100字范文 > 吸力洗脱 suction elution英语短句 例句大全

吸力洗脱 suction elution英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-23 20:17:25


吸力洗脱 suction elution英语短句 例句大全

吸力洗脱,suction elution

1)suction elution吸力洗脱

1.A flow injection knotted reactorsuction elution method coupled with flame atomic absorption spectrometry for the determination of trace lead and zinc in water流动注射编结反应器吸力洗脱-火焰原子吸收光谱法测定水样中铅锌


1.A flow injection knotted reactor suction elution method coupled with flame atomic absorption spectrometry for the determination of trace lead and zinc in water流动注射编结反应器吸力洗脱-火焰原子吸收光谱法测定水样中铅锌

2.Flow Injection Suction Elution Method on-Line Adsorption and Preconcentration Coupled with Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry for the Determination of Trace Cadmium in Waters基于吸力洗脱的流动注射在线富集与火焰原子吸收联用测定水样中的镉

3.DynaWave Scrubbing Technology for Sintering Tail Gas Cleaning烧结烟气脱硫的动力波逆喷洗涤技术

4.Research on the Performance of Adsorption and Desorption for Chlorogenic Acid with NKA-9 ResinsNKA-9大孔吸附树脂对元宝枫绿原酸吸附与洗脱性能的研究

5.The Gardenia Yellow Refined through the Grads Elution and the Inflection Point Control of the Macropore Absorption Resin大孔吸附树脂精制栀子黄色素的梯度洗脱和拐点控制

6.Research progress of the adsorption and desorption of protein in immobilized metal ion affinity chromatography蛋白质在固定金属离子亲和色谱中吸附与洗脱研究进展

7.One set of electrolytic degrease pickling line with annual production capacity of 200000 metric tons.一套电解脱脂清洗线机组,年生产能力20万吨。

8.liquid elution chromatography液相洗脱色谱(法)

9.The Study on the Absorption Decoloring Kineticsof Xylitol Fermentation Liquor;木糖醇发酵液吸附脱色动力学的研究

10.Treatment of avulsion fracture of anterior superior iliac spine with absorbable tension band fixation可吸收张力带治疗髂前上棘撕脱骨折

11.Washing machines, vacuum cleaners, dishwashers and electric mowers all minimise the effort required to maintain a clean and tidy home.洗衣机、吸尘器、洗碗机和除草机让我们不费力气就能保持家庭整洁。

12.Some suction is provided by the ejector scrubber and the tail gas fan.喷射洗涤器和尾气排风机可提供部分吸力。

13.Hydromechnical Calculation and Optimum of the Absorption Towers of Low Temperature Cleaning by Methyl Alcohol低温甲醇洗吸收塔流体力学计算及优化

14.The pre-cleaning is to be performed by electrolytic deoiling. The strip is delivered into reducing annealing furnace after cleaning to improve coating adherence.采用电解脱脂予清洗工艺,带钢清洗后进入还原退火炉,增加了镀层的结合力。

15.Thermal Power Plant FGD Absorber Flip Construction Technology火力发电厂烟气脱硫装置吸收塔倒装施工工艺

16.Before the weaning trial, the maximal inspiratory pressure (MIP) was -10 cmH2O.在尝试脱离呼吸器之前的最大吸气压力为负10公分水柱。

17.The rates of adsorption and elution, and the sensitivity of the hemagglutin to inhabitors vary with the different influenza.吸附率和洗脱率和血球凝集素对抑制物和敏感性均因流感病毒不同而有差异。

18.He stripped off and had a shower.他脱了衣服,洗了个澡。


membrane adsorption-elution膜吸附-洗脱

1.A simple and efficient method for concentration of enteroviruses from water sample was established based on themembrane adsorption-elution method combined with eluant concentration.在膜吸附-洗脱和洗脱液浓缩相结合的基础上,建立了一种简便实用的水中肠道病毒浓缩方法。

3)Adsorption and desorption by resin树脂吸附洗脱

4)Adsorption and desorption by active carbon活性碳吸附洗脱

5)microporous filter adsorptionelution method微孔滤膜吸附-洗脱法

6)gradient elution adsorbent system梯度洗脱吸附剂系统


