100字范文 > 整体效果 the whole effect英语短句 例句大全

整体效果 the whole effect英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-22 07:13:46


整体效果 the whole effect英语短句 例句大全

整体效果,the whole effect

1)the whole effect整体效果

1.This article points out that Allen Poe s theory emphasized the beauty of poetry,regarding it as pure art and stressingthe whole effect of the poem.坡的诗歌理论强调美,认为诗是“纯艺术”,重视诗歌的整体效果。


1.TK: All of the details should in some way contribute to the overall effect of the poem.所有细节都必须多多少少对诗的整体效果做出贡献。

2.Observation on Clinical Effect of Comprehensive Rehabilitative Treatment on Patella tip Trauma in Athletes运动员髌尖末端病康复综合疗法的整体效果观察

3.Study on the Whole Effect of Moral Education in High School Politics Teaching;高中思想政治课的整体德育效果研究

4.Ancient Chinese special sentence type expression effect whole understanding;古汉语特殊句式表达效果的整体认识

5.the Construction and Its Effect of Integer Electromotion Falsework;电动整体升降外脚手架的施工及效果

6.the dominant effect of an article or of matter as a whole;该物品或事物整体上所产生之显著效果;

7.Pay Atlention to the Integrity of Training Effect Appraisal for Enterpise;企业员工培训效果评估必须注重整体性

8.Research On Teaching Effects of Class-with-group in Skating Teaching in Universities and Colleges;高校速滑课整体与分组教学效果的研究

9.The Research on Effect and Integration on Stockholder Interacting Action of Chinese "Subsidizing to Agriculture, Peasant and Countryside"我国“以工补农”效果及其主体互动整合研究

10.The application of holism concept in the human resource management in operating room整体论在手术室人力资源管理中的应用及效果

11.Effects and evaluations of education on the patients with stroke during the holistic nursing健康教育在脑卒中患者整体护理中的效果评价

12.The effect and evaluation of comprehensive regulation of inland river pollution浅谈城市内河水体污染综合整治效果与评价

13.Analysis of factors influencing cosmetic results of breast-conserving surgery for breast cancer乳腺癌保乳手术即刻自体整形美容效果分析

14.Research on Improving Integration Teaching Effect and Efficiency Using Multimedia Techniques;利用多媒体技术提高整体教学效率与效果的研究

15.adjusted treatment mean调整实验效果平均数

16.Conclusions Holistic nursing is beneficial for the effect of the operation and the patient"s recovery.结论患者住院期间的整体护理利于巩固手术效果及辅助康复。

17.Whole Block Profile Control is one of the important measurements to improve the development result of water injection in later high water-cut period.区块整体调剖是高含水期改善注水开发效果的一项重要措施。

18.Avoids the marketer’s sins, which will detract from overall effectiveness避开行销人员易犯的错误,以免降低整体行销效果


good whole effect of construction施工整体效果好

3)overall offense and defense effect整体防守效果

4)integration teaching effect and efficiency整体教学效率与效果

5)Adjustment effect调整效果

1.Moreover undergoing many wellpattern adjustments, injection adjustments, fracture and other measures, all blocks" adjustment effect arebecoming poor.宋芳屯油田已投入开发6个区块,由于各区块开发时间较长,均进入中高含水期,并且经过多次注采系统和注水结构调整以及压裂改造等措施,其调整效果逐渐变差,需要进行以井网加密为核心的综合调整。

6)finishing effect整理效果

1.Thefinishing effect of pure ramie fabric in clothing for daily use is caculated and analysed by means of the mathematical model of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation.利用模糊综合评判数学模型 ,计算并分析了纯苎麻织物服用方面的生物整理效果 。


Fogeffect(雾化效果)fog effect (雾化效果)雾化效果是3d的比较常见的特性,在游戏中见到的烟雾、爆炸火焰以及白云等效果都是雾化的结果。它的功能就是制造一块指定的区域笼罩在一股烟雾弥漫之中的效果,这样可以保证远景的真实性,而且也减小了3d图形的渲染工作量。
