100字范文 > 台湾技职教育 technical and vocational education in Taiwan英语短句 例句大全

台湾技职教育 technical and vocational education in Taiwan英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-23 20:55:47


台湾技职教育 technical and vocational education in Taiwan英语短句 例句大全

台湾技职教育,technical and vocational education in Taiwan

1)technical and vocational education in Taiwan台湾技职教育

1.International education tendency is a factor effecting the structure and school system oftechnical and vocational education in Taiwan.台湾技职教育对台湾经济奇迹扮演着主要推手的角色,其体系与学制除了受国际教育潮流影响外,主要是呼应经济发展及社会变迁的需求,并依循上述轨迹而演进。


1.Unscrambles the Last Mile Program for Technical and Vocational Education in Taiwan;台湾技职教育"最后一哩学程"解读

2.On Influences of World Education Reform to the Development of Technical and Vocational Education in Taiwan;世界教育改革趋势对台湾技职教育发展的影响

3.Analysis on the Development of Taiwan Technological and Vocational Education and its Socio-economic Environments;台湾技职教育发展及其社会经济背景分析

4.The Problems and Solutions of TEVT in Taiwan当前台湾技职教育发展中的问题与因应对策

5.Last Mile-industry-university cooperation plan in Taiwan;产学合作——台湾技职教育界“最后一哩”计划及其启示

6.Inspiration to Mainland"s Higher Vocational Education by Taiwan"s Technical & Vocational Education台湾高等技职教育体制对大陆高职教育的启示

7.Higher polytechnic educational curriculum construction in Taiwan,China;台湾高等技职教育课程建设及其启示

8.Study on Evaluation System of Taiwan Higher Technical and Vocational Education and Its Implementation;台湾高等技职教育的评鉴制度与实施

9.On the Current Status, Policies and Development of Taiwan Higher Technological and Vocational Education;台湾高等技职教育的现况、政策与发展

10.Exploration of higher technical education system in Taiwan;台湾地区高等职业技术教育体系初探

11.A Study on the Characteristic of Development of Higher Technological and Vocational Education in Taiwan;台湾高等技术及职业教育发展特色研究

12.Analysis of the Characteristics of Higher Technical and Vocational Education Evaluation System in Taiwan;台湾高等技术与职业教育评鉴制度特点评析

13.The Reform of Persistent Curriculum on Vocational and Technical Education across Century in Taiwan and Its Revelation;台湾跨世纪技职教育一贯课程改革及启示

14.On the Sustainable Development of Vocational and Technical Education---Taking Taiwan for Expample;职业技术教育的可持续发展——以台湾为个案

15.Discussion on the Relationship between Vocational and Technical Education and Industrial Structure Upgrading of Taiwan略论职业技术教育与台湾产业结构升级

16.Enlightment of higher polytechnic vocational education in Taiwan for development of application-oriented professionals台湾高等技职教育对应用型人才培养的启示

17.Reform Achievements and Realistic Plight of Technical and Vocational Education in Taiwan台湾地区技职教育的改革成就与现实困境

18.Higher Technological and Vocational Education in Taiwan and Its Reference for Developing Technological Undergraduate Schools in the Mainland;台湾高等技职教育暨对大陆发展技术本科的借鉴


vocational education in Taiwan台湾职业教育

1.The characters ofvocational education in Taiwan are as follows:the perfect education structure,the scientific management system,the developed private education,the large scale of regular course and the good training of practical capability.台湾职业教育特色主要表现在完善的教育体系、发达的私立教育、科学的管理体制、大规模本科教育以及良好的学生实践素养教育等方面,对内地职业教育的启示是:要完善职业教育体系;建立纵向垂直的职教管理体制;鼓励发展民办教育;产教结合,加强实践素养教育。

3)Investigation Of Taiwan"s Vocational Education台湾职业教育考察

4)education in Taiwan台湾教育

1.In order to carry out the takeover and reconstruction ofeducation in Taiwan smoothly,the Government of the Republic of China had begun the preparation before the end of WWⅡ.为了顺利实现台湾教育的光复与重建,早在二战尚未结束之时国民政府就着手进行了准备工作。

5)technical and vocational education技职教育

1.Taiwantechnical and vocational education experienced unsmooth developing process.台湾技职教育的发展历程并不平顺,从学制角度,经历了日治遗留学制、单位行业学制、专科学校开放、技术学院与科技大学发展等几个关键时期;从硬件建设投入角度,经历了日治、美援、世行贷款、校务发展基金等阶段。

2.Reform oftechnical and vocational education in Taiwan is carried out with the reform of education,which is important content of educational reform.技职教育改革是伴随台湾地区教育改革进行的,是台湾教育改革的重要内容之一。

6)technological and vocational education技职教育

1.Thetechnological and vocational education system in Taiwan region is relatively more unique and perfect than any other place in the world.台湾地区技职教育体系可以说是在世界上相对独特和比较完善的教育系统,它自成体系,从五十多年前非常简易的初等职业教育迅速跃升到科技大学的硕、博士班等学制,同时与普通教育体系之间弹性构架、相互贯通,成为台湾地区技职教育的重要特征,也是台湾地区经济腾飞的一个秘密武器。

2.This paper aims to introduce the recent development oftechnological and vocational education in Taiwan and generalize its characteristics.本文旨在介绍台湾技职教育新近的发展状况,并归纳其特色。


台湾菜台湾大面炒Image:11607188416745449.jpg 台湾菜台湾大面炒

[原料/调料]油面 1斤肉丝 1/3杯新鲜香菇(切丝) 4朵红萝蔔丝 1/4杯豆芽菜 4两葱段 2支洋葱(切丝) 1/4个香菜 少许虾米 1大匙酱油 1大匙盐 1又1/2小匙胡椒 1小匙糖 1/2大匙香油 1/3大匙油 2大匙水 2杯[制作流程](1)将材料洗净分别切好备用。(2)将锅烧热并放入油加热,再依序将洋葱、香菇、肉丝、红萝蔔丝、虾米、葱等材料爆香,随后加入所有调味料和其他材料煮沸。(3)材料全熟后,放入油面翻炒并改小火,炒至汤汁收干再放豆芽菜略炒即可熄火盛起,并撒上少许香菜。亦可将肉丝、香菇、蛋丝等爆炒入味后再铺在面的表层来丰富内容。
