职能

7.Existing Problems in Private Vocational Colleges Teaching and Countermeasures;浅析民办高职院校教学中存在的问题及对策

8.The Effect of Family Factors on Students Vocational Ideal in Private-Owned Middle School;家庭因素对民办学校中学生职业理想的影响

9.On Government s Function in the Development of Non-governmental Higher Education;论政府在我国民办高等教育发展中的职能

10.On the Circumventing Moral Hazard of the Part-time Teachers in the Private Universities;民办高校兼职教师中的道德风险及其规避探析

11.Research in Current Situation and Development Strategy of Private Secondary Vocational Schools民办中等职业学校现状与发展对策研究

12.On the Mechanical Drawing Skills in the Private Vocational Training Institutions浅谈机械制图技能在民办高职院校中的培养

13.Cognition and practice of senior vocational education run by private universities;民办院校举办高职教育的认识与实践

14.The Guizhou Province Zhongshan Scientific and Technological School Marketing Strategy is Dicussed--The Medium-sized Vocational School Marketing Runned by the Folk is Discussed;贵州省中山科技学校营销战略探讨——民办中等职业学校营销探讨

15.Carry out the Higher Vocational Education Well And Raise Position of Technology in Culture of the Chinese Nation;办好高职教育,提高技术在中华民族文化中的地位

16.A Study on Non-governmental Primary and Middle School Educational Development and the Governmental Function in Lanzhou;兰州市民办中小学教育发展与政府职能的作用研究

17.On the Status of Teachers Professional Rights in Private Primary Schools and Middle Schools in Huaihua City;怀化市民办中小学教师职业权利的现状调查研究

18.Focus on Party Construction Run higher Vocational Education Efficiently;围绕中心抓党建 努力办好人民满意的高等职业教育


non-governmental vocational school民办职校

3)Private Vocational民办高职

1.The main feature of the paper is to analyze characteristics ofPrivate Vocational students and their ideological and political education on the basis of the status , basing on the "student-oriented, student-centered",linking the ideological and political education with daily management and services, drawing key initiatives to enhance the effectiveness of ideological and political education.民办高职学生是我国高校大学生中的一个特殊群体,其思想、心理和行为与普通高等学校学生既有共同之处又有其特殊性。

4)Civilian-owned secondary vocational Education民办中等职业教育

5)Private secondary vocational schools民办中等职业学校

1.Private secondary vocational schools play a very important role in Chinese education.民办中等职业学校是我国教育事业的重要组成部分,在经济高速发展的今天,担负着培养数以百万计基础性技能工作者的重要任务。

6)private middle school民办中学

1.As we all know, the individual differences of students in ordinaryschools, in comparison toprivate middle schools, such as their learningbackground, motivation, interest, self-confidence, and emotional state arean objective existence.众所周知,在普通中学,学生之间的个体差异(如学习基础、学习动机、学习兴趣、自信心、情感倾向等诸多因素)是客观存在的,尤其是民办中学。

2.For finding out the state of physical education ofprivate middle school in Henan province, to offer gist and advice for government .河南省城市民办中学办学规模参差不齐,差距悬殊;学校对学生的管理以寄宿制封闭管理为主。

3.Lacking attention is one of the most important factors affecting the development of the physical education in theprivate middle schools.本研究主要采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、现场调查法、访谈法、数理统计法和理论分析法,全面客观地对西安市民办中学学校体育发展现状及存在的问题进行调查和研究,并对其影响因素进行深入分析,结果归纳如下:(1)在高考人才选拔制度和传统认识观念的影响下,不论是上级教育主管部门、学校领导,还是家长、学生,甚至是体育教师,他们在不同程度上对学校体育的地位和作用都存在认识不足、重视不够的现象,从各方面制约民办中学学校体育的健康发展。


