100字范文 > 经营意识 mamagement consciousness英语短句 例句大全

经营意识 mamagement consciousness英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-23 22:04:56


经营意识 mamagement consciousness英语短句 例句大全

经营意识,mamagement consciousness

1)mamagement consciousness经营意识


1.Consciousness brings success: analysis of China s entrepreneursten management consciousnesses;成功始于意识:中国企业家十大经营意识解析

2.Zhu Shilin s Creations during the Period in Lianhua Film Company;传统文化立场与现代经营意识——论朱石麟“联华时期”的电影创作

3.The Breakthrough of the Ecologic Consciousness in the Management of Tourism;生态意识在旅游经营行为中艰难突围

4.Marketing concept is the reflection of the marketing activity in the consciousness of the proprietor.市场营销观念是市场营销活动在经营者意识中的反映。

5.An Analysis on Globalized Work Environment and Overall Competition Consciousness of Chinese Corporations;全球化经营环境与企业全面竞争意识浅析

6.She believed young employees often do not realize the challenges bosses face in running a business.她认为年轻雇员经常意识不到在经营企业中老板面临的挑战。

7.Knowledge Marketing--New Market Mode in the Era of Knowledge Economy;知识营销——知识经济时代的新营销方式

8.Dimly, he knows he has lost the child already.他隐隐约约意识到自己对这个孩子已经营不了了。

9.Business Households of Self-employed Private Economy Should Have a Correct Understanding and View of the Significance of Establishment of Accounting Books and Taxation on Audit of Accounts.三、个体、私营经济业户要正确理解和认识建帐和查帐征税的意义。

10.ii.To Strengthen the Consciousness of Social Responsibility(二)强化社会责任意识,实现民营企业与自然经济社会的协调发展

11.Willing to accept our training on operations standards and business knowledge against its business, guidance, and storefront renovation.愿意接受本公司对其经营、指导、店面装修的规范和业务知识的培训。

12.Establishing Major of Knowledge Commodity Management and Training Professional Talents of Knowledge Management;建立知识商品经营专业 培养知识经营职业人才

13.The government and theorists have already noticed large amounts of money of the transnational corporations and their global strategy.中国政府和学术界已经意识到,基于跨国公司的雄厚经济实力及全球经营发展战略,

14.How to recognize the Management and Administration of the Boss in Private Enterprise;如何认识私营企业主的经营管理劳动

15.The Stylistic Meanings of "Jingying" and "Disegno";“经营”与“disegno”的风格学意义

16.He does wholesale business, while his brother is engaged in retail business.他经营批发生意, 他弟弟则经营零售生意。

17.The Development of Private Economy and Deepening Understanding of Private Economy;民营经济发展历程及对民营经济认识的深化

18.Change of Business Management Form and Marketing Channel Under Knowledge Economy;知识经济时代企业经营方式与营销渠道的变革


opening world经营意识与能力

3)marketing consciousness营销意识

1.In the circumstances of market economy, a tour guide withmarketing consciousness can meet more needs of tourists, thereby to achieve more profits to tourists, tour guides, tourism trades and the government.在市场经济环境下, 具有营销意识的导游能够更好地满足游客需求, 从而实现游客、导游、旅游企业、政府的多赢。

4)Consciousness Marketing意识营销

5)designins intention经营意向

6)hostile activity恶意经营

1.Such kind ofhostile activity to subsidiary companies has produced serious negative efforts,and the administrative authority should pay much attention and employ the necessary policies to govern the hostile activities.但是,在母子公司关联交易过程中,部分母公司利用自身的管理优势、技术优势、信息优势和控制权优势,对子公司实施恶意经营行为,严重损害了子公司利益相关者的利益。


