100字范文 > 高危行为 High risk behavior英语短句 例句大全

高危行为 High risk behavior英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-24 20:52:35


高危行为 High risk behavior英语短句 例句大全

高危行为,High risk behavior

1)High risk behavior高危行为

1.Survey on Current Situation of the High Risk Behavior to AIDS of 538 CSWs in Underdrive Resorts;低档娱乐场所性服务人员AIDS高危行为现况调查

2.Prevalence Study of HIV High Risk Behavior Among Wuhan Men Who Have Sex with Men;武汉市同性恋酒吧男男性接触者HIV高危行为的现况调查

3.Survey of HIV high risk behaviors and awareness among injecting drug users in Jianshui County建水县静脉吸毒者高危行为及艾滋病认知状况调查


1.Analysis on High-risk Behaviors Related to AIDS of CSW in Nanchong City南充市城区暗娼艾滋病高危行为分析

2.Anal sex without a condom is an extremely high risk activity for HIV transmission.不用安全套的肛交绝对是HIV感染的高危行为。

3.Cultural Perspectives of Urban Temporary Migrants and High-Risk Behavior;城市流动人口高危行为的社会文化透视

4.The Study of HIV-Risk Behavior among MSM in a District of Shandong, China;山东某地区男男性接触者的高危行为研究

5.The Research of the Main Affecting Factors of the High Risk Behaviors of Men Who Have Sex with Men (MSM) in Tainyuan;太原市MSM人群高危行为的主要影响因素研究

6.Study on Status of High Risk Behaviors about HIV/AIDS among Mobile People in Changchun;长春市流动人口艾滋病高危行为的研究

7.The Application of Structural Equation Model in Analyzing High Risk Behaviors of Aids;结构方程模型在艾滋病高危行为分析中的应用


9.Investigation on university students" highly risky sexual behavior in the area with serious HIV infection艾滋病高发区大学生高危性行为研究

10.Survey of health risk behavior of students in a high school of Haikou City;海口某中学高中生健康危险行为调查

11.Risk Behaviors Among High School Students in Bengbu in ;蚌埠市高中生危险行为调查

12.Monitoring of Neurobehavioral Development in High-risk Neonates and Early Intervention高危儿神经行为发育监测及早期干预

13.Reationship between high risk sexual behavior and alcohol dependence in coal miners煤矿职工酒精依赖与高危性行为关系

14.Analysis on HIV High-risk Sexual Behaviors of Persons with Diamorphine Injection in Shanghai上海地区海洛因注射者的HIV高危性行为分析

15.Heroism, of course, is a pretty high-risk strategy.当然,英雄主义是一种危险度相当高的行为。

16.A Study on HIV/AIDS Related Behavioral Interventions for Male Clients of Sexual Workers in Leshan City;乐山市艾滋病男性高危人群行为干预研究

17.The Relationship between Vocational College Students Social Networks and Risk Behaviors;高职生的社会关系网络与危险行为的关系

18.Study on AIDS Related Risk Sexual Behavior and Determinants among Colleage Students;大学生艾滋病相关高危性行为及影响因素研究


High-risk behavior高危行为

1.ResultsHigh-risk behaviors such as ne.目的了解艾滋病病毒感者的高危行为,为制订本地区艾滋病防治策略提供科学依据。

2.Their high-risk behaviors make them very vulnerable to HIV virus.广西经济、教育不发达造成校外青少年规模比较大,广西校外青少年涉及高危行为比较突出,使他们易感染艾滋病毒。

3.High-risk behaviors such as needle sharing(78%)and commercial sexual behaviors were common,and the rate of using condom was low(<80%).目的了解艾滋病病毒感染者的高危行为,为制订艾滋病防治策略提供依据。

3)high risk behaviors高危行为

1.Objective To understand thehigh risk behaviors among men who have sex with men(MSM) in small and medium sized city.目的调查中小城市男男性接触者(MSM)的艾滋病高危行为。

2.Objective To analyze the status ofhigh risk behaviors and the influence factors about HIV/AIDS among men who have sex with men (MSM) in Chongqing, and to provide evidence for the targeted intervention.目的:旨在重庆市男男性接触者(MSM)人群艾滋病防治知识、高危行为和HIV感染率现况调查的基础上,对该人群的高危行为特征及其相关影响因素进行深入分析,为制定本地区该人群艾滋病防治策略及行为干预措施提供较为切实的依据和参考。

3.Objective To study thehigh risk behaviors associated with HIV infection in drug users in an area of Shenzhen city.目的了解深圳市某地吸毒人群与HIV感染相关的高危行为。

4)risk behavior高危行为

1.This could help to reduce social discriminations to HIV sufferers, encourage HIV testers to reduce HIV related high-risk behavior and prevent HIV transmission.通过对有高危行为的人提供咨询及HIV检测服务,不仅能够尽早发现、及时预防、为感染者提供合适的治疗转诊服务,而且能够为患者提供情感支持,减少社会对HIV感染者的歧视,促使受检者减少危险行为,预防HIV的传播。

2.Objective To understand the knowledge,attitude,risk behavior,health needs,utilization of health services related to HIV/AIDS among drug users in Guangzhou.结论广州市吸毒人群对艾滋病相关知识有一定程度的了解,但普遍具有传播艾滋病的高危行为,且健康水平不高,艾滋病卫生服务利用率较低,应加强艾滋病的宣传、检测和咨询服务。

5)risk behaviors高危行为

1.Conclusion People in detoxification centers had relatively high HIV awareness rate,but had many highrisk behaviors,so it is necessary to deeply develop the public education on HIV/STDs prevention,HIV counseling and testing,condom using and promotion and clean needle exchange to effectively curb HIV/AIDS spread.[结论]强制戒毒人员艾滋病认知水平相对较高,但也存在许多高危行为,应深入开展预防性病、艾滋病的宣传教育;进一步加强艾滋病咨询或检测工作;应加大安全套的推广及使用力度,加大吸毒者清洁针具交换工作,从而有效地遏制艾滋病的流行及传播。

6)high-risk behaviors高危行为


