100字范文 > 分期辨证 TCM Differentiation of Clinical Stages英语短句 例句大全

分期辨证 TCM Differentiation of Clinical Stages英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-15 15:27:33


分期辨证 TCM Differentiation of Clinical Stages英语短句 例句大全

分期辨证,TCM Differentiation of Clinical Stages

1)TCM Differentiation of Clinical Stages分期辨证

1.Studies onTCM Differentiation of Clinical Stages of Vascular Dementiaand Its Combined Treatment;血管性痴呆分期辨证及综合治疗的探讨


1.Guillain-Barre Syndrome Differentiation Treatment Phases of Clinical Research吉兰—巴雷综合征分期辨证治疗研究

2.Standardizing of Syndrome Manifestations by Delphi Method of Breast Carcinoma Treated with TCM by Stages;运用德尔菲法对乳腺癌分期辨证规范化的研究

3.Preventive Measures and Stepwise Treatment of Fungal Urinary Tract Infection Based on TCM Syndrome Differentiation真菌性尿路感染的中医分期辨证治疗与预防

4.Ankylosing Spondylitis 56 Cases Treated with Stage Differentiation of Signs分期辨证治疗强直性脊柱炎56例临床疗效观察

5.Objective: To observe the clinical therapeutic effects of the acupuncture and moxibustion treatment based on different stages and classification on acute peripheral facial neuritis.目的:观察分期辨证针灸治疗急性周围性面神经炎的疗效。

6.The therapeutic action and effect on GMP-140 of patients with Ischemic apoplexy treated by acupuncture according to staging and differentiation of symptoms and signs choicing point分期辨证取穴针刺法对缺血性中风患者治疗作用及对GMP-140的影响

7.The Dialectical Analysis of Menopause Syndrome on Post-hysterectomy in Perimenopause围绝经期子宫切除术后绝经前后诸证辨证分析

8.Study of Realationships between the Different Syndromes and Changes of Serum IL-1、ET Concentration of Acute Apoplexly;中风急性期辨证分型与IL-1、ET相关性研究

9.Retrospective Study of Cases on Differentiation Syndrome Patterns During the Radiotherapeutic Period of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma鼻咽癌放疗期间辨证分型的病历回顾性研究

10.Relationship between inflammatory cytokines and traditional Chinese medical syndrome differentiation and typing in patients with acute stroke中风急性期辨证分型与炎性细胞因子的关系

11.Distribution characteristics of common syndrome types and syndrome elements extracted by experts" experience in perimenopausal and postmenopausal women基于经验辨证的更年期综合征围绝经期和绝经后期常见证候及证候要素分布

12.Formation of the Thoughs of Syndrom Differentiation Heavier than Using Medicine and Syndrom Differentiation Principles in Ming-qi Dynasty明清时期辨证重于用药思想和辨证纲领的形成

13.Evaluation on Clinical Stages of Western Medicine and Syndrome Differentiation of Chinese Medicine in Primary Liver Cancer原发性肝癌西医新旧临床分期与中医辨证分型的评价

14.The Relation of Type and Stage of VD and TCM Syndromes;血管性痴呆分期分型和神经心理学评定与中医辨证的相关性研究

15.Clinical Analysis on 39 Cases of Chronic Glomerulonephritis(CGN) of CKD Phase-3辨证分型治疗39例慢性肾小球肾炎CKD3期的临床分析

16.The Advancement of Cerebral Infarction Treated with Differentiation of Symptoms and Signs by Stages and Typing in Combination of Chinese Medicine with Western Medicine中西医结合辨证分期分型治疗脑梗死的研究进展

17.Initial Study about the Mode of Differentiation of Symptoms and Signs for Classification of Syndrome and the Combined Treatment of TCM and Western Medicine on D-stage Prostatic Carcinoma;D期前列腺癌中医辨证分型方式及中西医结合治疗初探

18.Correlation between Serum Lipid and Serum Calcium Levels and the State in Acute Stroke with TCM Synderome Differ Classification and Typing;脑卒中急性期辨证分型及病情轻重与血脂、血钙的相关性研究


Therapy of Syndrome Differentiation and Stages辨证分期疗法

3)syndrome differentiation and treatment by phase辨证分期治疗

4)Differentiation of symptoms and signs for classification of syndrome辨证分型

1.Correlative observation between gastric mucosa pathological changes and differentiation of symptoms and signs for classification of syndrome with traditional Chinese medicine in 262 patients with chronic gastritis;262例慢性胃炎胃黏膜病变与中医辨证分型的相关性观察

2.60 cases were divided into four groups according to sexuality and ages,15 cases in each,and recorded course of disease to carry out differentiation of symptoms and signs for classification of syndrome.随机选择四个年龄段患者各15例,记录病程,进行辨证分型,按性别和年龄分开统计。

3.51 cases were treated with Chinese herbs based on differentiation of symptoms and signs for classification of syndrome as the TCM group while 48 cases were treated with Extended Release Nifedipine Tablets as the Western medicine group.方法:99例分为两组,中药组51例辨证分型用中药治疗,西药组48例用硝苯地平缓释片治疗,观察1个月。

5)Syndrome Differentiation辨证分型

1.The relativity between hyperlipemia types based on syndrome differentiation in TCM and LPO,SOD;高脂血症中医辨证分型与过氧化脂质、超氧化物歧化酶的相关性

2.Objective To study the correlation between Chinese medical syndromes and Fas, FasL antigen expressions of chronic aplastic anemia and analyze the material basis of its syndrome differentiation.目的探讨慢性再生障碍性贫血中医辨证分型与Fas、FasL抗原表达的相关性,解析慢性再生障碍性贫血辨证分型的物质基础。

3.Objective:To investigate the characteristics and correlative factors of Chinese traditional medicine syndrome differentiation of 160 cases of maintained hemodialysis(MHD) patients,and then to provide some reference on prevention and treatment of chronic complications of MHD patients.方法:以统一的中医辨证分型标准对160例维持性血液透析患者进行主证与兼证的辨证分型。

6)differential diagnosis辨证分型

1.Retrospective study on relationship betweendifferential diagnosis and image diagnosis in acute ischemia apoplexy;急性缺血性中风病辨证分型与影像诊断关系的回顾性研究

2.Objective: To investigate the correlation betweendifferential diagnosis and CT images of stroke patients among the Han nationality and the Uigur nationality patients in Xinjiang.目的:探讨汉族与维吾尔族中风患者的中医辨证分型与脑CT表现的关系,旨在根据脑CT检查的客观指标来指导中风病中医辨证分型。

3.Objective: To investigate the correlation betweendifferential diagnosis and CT images of stroke patients among the Han nationality and the Weiwur nationality patients in Xin Jiang.目的:探讨我区汉族与维吾尔族中风患者的辨证分型与脑CT表现关系的差异性,旨在用脑CT检查的客观指标来指导中风病中医辨证分型、揭示其科学性。


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