100字范文 > 清热凉血法 removing heat to cool blood therapy英语短句 例句大全

清热凉血法 removing heat to cool blood therapy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-24 13:19:52


清热凉血法 removing heat to cool blood therapy英语短句 例句大全

清热凉血法,removing heat to cool blood therapy

1)removing heat to cool blood therapy清热凉血法

1.Objective:To approach the effects of eliminating pathogenic factor from Moyuan therapy,heat-clearing and toxin-relieving therapy,andremoving heat to cool blood therapy on nuclear factor-kappa B p50 in acute lung injury(ALI).目的:探讨开达膜原法、清热解毒法、清热凉血法对急性肺损伤小鼠核转录因子(NF-κB p50)表达的影响。


1.Clinical Study on Psoriasis Vulgaris with the Law of Clearing Heat and Removing Damp and the Law of Clearing Heat and COOL the BLOOD;清热利湿法与清热凉血法治疗进行期寻常型银屑病疗效对比

patibility Study on the Method of Cleaning Hot and Cooling Blood (Modification of Rhinoceros Horn and Rehmannia Decoction) to Treat Allergic Purpura;清热凉血法(犀角地黄汤加味)治疗过敏性紫癜的配伍研究

3.The Theoretical Study and Clinical Research on the Treatment of Primary Graves Disease by Qing Re Liang Xue Therapy;清热凉血法治疗初发Graves甲亢的理论探讨与临床研究

4.Clinical Observation on the Treatment of Corticosteroid Depend Dermatitis with Traditional Chinese Medicines;疏风清热凉血法治疗面部激素依赖性皮炎的临床观察

5.Clinical Research on Method of Removing Heat to Cool Blood and Eliminating Stasis to Interfere in the Syndrome Stagnated Heat of Type 2 Diabetes Associated with Hypertension清热凉血散瘀法对2型糖尿病合并高血压瘀热相搏证干预的研究

6.Effects of Traditional Techniques of Needling of Shaoshanhuo and Toutianliang on the Influence of GC and ATCH of in the Deficiency and Excess Model Rabbit传统针法烧山火、透天凉对阳虚、热证模型家兔血清GC、ACTH含量的影响

7.The Effect of TNF-α and IL-8 of the Serum Level for Treating the Psoriasis of Blood-Heat Type by Using Qing Re Liang Xue Xiao Bi Decoction清热凉血消疕汤对血热型寻常性银屑病血清TNF-α、IL-8的影响

8.Experimental Study on the Treatment of Damp-heat Syndrome of Seasonal Febrile Disease by Clearing away Heat and Removing Toxic Substances、Cooling Blood to Dissipate Blood Stasis;清热解毒、凉血化瘀治疗温病湿热证的实验研究

9.cool (iced, hot) drinks清凉(冰冻,热)饮料

10.Clinical Observation of Qingreliangxuehuayu Soup in Treatment of Psoriasis清热凉血化瘀汤治疗银屑病的临床观察

11.The Influence of Traditional Manipulation Shaoshanhuo and Toutianliang on Yang Deficiency Syndrome and Excess-Heat Syndrome Rabbits" Lysozgme Content传统针法“烧山火”“透天凉”对阳虚 热证模型家兔血清溶菌酶含量的影响

12.Effect of Lian The Gxue Jiedu Decoction in Serum TNF-α and IL-6 Levels of Xuere Types Syndrome of Psoriasis凉血解毒汤对血热型银屑病患者血清TNF-α IL-6的影响

13.The Qingqiliangying Injection Interventional Study of Serum Pro-inflammatory and Anti-inflammatory Cytokines in Patients with Wind-heat in Lung Syndrome清气凉营注射液对风温肺热病患者血清促炎、抗炎因子的调节作用

14.Bean and fruit jelly, with cool, fragrant and sweet taste, frees you from the summer heat.凉粉水果冻,清凉香甜解暑热。

15.Medicinal herBs that are sweet in taste and cold in nature are suitaBle for the treatment of virulent heat diseases.甘凉清热的草药,适宜于治疗热毒病症。

16.The Treatment of Acne with the Method of Eliminating Dampness Cooling and Promoting Blood Circulation Detoxication;清热利湿活血解毒法治疗痤疮的研究

17.Though the weather was very hot, it was cool in the woods.虽然天气依旧炎热,但林中还是清凉。

18.a lemon refresher, imbibed on a hot day.在热天喝的柠檬清凉饮料


Ziyin Qingre Liangxue method滋阴清热凉血法

3)method of removing heat to cool blood and eliminating stasis清热凉血散瘀法

1.Purpose:To discuss the understanding of traditional Chinese medicine about type 2 diabetes associated with hypertension,using themethod of removing heat to cool blood and eliminating stasis.目的:探讨中医学对2型糖尿病合并高血压的认识,采用清热凉血散瘀法治疗2型糖尿病合并高血压瘀热相搏证。

4)Qing Re Liang Xue清热凉血

1.The Theoretical Study and Clinical Research on the Treatment of Primary Graves Disease byQing Re Liang Xue Therapy;清热凉血法治疗初发Graves甲亢的理论探讨与临床研究

5)Qingrelingxue pills清热凉血丸

6)qing re liang xue qu yu formula清热凉血药


