100字范文 > 辨证分期疗法 Therapy of Syndrome Differentiation and Stages英语短句 例句大全

辨证分期疗法 Therapy of Syndrome Differentiation and Stages英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-19 05:19:25


辨证分期疗法 Therapy of Syndrome Differentiation and Stages英语短句 例句大全

辨证分期疗法,Therapy of Syndrome Differentiation and Stages

1)Therapy of Syndrome Differentiation and Stages辨证分期疗法

2)syndrome differentiation and treatment by phase辨证分期治疗


1.The Clinical Research on Acupuncture Treatment of Allergic Rhinitis;针刺辨证分期治疗常年性变应性鼻炎的临床观察

2.Syndrome Differentiation and Treatment of Severe Diabetic Vitreous Hematocele by Phase辨证分期治疗糖尿病性严重玻璃体积血临床观察

3.Guillain-Barre Syndrome Differentiation Treatment Phases of Clinical Research吉兰—巴雷综合征分期辨证治疗研究

4.Ankylosing Spondylitis 56 Cases Treated with Stage Differentiation of Signs分期辨证治疗强直性脊柱炎56例临床疗效观察

5.Preventive Measures and Stepwise Treatment of Fungal Urinary Tract Infection Based on TCM Syndrome Differentiation真菌性尿路感染的中医分期辨证治疗与预防

6.Objective: To observe the clinical therapeutic effects of the acupuncture and moxibustion treatment based on different stages and classification on acute peripheral facial neuritis.目的:观察分期辨证针灸治疗急性周围性面神经炎的疗效。

7.The Clinical Analysis on Treatment of Syndrome Differentiation of IgA Nephropathy辨证分型治疗IgA肾病的临床疗效分析

8.Clinical Analysis on 39 Cases of Chronic Glomerulonephritis(CGN) of CKD Phase-3辨证分型治疗39例慢性肾小球肾炎CKD3期的临床分析

9.The Advancement of Cerebral Infarction Treated with Differentiation of Symptoms and Signs by Stages and Typing in Combination of Chinese Medicine with Western Medicine中西医结合辨证分期分型治疗脑梗死的研究进展

10.The Clinical Research of Acupuncture Matches the Combination of TCM and Chemotherapy of Ⅲb、Ⅳ NONSmall-Cell Lung Cancer;针刺配合中药辨证治疗加化疗治疗Ⅲb、Ⅳ期NSCLC近期疗效观察

11.Initial Study about the Mode of Differentiation of Symptoms and Signs for Classification of Syndrome and the Combined Treatment of TCM and Western Medicine on D-stage Prostatic Carcinoma;D期前列腺癌中医辨证分型方式及中西医结合治疗初探

12.Clinical Research of the Syndrome Differentiation Treatment of TCM in Combination with Stage-based Treatment of Western Medicine on Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis中医辨证结合西医分期治疗类风湿关节炎临床研究

13.The therapeutic action and effect on GMP-140 of patients with Ischemic apoplexy treated by acupuncture according to staging and differentiation of symptoms and signs choicing point分期辨证取穴针刺法对缺血性中风患者治疗作用及对GMP-140的影响

14.26 Cases of Depressive Syndrome Treated by Pattern Identification of Chinese Medicine中医辨证分型治疗26例抑郁综合征

15.Dialectical Liver Failure on the Treatment of Meta-analysis of Efficacy辨证论治肝衰竭疗效的Meta分析

16.Clinical Analysis of the Chinese Medicine Dialectical Treatment Bronchus Asthma中医辨证治疗支气管哮喘的临床分析

17.A Light Discussion on Chinese Medicine"s Minute Treatment and Dialectical Nursing to Cold浅谈感冒的中医分型治疗与辨证施护

18.Treatment of 46 chronic atropy gastritis patients with phasing differentiation辨证分型治疗慢性萎缩性胃炎46例


syndrome differentiation and treatment by phase辨证分期治疗

3)TCM Differentiation of Clinical Stages分期辨证

1.Studies onTCM Differentiation of Clinical Stages of Vascular Dementiaand Its Combined Treatment;血管性痴呆分期辨证及综合治疗的探讨

4)dialectic behavior therapy strategy辨证行为疗法

5)differential treatment辨证分型治疗

6)differentiation of symptoms and signs and treatment辨证分型和治疗


辨证辨证differentiation of syndromes以中医学理论为指导,对四诊所得的资料进行分析综合,辨别为何种证候的思维方法,是中医临床认识与诊断病证的重要方法。
