100字范文 > 高密行为 high density behavior英语短句 例句大全

高密行为 high density behavior英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-26 03:55:14


高密行为 high density behavior英语短句 例句大全

高密行为,high density behavior

1)high density behavior高密行为

1.Nowadays significant progress has been achieved in studying the low density behavior of nuclear symmetry energy, but thehigh density behavior of nuclear symmetry energy is still very uncertain.由于对称能,尤其是其高密行为,对核物理学和天体物理学具有重要意义,密度依赖的对称能在过去一直是中能重离子物理研究领域的主要焦点之一。

2)affiliation behavior亲密行为


1.a marital relationship with its rights and intimacies.带有婚姻权利和亲密行为的关系。

2.The Research of the Gender Effect on the Same-gender Intimacy Behavior among College Students;大学生同性亲密行为中的性别效应研究

3.Many couples also said they were frustrated at the lack of day-to-day intimacy in their lives.此外,很多夫妇说他们对日常生活中缺乏亲密行为感到失望。

4.I could recall no innocent intimacy.我都回想不起来我们之间有过什么天真的亲密行为。

5.A Study of the Relationship between Teacher Nonverbal Immediacy and Student Motivation to Learn in Chinese College Classroom;大学课堂教师非言语亲密行为与学生学习动机关系研究

6.So, you"re saying my intacy issues stem from my mother, who dressed me as a sailor til I waten years old?那么 你是说我的亲密行为源于我的母亲 那个把我打扮成水手直到我十岁的人

7.A survey of about 5000 adults has found that more than 80 per cent of women prefer regular intimate moments over sex.一项对5000名成年人的调查发现,与性生活相比,80%以上的女性更喜欢有规律的亲密行为。

8.26.Displaying general overfamiliarity26.表现过亲密的行为。

9.This behavior endeared her to me.这个行为使她和我亲密起来。

10.On Behavior and Attributions of Conflict among Partners of Intimate Relationships;亲密关系伴侣在冲突中的行为及其归因

11.K. Lorenz s Life and His Study in the Ethology;与鸟兽虫鱼的亲密对话:动物行为学家洛伦茨

12.The body touch between people of the same sex shouldn"t be over intimate, or they"ll be regarded as homosexuality.同性之间体触行为不应过分亲密,否则易被视为同性恋行为。

13.An excessively familiar or informal act;an impropriety.不拘礼仪过分亲密或不拘礼仪的行为;不得体的行为

14.Only a few of his closest friends defended his talent during his lifetime.在他有生之年,只有几个最亲密的朋友为他的才能进行辩护。


16.After stepwise multiple regression analysis, the predicted variables contributing to satisfaction with sexual intercourse were found to be satisfaction with intimacy in the relationship, sexual satisfaction prior to hysterectomy, and less pain in intercourse.经回归分析后,影响术后性生活满意的因素有术后亲密行爲满意度、前性行为满意度与性交痛。

17.And if after the roused intimacy of these vivid and soul-enlightened discussions the sex thing became more or less inevitable, then let it.在这些生动的、毫无隐讳的、亲密的谈心过后,性行为成为不可避免的了,那只好忍受。

18.This is because the British male is frightened of intimacy, finds it difficult to express friendly interest in other males and can be somewhat aggressive in his manner.这是因为英国男人害怕亲密,他们对其他男性表示友好有困难,举止行为上多少有可能不甚和善。


affiliation behavior亲密行为

3)High risk behavior高危行为

1.Survey on Current Situation of the High Risk Behavior to AIDS of 538 CSWs in Underdrive Resorts;低档娱乐场所性服务人员AIDS高危行为现况调查

2.Prevalence Study of HIV High Risk Behavior Among Wuhan Men Who Have Sex with Men;武汉市同性恋酒吧男男性接触者HIV高危行为的现况调查

3.Survey of HIV high risk behaviors and awareness among injecting drug users in Jianshui County建水县静脉吸毒者高危行为及艾滋病认知状况调查

4)high risk behaviors高危行为

1.Objective To understand thehigh risk behaviors among men who have sex with men(MSM) in small and medium sized city.目的调查中小城市男男性接触者(MSM)的艾滋病高危行为。

2.Objective To analyze the status ofhigh risk behaviors and the influence factors about HIV/AIDS among men who have sex with men (MSM) in Chongqing, and to provide evidence for the targeted intervention.目的:旨在重庆市男男性接触者(MSM)人群艾滋病防治知识、高危行为和HIV感染率现况调查的基础上,对该人群的高危行为特征及其相关影响因素进行深入分析,为制定本地区该人群艾滋病防治策略及行为干预措施提供较为切实的依据和参考。

3.Objective To study thehigh risk behaviors associated with HIV infection in drug users in an area of Shenzhen city.目的了解深圳市某地吸毒人群与HIV感染相关的高危行为。

5)High-risk behavior高危行为

1.ResultsHigh-risk behaviors such as ne.目的了解艾滋病病毒感者的高危行为,为制订本地区艾滋病防治策略提供科学依据。

2.Their high-risk behaviors make them very vulnerable to HIV virus.广西经济、教育不发达造成校外青少年规模比较大,广西校外青少年涉及高危行为比较突出,使他们易感染艾滋病毒。

3.High-risk behaviors such as needle sharing(78%)and commercial sexual behaviors were common,and the rate of using condom was low(<80%).目的了解艾滋病病毒感染者的高危行为,为制订艾滋病防治策略提供依据。

6)high-risk behaviors高危行为


高密1.高大。 2.借指富贵之家﹑高门望族。 3.指汉代郑玄。郑玄是山东高密人。 4.指汉代邓禹。邓禹以功封高密侯。
