100字范文 > 电子健康记录 electronic health record英语短句 例句大全

电子健康记录 electronic health record英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-13 21:56:47


电子健康记录 electronic health record英语短句 例句大全

电子健康记录,electronic health record

1)electronic health record电子健康记录

1.Development ofelectronic health records and its application in China;电子健康记录的发展及其在我国的应用


1.A metropolitanEHR solution based on GRID concept with a service-oriented architecture(SOA) was presented.提出并实现了一种具有影像信息共享交换功能的区域电子健康记录系统(EHR),完全符合IHE XDS/XDS-I技术框架和协议,同时应用网格概念和SOA架构,实现区域间多家医疗机构的病人影像信息的共享交换和影像信息的预处理及智能流动。


1.Ethical Principles and Regulating Recommendations inE-health in China;我国发展电子健康的伦理原则和管理建议

2.Philosophical thoughts on privacy protection in e-health age;电子健康模式下隐私保护的哲学思考

3.Several issues in e-health technology;电子健康技术的几个问题


1.Philosophical thoughts on privacy protection in e-health age;电子健康模式下隐私保护的哲学思考

2.The Research on Elderly Cadre Electronic Health Record and System Realization保健对象电子健康档案研究与数据库实现

3.To designing for the database of electronic health record of army men军队保健对象电子健康档案数据库框架设计

4.Family E-health Records: An Important Vehicle for Civil Rights and a Principal Source of Scientific Data家庭电子健康档案——公民健康权利的重要载体,人口与健康科学数据的重要来源

5.The Practice and Experience of Community Electronic Health Data Screening社区电子健康档案数据集的遴选实践与体会

6.The Design of Smart Data Collection System for EHR电子健康档案系统的智能数据采集终端设计

7.Development of Hospital EMR with IHE XDS Technical Framework in Clinical Practice应用IHE XDS技术建立患者电子健康档案系统实践

8.Research on Needs and Acceptability Towards E-Health in the Two Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical College;昆明医学院两附属医院对电子健康的需求与可接受性研究

9.Research about Villagers Demand and Acceptability Towards E-Health Services in Xiangyun County Yunnan Province;祥云县农村群众对电子健康服务的需求与可接受性研究

10.Effect of electronic industrial noise on worker s health;电子行业噪声对作业工人健康的影响

11.Prognostics and Health Management of Avionics航空电子的故障预测与健康管理技术

12.Application of Excel in the management of occupational health surveillance电子表格在职业健康监护管理中的应用

13.Data Extract Pattern Mining Research Based on HL7 Electronic Medical Record;基于健康标准电子病历数据抽取模式挖掘研究

14.The Healthy Hidden Trouble and Protection of the Electronic Readingroom in the Library;图书馆电子阅览室的健康隐患及预防措施

15.The effect of mental quality training on mental health of the electronic countermeasure soldiers;心理素质训练对电子对抗兵心理健康的影响

16.Afew Suggestions about Promoting Healthy Development of Electronic Business in Our Country;促进我国电子商务健康发展的几点建议

17.Study on Fault Prognostic and Health Management for Electronic System电子系统的故障预测与健康管理技术研究

18.How healthy is working on a computer?如何健康地用电脑工作?



1.A metropolitanEHR solution based on GRID concept with a service-oriented architecture(SOA) was presented.提出并实现了一种具有影像信息共享交换功能的区域电子健康记录系统(EHR),完全符合IHE XDS/XDS-I技术框架和协议,同时应用网格概念和SOA架构,实现区域间多家医疗机构的病人影像信息的共享交换和影像信息的预处理及智能流动。


1.Ethical Principles and Regulating Recommendations inE-health in China;我国发展电子健康的伦理原则和管理建议

2.Philosophical thoughts on privacy protection in e-health age;电子健康模式下隐私保护的哲学思考

3.Several issues in e-health technology;电子健康技术的几个问题

4)electronic record电子记录

1.This paper presents the planning of total station surveying withelectronic record,introduces the main process of programming and it’s function,analyses the main excellenceo of this method and explains something about it.提出了用于全站仪电子记录的设计方案,介绍了程序设计主要过程及其功能,分析了本方案的优点,并对相关问题进行说明。

2.To analyze and discuss the GMP management ofelectronic record in computer management system.目的:对计算机化系统管理下的电子记录GMP管理问题进行分析和探讨。

5)electric recorder电子记录仪

6)electrographic recording电子图记录


