100字范文 > 广义吸力 general suction英语短句 例句大全

广义吸力 general suction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-26 07:18:16


广义吸力 general suction英语短句 例句大全

广义吸力,general suction

1)general suction广义吸力

1.Based on the theoryofgeneral suction and general effective stress of remolding non-saturated soil,the mechanism of embankment subsidence is analyzed,and a theory of two-step settlement is presented.并从重塑非饱和土广义吸力和广义有效应力原理出发对路堤沉降机理进行分析,提出进行二阶段沉降分析的观点。

2)generalized force广义力

1.On the basis of the energy variation principle,thegeneralized force corresponding to the shear lag displacement in shear lag analysis of the box girder is clearly defined and is called the shear lag moment.基于能量变分原理,定义箱形梁剪滞效应分析中与剪滞广义位移相应的广义力,并称之为剪滞力矩,给出其计算公式。

2.Thegeneralized force of disc applied to shaft including gyroscopic effect is determinated in this paper by using Euler angle of fixpoint rotating kinematics and Lagrange equation, for the dynamics response analysis of a system.运用刚体定点转动运动学的欧拉角和 Lagrange方程 ,推导出具有陀螺效应的盘作用在轴上的广义力 ,供系统用作动力响应分

3.According to relations betweengeneralized forces and generalized displacements, convolution are performed between the governing equations of initial value problems in the primary space and the corresponding virtual quantities, and results are added algebraically.明确了分析力学初值问题的控制方程,按照广义力和广义位移之间的对应关系,将各控制方程卷乘上相应的虚量,代数相加,进而在原空间中建立了分析力学初值问题的一种变分原理形式,即建立了分析力学初值问题的卷积型变分原理和卷积型广义变分原理。


1.For this model the interactive force is decomposed into four generalized force components.对于这种模型,油膜力将扩展为四个广义力分量.

2.Effects of non-conservative forces on Lie symmetries of a generalized mechanical system;非保守力对广义力学系统Lie对称性的影响

3.Constructing integral invariantIn generalized mechanical systems in the high-dimensional extemded phase space;高维增广相空间中广义力学系统的第一积分和积分不变量

4.Lie s symmetrical theorem and its inverse of generalized mechanical systems in dimensional extended phase space;高维增广相空间中广义力学系统的Lie对称定理及其逆定理

5.generalized hydrostatic equation广义流体静力学方程

6.generalized variational principles in theory of elasticity弹性力学广义变分原理

7.Study of regarding general relativity and new general relativity as special case of generalized theory of gravitation视广义相对论及新广义相对论为广义引力理论特殊情况的研究

8.Research Advances in System Dynamics ofGeneralized Classical Mechanics;广义经典力学系统动力学的研究进展

9.Power" is a word of wide comprehension.“力”是一个意义广泛的术语。

10.a generalization of special relativity to include gravity.包含地心引力的广义特别相对论。

11.The Dynamics of Solutions for Generalized Kirchhoff and Boussinesq Equations;广义Kirchhoff和Boussinesq方程解的动力性质

12.General Relativity Effect of Photon and Graviton with Rest Mass;光子、引力子静质量的广义相对论效应

13.The Research of Six-Axis Stewart Force/torque Sensor;Stewart广义六维力传感器的研究

14.Li-Yorke chaos set in generalized symbolic dynamical system;广义符号动力系统上的Li-Yorke混沌集

15.The discussion on focus on building new socialist rural areas in Guangdong;广东建设社会主义新农村着力点探讨

16.Research on the Cultivation of Physics Experimental Ability with the Ideas of Generalized Knowledge;从广义知识观谈物理实验能力的培养

17.The Dynamic Characteristics of a Generalized Camassa-Holm Equation一类广义Camassa-Holm方程的动力学特性

18.Dynamic Modeling and Modal Analysis of a Beam with Generalized Boundary Conditions广义边界梁的动力学建模与动态特征


generalized force广义力

1.On the basis of the energy variation principle,thegeneralized force corresponding to the shear lag displacement in shear lag analysis of the box girder is clearly defined and is called the shear lag moment.基于能量变分原理,定义箱形梁剪滞效应分析中与剪滞广义位移相应的广义力,并称之为剪滞力矩,给出其计算公式。

2.Thegeneralized force of disc applied to shaft including gyroscopic effect is determinated in this paper by using Euler angle of fixpoint rotating kinematics and Lagrange equation, for the dynamics response analysis of a system.运用刚体定点转动运动学的欧拉角和 Lagrange方程 ,推导出具有陀螺效应的盘作用在轴上的广义力 ,供系统用作动力响应分

3.According to relations betweengeneralized forces and generalized displacements, convolution are performed between the governing equations of initial value problems in the primary space and the corresponding virtual quantities, and results are added algebraically.明确了分析力学初值问题的控制方程,按照广义力和广义位移之间的对应关系,将各控制方程卷乘上相应的虚量,代数相加,进而在原空间中建立了分析力学初值问题的一种变分原理形式,即建立了分析力学初值问题的卷积型变分原理和卷积型广义变分原理。

3)generalized stress广义应力

1.A fuzzy reliability calculating model is given again based on function which includesgeneralized stress and generalized strength.把广义应力和广义强度统一到功能函数中去 ,取升半型的隶属函数 ,从而重新建立了模糊可靠度的数学模型 ,并且讨论了具体的隶属函数的选取和有关参数的确定方法。

2.Based on the similar equations of the elastic-plastic model theory and the plastic deformation theory,this paper presents,according to the plastic model theory and the relations betweengeneralized stress σi and strain εi curves of prototype materials,the resilience test model of elastoplastic stress analysis with .以弹塑性力学的模型理论和塑性力学形变理论的相似方程为基础,根据塑性模型理论以及原型材料的广义应力iσ与广义应变iε曲线的关系,提出了以弹性解为原始数据,将其转换为不同塑性变形程度的弹塑性应力分析的弹性试验模型,并讨论了弹性与塑性应力转换的计算方法。

4)generalized mechanics广义力学

1.On the lie symmetry theorem and its inverse ofgeneralized mechanics systems;广义力学系统的Lie对称性定理及其逆定理

5)generalized ability广义能力

1.The recognition of strong influence points in support vector set by local perturbations is studied,since SVM with bettergeneralized ability can be constructed by these strong influence points;for illustration,SVM based on linear kernel function and Radial Basis Function are analyzed respectively.讨论了通过对支持向量的局部扰动来确定支持向量集中的强影响点,并由这些强影响点构造相同精度下具有更强广义能力的支持向量机;对线性核函数和高斯径向基函数所构建的SVM进行了分析,并给出一个实例。

6)general force广义力

1.In view of the problem of working internal forces caused by the elasticity of parts and the damper between parts in the firing process, based on the basic concepts of mechanics, this paper presents the deduced formula for thegeneral force of working internal forces.针对火炮发射过程中构件的弹性和构件间的阻尼效应导致的有功内力问题,从力学的基本概念出发,推导了有功内力对应的广义力计算公式,为火炮发射动力学计算中公式符号的简化提供了理论依据,具体分析了火炮发射系统中存在的非刚性元件,如反后坐装置和上架、下架之间的摩擦力矩的有功内力问题,为解释火炮发射动力学的理论计算误差奠定了基础。


