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政工干部 Political cadres英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-21 19:27:53


政工干部 Political cadres英语短句 例句大全

政工干部,Political cadres

1)Political cadres政工干部

1.Moral character, wide experience, capability and knowledge" are political cadres essential basic qualities in enterprises."德、识、才、学"是企业政工干部必备的基本素质。

2.Leaderless Group Discussion(LGD) is a common recruitment method in the government and enterprises at present,but it has not yet been publicly reported that LGD had been used in the political cadres selection in the military academies.学校结合专业技术院校干部选拔工作实际,将无领导小组讨论方法运用于政工干部选拔,为进一步提高人才选拔质量积累了一定的经验。


1.On Optimizing the Psychological Quality of Political Work Cadres at University;高校政工干部队伍心理素质优化探析

2.Construction of political and ideological working cadres in clinical medical college;试论临床医学院的政工干部队伍建设

3.Thoughts on Strengthening the Discipline-Restraint of Ideological Work Cadre In the New Period;新时期政工干部加强党纪约束的思考

4.A Brief Talk on the Requirement of the Qulity of Political Cadres in Colleges by the Internet;浅谈网络对高校政工干部的素质要求

5.Improvement of the Quality of Administrative Personnel in Present Universities;略论新时期高校政工干部素质的提高

6.On the construction of composite political work cadres in construction enterprise;论施工企业如何搞好复合型政工干部队伍建设

7.Enterprise Political Work Features and Quality for Political Work Cadre in New Term;新时期企业思想政治工作特点及政工干部应具备的素质

8.A Study on the Army Grass-Roots Political Officers Power of Non-authoritative Influence;军队基层政工干部非权力性影响力研究

9.The Change of the Composition of Young Political Cadres in the Information-based Age;信息时代青年政工干部能力构成的新变化

10.Analysis on Mental Health of 114 Policemen Political Cadres;114名公安政工干部心理测试结果研究分析

11.Analysis of the State of Political Work Cadres Thoughts and its Countermeasures in the New Situation;新形势下政工干部思想状况分析及对策

12.When assigning political cadres, we must ensure their quality, so that they can serve as examples.在配备政治工作干部时要注意质量,政治干部要能起模范作用。

13.Social Construction and Innovation of the Governing Party Leaders Leading Activity;社会建设与执政党干部领导工作创新

14.Strengthening the Cadres Training and Improving Party s Governing Ability;加强干部培训工作 提高党的执政能力

15.Analysis of the Issue of Ideological and Political Education of the Rural Grass-roots Cadres;农村基层干部思想政治教育工作探析

16.On Streng thening the Ideological and Political Education of Cadres;论加强领导干部的思想政治教育工作

17.Personality Strength of Leading Cadres in Ideological and Political Work;思想政治工作中领导干部的人格力量

18.Propaganda teams constitute the schools for training cadres, not only for cultural work, but also for political work.宣传队是培养干部的学校。不仅要培养文化工作的干部,还要培养政治工作的干部。


political work cadres政工干部

1.Psychological Quality that 21C s Political Work Cadres of Enterprises Should Possess;二十一世纪企业政工干部应具备的心理素质

2.The level of psychological quality determines the spiritual state ofpolitical work cadres at university,which is also the vital factor of ideological and political education effect.高校政工干部心理素质的高低,直接决定了政工干部队伍的精神状态、意志品质、战斗力、凝聚力和创造力,直接影响着思想政治教育的效果。

3.A university should have a group of high-qualitypolitical work cadres with firm belief,clear mind,excellent professional work and reasonable structure.要用"三个代表"重要思想和科学发展观统领高校思想政治工作,注重培养和提高高校政工干部的政治素质、职业道德素质、专业素质和能力素质。

3)political workers政工干部

1.On the basic demand for the quality ofpolitical workers at colleges;略论高校政工干部素质的基本要求

2.The innovational abilities ofpolitical workers in the army display in the following aspects :raising new contents in political work ,innovating new methods in political work ,applying new technologies in political work,and summarizing new theories in political work .军队政工干部创新能力的行为表现是 :提出政治工作的新内容 ,创造政治工作的新方法 ,应用政治工作的新技术 ,概括政治工作的新理论。

4)composite political work cadres复合型政工干部

1.On the construction ofcomposite political work cadres in construction enterprise;论施工企业如何搞好复合型政工干部队伍建设

5)youthful cadres worked on politics青年政工干部

1.It is positive realistic significance to pay attention to the delicate change in ability’s composing ofyouthful cadres worked on politics in information-based .在信息时代,社会生活对青年政工干部的能力构成要求正在悄然发生变化,其中包括理性生活的能力、控制情绪的能力、克服偏见的能力、待人以善的能力、信任同志的能力、寻找需求的能力、正视付出的能力、把握机会的能力。

6)coordinators of ideology programs学生政工干部


