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外文书刊 foreign books and periodicals英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-09 01:48:23


外文书刊 foreign books and periodicals英语短句 例句大全

外文书刊,foreign books and periodicals

1)foreign books and periodicals外文书刊

1.After China has accessed to WTO,the work of theforeign books and periodicals in university library has met new opportunities of development and also encountered some difficulties.本文通过对中国加入WTO后,高校图书馆外文书刊工作面临的困境与发展契机的分析,寻找出影响外文书刊使用率的原因,并提出了普通高校在现实条件下的应对措施。

2.The low utilization ratio offoreign books and periodicals is a common problem existing in university library.外文书刊利用率低一直是高校图书馆普遍存在的问题。


1.The institute library has a collection of over 10,000,000 books and periodicals both in Chinese and foreign languages.这个大学图书馆有中外文书刊一千万余册。

2.Problems in Purchasing Foreign Books and Journals in College Libraries and its Solution;高校图书馆外文书刊采购存在问题和解决办法

3.Libraries should be to Cooperate and Adjust to Each Other in Subscribing to Foreign Magazines图书馆外文期刊订购需搞好协作协调

4.Adjusting Academic Library s Collection of Foreign Periodicals;高校图书馆外文期刊馆藏结构的调整

5.A Brief Talk on the Order of Foreign Language Journals in the Libraries of Higher Institutes;浅谈普通高校图书馆外文期刊的订购

6.Utilization Ratio of Foreign Journals in College and University Libraries;高校图书馆外文科技期刊利用率浅析

7.Problems and Their Solutions Concerning the Acquisition of Foreign Periodicals;高校图书馆外文期刊采访问题与对策

8.How to Increase the Utilization Rate of Foreign Language Periodicals in University Library如何提高高校图书馆外文期刊利用率

9.Major Characteristics of Foreign Periodical Database in Library and Its Retrieval Methods;图书馆外文期刊数据库特点及其检索方法

10.On the Inter-institutional Resources Sharing Mechanism Construction of University Libraries Foreign Language Periodicals;高校图书馆外文期刊馆际资源共享机制的构建

11.An Analysis of The Current Situation of the Utilization of Foreign Periodical in Our College Library;我校图书馆外文期刊利用现状的分析及建议

12.Discussion on Increasing Use of Foreign Periodicals in University Libraries;高校图书馆提高外文期刊利用率的思考

13.On Development and Uses of Foreign Periodicals in College Libraries;浅谈高校图书馆外文期刊的开发与利用

14.On Managing and Expanding the University Library Collection of the Foreign Language Periodicals in the Information Epoch;论信息时代高校图书馆外文期刊的管理与发展

15.On the Use of Foreign Language Periodicals in CIPE in the View of the First Law of Library Science;从图书馆学第一定律看我院外文期刊工作

16.On the Use of Foreign Periodicals in University Libraries;关于提高高校图书馆外文期刊利用率的思考

17.On the Utilization of Foreign Periodicals in Library of Normal University;对师范类高校图书馆外文期刊利用问题的思考

18.Open Access and the Work of Foreign Periodicals in University Library开放存取与高校图书馆的外文期刊工作


management of foreign books外文书刊管理

3)periodical collecting外文书刊收藏

4)foreign language books and journals外语书刊

5)English books and periodicals英文书刊

1.Analyses on some typical errors in punctuation inEnglish books and periodicals;英文书刊标点符号典型错误辨析

6)literature books and periodicals文学书刊

1.From the bindings and layouts and editions ofliterature books and periodicals, we can distinguish original appearance of literature movement, sects of literature, differentiate and analyse writers and writings.通过文学书刊的装帧、版本,识记文学运动的原貌,识别文学流派,辨析作家作品,还原作品真貌,探索中国现代文学史课的讲授新法。


