100字范文 > 练功 Practice英语短句 例句大全

练功 Practice英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-24 22:05:38


练功 Practice英语短句 例句大全




1.Ballet dancers practise their skills every day.芭蕾舞演员每天练功。

2.Re-Reflections on the Function of Training Tunes in Vocality Courses;重新认识声乐练声曲的教学训练功能

3.Quan adage saying: If one does not train basic skill, one will regret it in old age.拳谚有云:练拳不练功,到老一场倾家荡产。

4.They "train either in the hottest periods in summer or the coldest periods in winter", and rise to exercise on hearing the cock crows in the morning and get ready for battle.传统的练功方法很苦,“夏练三伏,冬练三九”,闻鸡起舞,枕戈待旦。

5.The artists were going through their daily routines.艺术家们正进行日常的练功活动。

6.Jeff: The European style exercises generally focuses on equipment and pays attention to healthy, strong and handsome qualities.杰夫:欧洲练功,一般都重在器械。 讲求

7.Qigong and Yoga Training Center气功瑜迦功训练中心

8.I"m out of practice in qigong.我现在没练气功了。

9.Some perform qigong exercise.还有些人则在练习气功,

10.We call it qigong. Chinese practice the qigong or breathing exercise individually or in groups.中国气功可以单独练,也可以集体练。

11.The latter one is called Eight-word Skill Linked Boxing.八字功串连起来练习叫八字功连环。

12.The effect of anaerobic training on the liver function was more obvious than aerobic training.无氧训练对肝脏功能的影响强度大于有氧训练.

13.The general way of practicing yoga is similar to that for practicing tai-ji.练瑜珈功的基本方法大体与练太极拳相同。

parative analysis of psychological training and qigong practice;心理训练与气功练习的对比分析及其作用原理

15.Wang Ping: They have stone locks to train ann strength, Mci Hua stakes to train leg skills, sandbags to train palms, kite to train eyes and walls to train the back.。 王平:有啊! 练臂力的石锁、练腿功的梅花桩、练手掌的沙袋、练眼睛的风筝、练腰的墙壁。

16.Functional Rehabilitation Training of Reflex Bladder in Paraplegia截瘫病人反射性膀胱功能的康复训练

17.A smooth dress rehearsal augured well for the play.顺利的服装排练预示着演出成功

18.a footballer"s nifty footwork足球运动员熟练的脚下功夫.


Functional training功能训练

1.Functional training followed by Ritalin in the treatment of stroke patients with hemiplegia;功能训练结合利他林对脑卒中后偏瘫患者康复的影响

2.Status quo and prospect of study on functional training for patients with lumbar disc herniation;腰椎间盘突出症功能训练的研究现状及展望

3.Early rehabilitation nursing and functional training on patients with mammary cancer after radical mastectomy.;乳腺癌根治术后的早期康复护理和功能训练

3)Traumatologic Qigong伤科练功

4)Function training功能训练

1.The application of behaviorism theory to the function training of infants with cerebral palsy;行为主义理论在小儿脑瘫功能训练中的应用

2.Methods22 patients after nerve and tendons repaired in wrist accepted comprehensive rehabilitation treatment such as ultrasound therapy,electrical nerve stimulating and function training in the whole course.方法给22例患者行超声治疗、神经肌肉电刺激和功能训练等术后综合康复处理。

3.Relevant nursing and function training were undertaken.方法护士采用住院患者观察量表(NOSIE)对患者社会功能缺陷程度进行评估 ,根据评定分值 ,实施有针对性的护理和功能训练 ,3个月后再进行评价。

5)function training功能锻练

paring with effects of treat peripheral nerve injury only by acupuncture orfunction training;电针和功能锻练治疗上肢周围神经不完全损伤的疗效比较

6)Treatment of practice练功疗法


练功练功 练功 养生术语。通过特定的方法如气功、导引、武术等以锻炼身体、防治疾病、抗衰延寿。
