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科技书刊 sci-tech books and periodical英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-25 19:56:37


科技书刊 sci-tech books and periodical英语短句 例句大全

科技书刊,sci-tech books and periodical

1)sci-tech books and periodical科技书刊

1.Standardization for writing numerals insci-tech books and periodicals;科技书刊数字用法的规范化问题

2)Sci-tech Periodicals科技期刊

1.Edit and process for illustrations in sci-tech periodicals;科技期刊中插图的编辑与加工

2.Enhance the Propagandistic Function ofSci-tech Periodicals Among Vocational Construction of Population and Family Planning;在人口和计划生育职业化队伍建设中发挥科技期刊的传媒作用

3.Investigation for the current situation of notice to contributors of sci-tech periodicals of Guangdong province;广东省科技期刊稿约现状调查与分析


1.Chief editors play very important roles in publishing sci-tech periodicals.科技期刊的主编是办好期刊的核心。

2.A Study of Internationalization of Scientific Journals and the Development of Chinese Scientific Journals;期刊国际化与中国科技期刊发展研究

3.Improve the Quality of the Science Journals and Create Famous-branded Journals;提高科技期刊质量 创精品名牌期刊

4.Analysis of trend and strategy of online journals期刊网络化趋势及科技期刊应对策略

5.Interdynamic Situation of 《Journal of Heilongjiang Hydraulic Engineering》 and 《Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodical》我刊与《中国科技期刊研究》的互动情况

6.Periodicals of Science and Technology and Scientific Information Attainments of Undergraduates;科技期刊管理与本科生科学信息素养

7.The Relationship of Agricultural Science and Technology Periodicals with Bringing Forth New Ideas in Agricultural Science and Technology;农业科技期刊与农业科技创新的关系

8.Talking about to the Features of Style and Language of Sci-tech Periodicals浅谈科技期刊科技文体和语言的特点

9.Talk about Water Conservancy Science and Technology Periodical Management to Periodical Development;加强水利科技期刊管理 为期刊发展献计献策

10.Application of CJN to editing and revising work for scientific and technical journals;中国期刊网(CJN)在科技期刊编辑审稿中的应用

11.Digital Process of Sci-tech Periodical and Strategy of Editors期刊的数字化进程及科技期刊编辑应对策略

12.The Influence of Choose of Core Periodical on Journals of Science and Technology about Agriculture and Forestry核心期刊评选对农林类科技期刊发展的影响

13.Development of sci-tech periodicals of China Association for Science and Technology中国科协科技期刊—度发展状况

14.On Quickening the Cycle of Publishing Sports Scientific and Technological Theses;对加快体育科技期刊出版周期的思考

15.The quality of editors is the key factor affecting the quality of sci-tech periodicals.科技期刊编辑自身的素质是影响科技期刊质量的关键。

16.On the Construction of Sci-tech Journal Editor Team: With Architectural Journals as Example;科技期刊编辑队伍建设之我见——以建筑学科技期刊为例

17.On Optimal Knowledge Structure of a Chief Editor of Scientific Journal;综合性科技期刊主编最佳知识结构论——兼论综合性科技期刊属性

18.Sci-tech periodicals of China Association for Science andTechnologyand its affiliated societies provide a significantcomponentin all China s sci tech periodicals;全国性学会科技期刊在我国科技期刊中占有重要地位


Sci-tech Periodicals科技期刊

1.Edit and process for illustrations in sci-tech periodicals;科技期刊中插图的编辑与加工

2.Enhance the Propagandistic Function ofSci-tech Periodicals Among Vocational Construction of Population and Family Planning;在人口和计划生育职业化队伍建设中发挥科技期刊的传媒作用

3.Investigation for the current situation of notice to contributors of sci-tech periodicals of Guangdong province;广东省科技期刊稿约现状调查与分析

3)Sci-tech periodical科技期刊

1.Usage of "one" and "two" of Arabic and Chinese numerals in sci-tech periodicals;科技期刊中数字“1”和“一”及“2”和“两”“二”的用法

2.Designs of contribution-interface in sci-tech periodicals;科技期刊的投稿界面设计

3.Case analysis of inappropriate sentence expression in sci-tech periodicals;科技期刊中常见详略失当和混杂错误例析

4)sci-tech journal科技期刊

1.Information system design forsci-tech journal management;科技期刊管理信息系统设计

2.Responsive characteristics ofsci-tech journals to hot topics in forest ecology;科技期刊对森林生态学研究热点的响应特征

3.Significance of post setting of network editor in the networking process ofsci-tech journals;网络编辑岗位设置在科技期刊网络化进程中的重要性

5)scientific journal科技期刊

1.Discussion on methodologies of preparing and taking National Publication Profession Mid-class Qualification Examination forscientific journal editors;科技期刊编辑通过出版职业资格考试的方法探析

2.A method and its significance for manuscript recommendation and mutual publishing inscientific journals of different languages;不同语种科技期刊稿件互荐刊登的意义及方法

3.Actuality and development ofscientific journal evaluation;我国科技期刊评价工作的现状与走向

6)sci tech periodicals科技期刊

1.The paper elaborates on the implications of cross proof reading and evaluating of contributions among editors before publication, and argues for the necessity, feasibility, and know hows of this methodology forsci tech periodicals in China.阐述印前内部交叉审读制度的内涵 ,分析科技期刊实行这项制度的必要性、可能性以及需要注意的几个问

2.Giving a broad overview of the trend of the age, editors insci tech periodicals should take continuous education in many ways and bring about transformation as soon as possible.纵观当前的形势 ,科技期刊编辑必须通过多种途径的继续教育 ,尽快转型 ,从而满足新形势下的编辑出版要求。

3.editors of 119sci tech periodicals in Shandong Province were investigated on their age,educational background, professional title and so on.对山东省 1 1 9家科技期刊的 72 2名编辑的年龄、学历、职称等状况进行调查 ,结果表明 :山东省科技期刊编辑队伍的整体素质较高 ,人员结构合理 ,编辑素质与期刊质量具有明显的一致性。


