100字范文 > 横向进给 Transverse Feed英语短句 例句大全

横向进给 Transverse Feed英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-30 05:59:36


横向进给 Transverse Feed英语短句 例句大全

横向进给,Transverse Feed

1)Transverse Feed横向进给

1.Simulation of Temperature Field ofTransverse Feed Grinding;横向进给磨削淬硬温度场的数值模拟


1.The whole framework of the short arc machining tool and it′ s landscape framework design are introduced.介绍数控短电弧加工机床的总体结构及其横向进给机构的设计。

2.Automatic horizontal-feeding and rapid motion can be obtained by the slide carriage of the machine.机床滑座能横向自动进给和快速移动。

3.The machine adopts gear leath head .The precision degree is high .It can power feed both in Latitudinal and longitudinal direction.该机床车头采用齿轮传动,精度高,纵横向均能自动进给.

4.Entry clamp with longitudinal and cross traverse.可纵向、横向运行的进口夹钳

5.The diaphragm draws air into the lungs.横膈膜向下运动让空气进入肺部.

6.Promote the lateral ties with the associate organizations促进与兄弟单位的横向联系

7.Study on Stability for Transverse-cutting of Cantilevered Roadheader悬臂式掘进机横向截割时稳定性研究

8.Design of Progressive Die with Side Notching and Horizontal Blanking for Drawing Part侧冲缺口-横向冲切落料拉伸级进模

9.tangential feed mechanism切向进给[进刀]机构

10.Influence of parameters for highline cable of maritime alongside replenishment system海上横向补给系统高架索参数影响分析

11.Analytic study on the dynamic characteristic of highline system海上航行横向补给高架索道动态特性分析研究

12.There are four(4) side launching arrangements and two(2) longitudinal launching arrangements positioned on the brackets, plus two(2) side launching cylinders placed on the“ horns” of the suspension gallow.牛腿上共设4台横向推进油缸,2台纵向推进油缸,此外,在吊架牛腿上设有2台横向推进油缸。

13.It uses two-way cutlery device to finish noching the paperboard bag, color bag and ocatgonal bag simultaneously.双向进刀,并列纵横向一次完成纸张开槽工序。

14.On Horizontal Structure and Vertical Evolution of Chinese Provincial Government Function;论我国省级政府职能的横向结构与纵向演进

15.filing cord pique横向灯芯布,横向凸条布

16.transversing gear横向机构,横向传动装置

17.Extending or running transversely.横的横向延伸或走向的

18.horizontal integration横向联合,横向一体化


longitudinal and transverse feed纵横向进给

3)transverse feed grinding横向进给磨削

1.The surface hardening of 40Cr steel was performed on a surface grinder bytransverse feed grinding;the changing trends of microstructure and wear behavior of surface hardened layer were researched.在平面磨床上采用横向进给磨削方式对40Cr钢进行表面硬化处理,研究了磨削表面硬化层组织与磨损性能的变化趋势。

4)transverse feed mechanism横向进给机构

5)cross feed device横向进给装置

6)lead screw for cross-slide横向进给螺杆


缓进给磨削用减小进给量、加大磨削深度的办法提高金属切除率的高效率磨削。一般在特制的卧轴平面磨床上,用砂轮周边以大的切削深度 (е=1~20毫米)和慢的进给速度(vW=10~300毫米/分)进行平面或成形磨削(见图),砂轮线速度v=30米/秒左右。缓进给磨削适合于加工各种成形表面和沟槽,特别是淬硬钢和高温合金等高硬度、高强度的难加工金属材料的工件,如燃气透平叶片榫齿等。用这种方法可以从工件毛坯直接磨出所要求的表面形状和尺寸,既能提高效率,又能保证加工质量。由于磨削深度大,砂轮与工件的接触弧长比普通磨削大几倍至几十倍,磨削力、磨削功率和磨削热大幅度增加,故要求机床刚度好、功率大,并设有高压大流量的切削液喷射冷却系统,以便有效地冷却工件,冲走磨屑。缓进给磨削大多采用陶瓷结合剂的大气孔、松组织的超软普通磨料砂轮,以保证良好的自锐性、足够的容屑空间和避免工件表面烧伤;也可采用聚氨脂树脂结合剂砂轮或超硬磨料砂轮。这种磨削的加工效率可比普通磨削高1~5倍, 磨削精度可达2~5微米,表面粗糙度达Ra1.25~0.16微米。
