100字范文 > 防爆车 Explosion-proof vehicles英语短句 例句大全

防爆车 Explosion-proof vehicles英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-11 14:02:13


防爆车 Explosion-proof vehicles英语短句 例句大全

防爆车,Explosion-proof vehicles

1)Explosion-proof vehicles防爆车

2)flameproof vehicle防爆车辆

3)Ex fork truck防爆叉车

4)defending hoisting防爆绞车

5)explosion-proof vehicle车辆防爆

6)explosion-proof locomotive防爆机车


1.Research on Optimization and Simulation of Wet Friction Clutch of Mineral Explosion-proof Locomotive;矿用防爆机车湿式摩擦离合器的优化与仿真研究

2.Talking about the fast charge of accumulator for the mine explosion-proof electric locomotive论煤矿防爆电机车蓄电池的快速充电

3.Study on Mineral Explosion-proof Electromagnetic Switch矿用汽车起动机电磁开关的防爆研究

4.Analysis of Air Pressure Start System of Coal Mine Vehicle with Flameproof Diesel煤矿车辆用防爆柴油机气压启动系统分析

5.explosion hatches[防]爆炸天窗(印花用干燥机的防爆设施)

6.Research of the Brake System of Mineral Explosion-proof Disel-Engine Locomotive Based on Virtual Prototyping Technology;基于虚拟样机技术的矿用防爆柴油机车制动系统研究

7.Discussion on Ex Technology for Industrial Vehicle with Battery in Hazardous Location浅谈防爆型蓄电池式工业车辆的防爆技术

8.Design, installment and failure analysis on the air start system of explosion-proof diesel engine无轨胶轮车防爆柴油机的气启动系统设计\安装与故障分析

9.three-phase explosion-proof induction motor三相防爆感应电动机

10.explosion-proof ventilated synchronous motor防爆通风型同步电动机

11.marine flame proof axial flow ventilator船用防爆轴流式扇风机

12.explosion-proof electric actuator防爆型电动执行机构

13.flame-proof 3-phase induction motor防爆型三相感应电动机

14.Protecting mechanism of anti-explosion structure under exploding load爆炸荷载作用下抗爆结构的防护机理

15.The car engine is knocking.汽车发动机发出爆震声

16.On the Choice of Large-scale Explosion-proof type of Asynchronous Motor浅谈大型防爆异步电动机防爆型式的选择

17.Research on Braking System for the Coal Mine Underground Explosion-proof Convey Vehicles;煤矿井下防爆运输车制动系统的研究

18.Discussion on Explosion-proof Technology of the Diesel Internal Combustion Engine in Explosive Gas Environment爆炸性气体环境用柴油内燃机防爆技术探讨


flameproof vehicle防爆车辆

3)Ex fork truck防爆叉车

4)defending hoisting防爆绞车

5)explosion-proof vehicle车辆防爆

6)explosion-proof locomotive防爆机车


