100字范文 > 防爆区域 explosion-proof area英语短句 例句大全

防爆区域 explosion-proof area英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-16 18:22:03


防爆区域 explosion-proof area英语短句 例句大全

防爆区域,explosion-proof area

1)explosion-proof area防爆区域

1.Determination ofexplosion-proof area and selection of electrical equipment in oil and gas gathering and transportation station油气集输站场防爆区域的划分与电气设备的选用


1.Determination of explosion-proof area and selection of electrical equipment in oil and gas gathering and transportation station油气集输站场防爆区域的划分与电气设备的选用

2.Selection of explosion proof electrical equipment in ship hazardous areasGB/T17436-1998船舶危险区域防爆电气设备的选用

3.Causes of air drilling downhole burst in Northeast Sichuan basin and preventive measures川东北地区空气钻井燃爆分析与预防

4.The army de-escalated the bombing in that region.军队在那个区域缩小爆炸的规模。

5.Regional Oil Combating Centre防治石油污染区域中心(防油污中心)

bat Effectiveness Analysis of the Line of Area Defense Missile Assembled in Surface Warship Formation编队区域防空导弹防线拦截效能分析

7.An Excavation of the Tomb No.62 and No.84 at the Residential Quarter of Anti-explosive Factory in Nanyang;南阳市防爆厂住宅小区汉墓M62、M84发掘简报

8.When they were landing, a mine explode across the field.他们登陆时, 一颗水雷在附近区域爆炸了。

9.Discussion about the improvement of the dividing method for danger areas in the environment of explosive gas based on numerical simulation爆炸性气体环境危险区域划分方法改善探讨

10.Bacterial Diversity of Sediment in Different Regions of Taihu Lake During the Algal Bloom藻华爆发期太湖不同区域沉积物多样性

11.The study of group army regional air defence system firepower division;集团军区域防空体系的火力区分研究

12.Research on the Influence of Polder Regulation on Regional Flood Control and Drainage圩区治理对区域防洪排涝影响的研究

13.Discussion on Explosion-proof Structure and Measures of Explosion-proof Resistance Heaters防爆型电阻加热器防爆结构和防爆措施的探讨

14.Regional flood control planning should be subject to the flood control planning for a certain river basin.区域防洪规划应当服从所在流域的流域防洪规划。

15.In accordance with the study of the theory of the large area air defense, the position and function of the terminal defense in the system of the large area air defense in the future air defense were analyzed.结合大区域防空作战的理论研究,分析未来防空中末端防御在大区域防空体系中的地位和作用。

16.Analysis of Misfire Using Detonating Fuse and Connecting Detonating Cap during Millisecond Blasting & Its Prevention Methods微差爆破中导爆索与继爆管拒爆分析及其预防

17.This team is learning combination defence but not zone defence.这个队正在学习混合防守,而不是学习区域联防。

18.Optimum select of lines of operation in the large area air defence operation;大区域防空作战条件下防空兵作战方案的优选


knocking zone爆震区域

3)explosion area爆炸区域

1.There are twoexplosion areas and operation point of reaction should be located outside the twoexplosion areas.描述了反应器的两个爆炸区域,反应的操作点必须位于两个爆炸区域以外。

4)Explosion proof region防爆区

5)blast proof partition防爆分区

6)area air defense区域防空

1.Force demand evaluation of ground-to-air missile troops inarea air defense;区域防空中地空导弹兵兵力需求估算

2.Modeling onarea air defense optimization deployment system;区域防空部署优化系统建模

3.Research on multi-sensor management architecture and function module inarea air defense区域防空多传感器管理体系结构与功能模块研究


