100字范文 > 政工队伍 political work team英语短句 例句大全

政工队伍 political work team英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-27 21:20:02


政工队伍 political work team英语短句 例句大全

政工队伍,political work team

1)political work team政工队伍

1.Present situation analysis & countermeasures concerningpolitical work team in municipal vocational colleges in Jiangsu;江苏市属高职院校政工队伍现状分析与对策


1.The Present Condition,Problems and Countermeasures of Our College s Political Workers in View of "Comprehensive Political Work";论“大政工”视野内的我院政工队伍建设

2.The Construction of Ideological and Political Work Must Keep Pace With The Times;论高校政工队伍建设的“与时俱进”

3.On Optimizing the Psychological Quality of Political Work Cadres at University;高校政工干部队伍心理素质优化探析

4.An Analysis of the Construction of Ideological and Political Teachers in the Institutions of Higher Education;浅谈高校思想政治教育工作队伍建设

5.Shallowly Discusses Contingent Building of Ideological and Political Work in Advanced Vocational Schools;浅论高职学校思想政治工作队伍建设

6.Reflections on Building the Contingent of Ideological and Political Workers in HEIs;对高校思想政治工作队伍建设的思考

7.A Brief Analysis on the Enhancement of Ideological and Political Work in Vocational Colleges;浅谈高职学生思想政治工作队伍建设

8.The Influence of Several Economic Policies on China s Workers Teams;若干经济政策对我国职工队伍的影响

9.Personnel Construction of Internet Ideological and Political Work in ColIeges and Universities;浅论高校网络思想政治工作队伍建设

10.The thinking of the construction of the students political work team in college;高校学生思想政治工作队伍建设思考

11.Construction of political and ideological working cadres in clinical medical college;试论临床医学院的政工干部队伍建设

12.Building a Highly Qualified Work on Network and Ideological Politics Work;建设一支高素质的网络思政工作队伍

13.On Construction of the Ideological and Political Working Contingent via Network in Colleges and Universities;高校网络思想政治工作队伍建设探析

14.Some Reasons of Political Talent Pool"s Weakening in Enterprises and the Countermeasures企业政工人才队伍弱化之原因及对策

15.A Requirement of Consolidating the Politics and Ideology Education Contingent of College with the Network;思想政治教育进网络与思想政治工作队伍建设

16.University of ideological and political education work force composition and division of labor;高校思想政治教育工作队伍构成及分工

17.On the construction of composite political work cadres in construction enterprise;论施工企业如何搞好复合型政工干部队伍建设

18.The Ideological and Political Work Is the Facilitator to the Development of Quality of Workers and Staff;思想政治工作是提高职工队伍素质的助推器


administrators in the higher vocational colleges高职政工队伍

1.Problems and countermeasures of the construction ofadministrators in the higher vocational colleges;在构建和谐社会中,高职政工队伍对培养全面发展人才的作用日益凸现,但尚存在一些值得注意的问题。

3)cadre team of political work政工干部队伍

4)building the political work force政工队伍建设

5)ideological team思政队伍

1.In this essay,some ideas,for these existing problems in these colleges,are put forward on how to form a high_qualityideological team.本文针对高等职业学院存在的问题 ,就如何构建一支高素质的思政队伍提出一些对策。

6)administation staff行政队伍


军队政工理论研究双月刊 96页 大16开。本刊融思想性、政治性、理论与针对性、导向性、学术性于一体,从理论与实践的结合上回答和解决部队官兵普遍关注的实际问题和思想认识问题,为新时期时强军队思想政治建设服务。主管单位:中国人民解放军总政治部宣传部主办单位:中国人民解放军南京政治学院编辑单位:解放军南京政治学上海分院编辑部主 编:姜德福国内统一刊号:cn 31-1720/d国际标准刊号:issn 1009-346x单 价:10元/期定 价:60元/年主要栏目兴起学习贯彻“三个表代”重要思想的新高潮新时期国防和军队建设思想研究领导干部论坛政治工作理论新探新时期军队政治工作加强和改进军队党的建设院校教育
