100字范文 > 干部 Cadre英语短句 例句大全

干部 Cadre英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-03 19:07:07


干部 Cadre英语短句 例句大全



1.Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome Diagnosed with IDF Suggestion amongCadres in Nanning;应用国际糖尿病联盟标准分析南宁市干部人群代谢综合征患病率

2.Analysis on Prevalence of Obesity and Overweight ofCadres in Certain Tibet Areas and its Control Strategies;西藏部分地区干部超重和肥胖患病情况与防治策略浅析

3.Deepening the reform of human resource system of cadres and distribution, and promoting the construction of professional team;深化干部人事分配制度改革 加快人才队伍建设


1.First, they should train, select and recommend cadres.第一,训练干部,选拔干部,推荐干部。

2.9. Take good care of local cadres.(九)爱护本地干部。

3.The army cadres must help the local cadres, and vice versa.军队干部必须帮助地方干部,地方干部也必须帮助军队干部。

4.The old teach their experiences to the new ones.老干部把经验传授给新干部

5.Old cadres should treat new cadres on an equal footing.老干部对新干部要处在平等的地位。

6.To assemble in or hold a caucus.召集干部会议,召开干部会议

7.And how about cadres at the regimental and divisional levels?团的干部、师的干部怎么样?

8.At the same time, they should work patiently, get to know the officers well and keep in regular contact with them.也要有耐心,能熟悉干部,联系干部。

9.The Unity of Supervising Cadres by the Party and Electing Cadres by the Masses;“党管干部”与“民选干部”的统一

10.On the Open Selection of Cadres and the Principle of the Party Taking Control of Cadres;论干部公开选拔制度与党管干部原则

11.How can they act as a collective political or cadre department?怎么起到集体政治部、干部部的作用呢?

12.All old cadres, therefore, should welcome the new ones with the utmost enthusiasm and show them the warmest solicitude.所以一切老干部应该以极大的热忱欢迎新干部,关心新干部。

13.In 2000, there were over 50, 000 ethnic minority cadres in the Tibet Autonomous Region, and Tibetan cadres accounted for over 70 percent of the total number of cadres there.2000年,西藏自治区有5万多名民族干部,藏族干部超过干部总数的70%。

14.In the enemy"s rear area,the cadres"s education was offered at school and in work.敌后抗日根据地干部教育分为在职干部教育与学校干部教育。

15.We should do a better job of training and selecting women cadres, cadres from among ethnic minorities and non-Party cadres.进一步做好培养选拔妇女干部、少数民族干部和党外干部的工作。

16.Transfer cadres to strengthen organizations at the grass roots抽调干部以充实基层

17."Bureau of Retired Veteran Cadres, CPC Taizhou Municipal Committee"中共台州市委老干部局

18.From now on we must be very careful in the selection of cadres.今后选拔干部要严格。



1.Hepatitis B Infection AmongCadres of Futian District in Shenzhen;深圳市福田区干部乙肝病毒感染情况调查分析

2.The theory of Deng Xiaoping on the shaping of the cadres s political personality;邓小平关于干部政治人格塑造的思想


1.The fostering of administrative ability and leaders becoming talents in their posts;执政能力建设与干部“适职成才”

2.The key lies in leaders in setting up the socialist concept of honor and disgrace in the whole society.在全社会树立社会主义荣辱观,重点和关键在于干部。

3.Democratic appraival of the university leaders is one of the essential functions and powers of the Faculty and Staff Assembly (FSA) given by the legal norm.民主评议学校领导干部工作是法律法规赋予教代会的一项基本职权,是发展社会主义民主政治、建设校园政治文明的内在需要,也是工会、教代会发挥作用的重要形式;它体现了依法治校、民主建校的方针;评议工作应在规范、民主、有序中进行,以提高评议质量。


1.Objective To study the health conditions of the governmentalofficials,and provide the academic data for the health supervision.目的了解干部人群的身体健康状况,为预防保健工作提供依据。

2.Strategic thinking competence is the guarantee ofofficials performing their leading duty.战略思维能力是干部实现其领导职能的根本保证。


1.The cultivation of the capability of Partycarders and government officers in ethnic regions on the level of enhancing the Party s ruling power provides people with a new field of vision-culture.在加强党的执政能力建设的新平台上培养民族地区党政干部的能力,为人们提供了新视野———文化。

2.Facing up with the strategic transfer of the Party s strengthening of the construction of its own ruling capability , the traditional mode of taking political and ideological education as the chief aim in the education and training ofcarders should be changed into the all-round training of thecarders abilities.面对党加强自身执政能力建设的战略转变,党政干部教育培训传统的政治思想教育为主的目标应提升到干部能力全面培养的新平台上。

6)dry end干部,干燥部


