100字范文 > 电子文件 Electronic records英语短句 例句大全

电子文件 Electronic records英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-08 14:07:42


电子文件 Electronic records英语短句 例句大全

电子文件,Electronic records

1)Electronic records电子文件

1.Security analysis of electronic records filing;电子文件归档的安全性分析


1.On the New Mode of E-Document: E-Document Center;电子文件利用新模式——电子文件中心刍议

2.On the issue about the legal effect of electronic documents and records;电子文件与电子档案的法律效力问题

3.On the Problem of Electronic Documents Managementin the Electronic Governmet Affairs;试论“电子政务”中的电子文件管理

4.A Comment on the Integrative Management of the Electrionic Document and the Electronic Archives;刍议电子文件、电子档案一体化管理

5.Requirements of Hunting for the Electronic Records: The Tactics of Electronic Records Management in Australia电子文件的捕获要求——澳大利亚电子文件管理策略

6.Several Considerations of the Content of Research on Electronic Records Receiving and Construction of Electronic Records Center对电子文件接收和电子文件中心建设需求研究内容的若干思考

7.Discussion on Digital Archives,Electronic Records Archives and Electronic Records Center数字档案馆、电子文件档案馆和电子文件中心辨析

8.Research on the Government s Electronic Document Management on the Premise of E-Government;电子政务环境下政府电子文件管理新探索

9.Study on the Information Security of E-records Produced in E-government Circumstance;电子政务环境下电子文件信息安全研究

10.Electronic Records and Archiving Management in the Electronic Government Environment;电子政务环境下的电子文件及其归档管理

11.The file size of the movie is too large to send as an attachment in an e-mail message.电影文件太大,无法作为电子邮件中的附件发送。

12.Delete expired items (e-mail folders only)删除到期项目(仅限于电子邮件文件夹)

13.Modify Storage for Deleted Files and E-mail修改删除的文件和电子邮件的存储

14.Storage Allocation for Deleted Files and E-mail为删除的文件和电子邮件分配存储

15.Show this folder as an e-mail Address Book将此文件夹显示为电子邮件通讯簿

16.Replace e&&&−mail message files that have been erased or damaged.替换已清除或损坏的电子邮件文件。

17.Please email the documents to me.请把那些文件以电子邮件形式发给我。

18.The E-mail is made, Receiving and transmitting the E-mail, The E-mail of appended document.制作电子邮件;接收和发送电子邮件;附加文件的邮件.


electronic documents电子文件

parative Analysis of value appraisal ofelectronic documents and paper files;电子文件与纸质档案价值鉴定之比较分析

2.Paying close attention to the problems in the utilization ofelectronic documents;关注电子文件的利用问题

3.Practice and research into management ofelectronic documents of hydropower construction projects水电建设工程电子文件管理实践与探索

3)electronic document电子文件

1.New topic to conventional file management byelectronic documents;电子文件给传统档案管理工作带来的新课题

2.A preliminary discussion on the filing and developing ofelectronic documents in colleges and universities;浅谈高校电子文件的归档与开发利用

3.Brief talk on entity and security protection ofelectronic document;浅谈电子文件的实体和安全保护

4)electronic file电子文件

1.Management ofelectronic files-records management in construction industry;建筑行业电子文件档案管理

2.Good administration of CADelectronic files is now greatly concerned by design entities and business departments.做好对CAD电子文件的归档管理工作,已成为设计单位和很多行业的业务部门所关心的问题。

3.Electronic files are everywhere, the security has drawn more and more attention.电子文件充满着整个世界,其安全性越来越得到重视。

5)electronic files电子文件

1.A Brief Talk about the Work of Archives Management in Electronic Files;浅谈电子文件的档案管理工作

2.Probe into truthfulness ofelectronic files;对电子文件真实性问题的探究

3.The article mainly discusses the aboriginality and facticity of electronic archives and the evidence in law ofelectronic files or archives, by referring to the latest research, and put forward the thinking, and then explore their definition and relationship step by step.该文针对电子文件或档案的原始性真实性与电子档案的法律证据作用,参考了最新的研究结果,并提出了自己的思考,逐步探讨了它们的涵义及关系。

6)CAD electronic documentCAD电子文件

1.The paper states the characteristics of project designCAD electronic document that is predecessor of project design drawing file.阐述了工程设计图纸档案的前身———工程设计CAD电子文件的特性,讨论了它的原始性与法律效力问题以及在其管理上遇到的问题,从而使CAD电子文件得到更好的管理和利用。


