100字范文 > 清热凉血散瘀法 method of removing heat to cool blood and eliminating stasis英语短句 例句大全

清热凉血散瘀法 method of removing heat to cool blood and eliminating stasis英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-03 23:16:33


清热凉血散瘀法 method of removing heat to cool blood and eliminating stasis英语短句 例句大全

清热凉血散瘀法,method of removing heat to cool blood and eliminating stasis

1)method of removing heat to cool blood and eliminating stasis清热凉血散瘀法

1.Purpose:To discuss the understanding of traditional Chinese medicine about type 2 diabetes associated with hypertension,using themethod of removing heat to cool blood and eliminating stasis.目的:探讨中医学对2型糖尿病合并高血压的认识,采用清热凉血散瘀法治疗2型糖尿病合并高血压瘀热相搏证。


1.Clinical Research on Method of Removing Heat to Cool Blood and Eliminating Stasis to Interfere in the Syndrome Stagnated Heat of Type 2 Diabetes Associated with Hypertension清热凉血散瘀法对2型糖尿病合并高血压瘀热相搏证干预的研究

2.Experimental Study on the Treatment of Damp-heat Syndrome of Seasonal Febrile Disease by Clearing away Heat and Removing Toxic Substances、Cooling Blood to Dissipate Blood Stasis;清热解毒、凉血化瘀治疗温病湿热证的实验研究

3.Clinical Observation of Qingreliangxuehuayu Soup in Treatment of Psoriasis清热凉血化瘀汤治疗银屑病的临床观察

4.Research of Therapy "Cool the Blood and Dissipate the Blood Stasis" in Treatment for Venous Ulcer;凉血散瘀法治疗静脉性溃疡的临床及基础研究

5.Clinical Linical Studies on the Method of Promoting Qi and Blood Circulation in Treating Chronic Pelvic Inflammatory Disease of the Type of Qi Stagnation and Blood Stasis清热化瘀法治疗血热夹瘀型围绝经期功血的临床研究

6.Effects of Reyusan on the Levels of Interleukin-8 and Interleukin-10 in Rats with Ulcerative Colitis Complicated with Dampness-heat Syndrome of Stomach and Intestine热瘀散对胃肠湿热型溃疡性结肠炎大鼠血清IL-8、IL-10的影响

7.Clinical Research on QingreHuoxue in Patients with Essential Hypertension Due to Stagnated Blood-heat Syndrome清热活血法治疗原发性高血压瘀热互结证的临床研究

8.Clinical Study on Psoriasis Vulgaris with the Law of Clearing Heat and Removing Damp and the Law of Clearing Heat and COOL the BLOOD;清热利湿法与清热凉血法治疗进行期寻常型银屑病疗效对比

9.The Intervention by the Principles of Clearing-heat and Detoxicating Combined with Cooling Blood and Removing Blood Stasis in Endotoxin,Gastrin,Motilin of Subacute-on-chronic Liver Failure清热解毒凉血化瘀中药对慢加亚急性肝衰竭内毒素胃泌素及胃动素的干预作用

10.Influence of Heat-Clearing,Damp-Drying and Stasis-Resolving Therapy on Blood Lipid and Artery Flexibility Index in Patients with Hyperlipemia清热燥湿化瘀法对高脂血症患者血脂及动脉弹性指数的影响

11.Longitudinal study of joint application of traditional Chinese medicine and laser for the treatment of diabetic retinopathy滋阴凉血散瘀汤和激光联合疗法对糖尿病视网膜病变的长期纵向疗效研究

12.Clinical Research on Therapy of Tonifying Kidney, Clearing Heat and Removing Stasis in Treating T2DM Hyperlipidemia with Kidney Asthenia and Stagnated Heat Syndrome益肾清热化瘀法治疗2型糖尿病合并高脂血症肾虚瘀热证的临床研究

13.Observe the Clinical Effect of Chinese and Western Medicine on Traumatic Hyphema凉血化瘀法治疗外伤性前房积血临床观察

14.Clinical Study on the Application of the Method of Clearing Away Heat and Toxic Material to Angina Pectoris (Qi-deficiency Causing Blood Stasis);清热解毒法在治疗冠心病心绞痛(气虚血瘀证)中的临床应用研究

15.Effect of Heat-clearing,Damp-drying and Stasis-dissolving Therapies on the IL-1β,TNF-α in Rat with Hyperlipemia清热燥湿化瘀法对高脂血症大鼠IL-1β及TNF-α水平的影响

16.Clinical Observation of the Method of Cooling Blood and Promoting Blood Flow on Treating Systemic Lupus Erythematosus凉血化瘀法治疗系统性红斑狼疮的临床观察

patibility Study on the Method of Cleaning Hot and Cooling Blood (Modification of Rhinoceros Horn and Rehmannia Decoction) to Treat Allergic Purpura;清热凉血法(犀角地黄汤加味)治疗过敏性紫癜的配伍研究

18.The Theoretical Study and Clinical Research on the Treatment of Primary Graves Disease by Qing Re Liang Xue Therapy;清热凉血法治疗初发Graves甲亢的理论探讨与临床研究


Qingreliangxuehuayu soup清热凉血化瘀汤

1.Conclusion:Qingreliangxuehuayu soup is effective in treatment of psoriasis.目的:观察以清热凉血化瘀汤治疗寻常型银屑病的疗效。

3)cool the blood dissipate blood stasis凉血散瘀

4)removing heat to cool blood therapy清热凉血法

1.Objective:To approach the effects of eliminating pathogenic factor from Moyuan therapy,heat-clearing and toxin-relieving therapy,andremoving heat to cool blood therapy on nuclear factor-kappa B p50 in acute lung injury(ALI).目的:探讨开达膜原法、清热解毒法、清热凉血法对急性肺损伤小鼠核转录因子(NF-κB p50)表达的影响。

5)Liangxuesanyu Tang凉血散瘀汤

1.The Clinical Study for Acute Cerebral Hemorrhage Treating withLiangxuesanyu Tang;凉血散瘀汤治疗脑出血急性期临床研究

6)Ziyin Qingre Liangxue method滋阴清热凉血法


