100字范文 > 全民 the whole people英语短句 例句大全

全民 the whole people英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-28 13:48:36


全民 the whole people英语短句 例句大全

全民,the whole people

1)the whole people全民

1.Considering the situation,it is proposed to construct the AIDS education system forthe whole people.本文针对现有研究的不足,提出了整体构建全民预防艾滋病教育体系的构思,并详述了整体构建全民预防艾滋病教育体系的思路、方法、步骤以及全民预防艾滋病教育体系的结构框架。

2.It is new mindset that Chinese high vocational education growths healthily and continuously fromthe whole people to the whole bringing then to the whole person.基于“穷人经济学”的中国高职教育新使命,就是构建立足现实、放眼未来“三全教育”新体系———从全民到全纳再到全人,正是中国高职教育健康、持续成长的新取向。


1.Citizens Referendum Monitoring Group公民全民投票监测组

2.- Combining the armed forces with the people and practicing self-defense by the whole people.--实行军民结合,全民自卫。

3.The Comparative Study of Ownership by the Whole People and Shareholding System for the Whole People全民所有制与全民股份制的比较研究

4.a life devoted to the people全心全意为人民的一生

5.He is wholeheartedly for the people serve.他全心全意为人民服务。

6.Serve the people wholeheartedly.全心全意地为人民服务。

7.serve the people heart and soul全心全意地为人民服务

8.Corpus iuris civilis市民法大全,国法大全

9.National People"s Party全国人民党(人民党)

10.Haitian National Popular Party海地全国人民党(人民党)

11.Civil Aid Service [CAS] [formerly known as Civil Aid Services]民众安全服务处〔民安处〕;民众安全服务队〔民安队〕

12.This is a matter to which our whole Party, army and nation must give close attention.这必须引起全党全军全国人民的重视。

13."Commissioner, Civil Aid Service"民众安全服务队处长

14."Chief Staff Officer, Civil Aid Service [CSO, CAS]"民众安全服务处总参事

15."Staff Officer, Civil Aid Service"民众安全服务处参事

16.Cameroon People"s National Congress喀麦隆人民全国大会党

17.National Council of Indigenous Peoples土著人民全国委员会

18.all-electric economy完全电气化的国民经济


all the people全民

1.The task of promoting the public science literacy is not only to endowall the people with basic science literacy, but also to construct a learning society for all so as to facilitate everyone to improve his science literacy endlessly.提高全民科学素质的任务,不仅要使所有国民具有基本的科学素质,而且要构建全民共同发展的学习型社会,为每一个公民科学素质的不断提高创造条件。

3)"Sports for All"全民全运

bined with the requirements of the National Games,"Sports for All"-the operational mode will be built in a harmonious society.本文从和谐社会构建条件下全运会运作模式构建入手,采用文献资料法,问卷调查法,数理统计法,系统分析法,历史研究法,对近两届全运会运作现状进行分析,结合和谐社会构建对全运会举办目标要求,进而构建出和谐社会建设下“全民全运”的全运会运作模式。

4)universal coverage全民医保

1.The proposed goal of "universal coverage" and the piloted Social Medical Insurance in urban areas have solved the equality problems caused by the deficiency of the medical security system s coverage in our country."全民医保"目标的提出和城镇居民基本医疗保险制度的试点,解决了我国医疗保障制度覆盖面不足引发的公平问题,但是多种医疗保障制度并存将引发新的不公平问题。

2.China achieveduniversal coverage in system,but it brings the opportunities and the challenges to national hospitals.我国从制度上实现了"全民医保"目标,将给公立医院带来机遇的同时也面临严峻的挑战,政治敏感性、法制意识增强,医疗市场竞争更加激烈,市场份额受到限制,服务管理难度加大。

5)universal coverage全民覆盖

6)mass chemotherapy全民化疗

1.Objective To understand the reinfection status of Ascaris lumbricoides after differentmass chemotherapy measures were implemented in heavily endemic areas with A.目的了解蛔虫重度流行区采取不同方案的全民化疗措施后,居民个体和群体的蛔虫再感染状况。

2.Objective To enhance the chemotherapy compliance of masses in hyper endemic areas and to make comparison of the effectiveness and benefit betweenmass chemotherapy method and selective chemotherapy after inquiry method.目的为提高血吸虫病高度流行区人群化疗依从性 ,比较询检法化疗与全民化疗控制血吸虫病的效果、费用。


全民1.保全百姓。 2.全国人民;全体人民。
