100字范文 > 周铣 peripheral milling英语短句 例句大全

周铣 peripheral milling英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-06 04:41:33


周铣 peripheral milling英语短句 例句大全

周铣,peripheral milling

1)peripheral milling周铣

1.Based on two typical cutting force models, a finite element numerical simulation procedure is proposed to evaluate cutting forces and surface errors inperipheral milling of thin-walled workpiece.针对两种典型的切削力模型,系统地研究了薄壁件周铣加工过程中切削力变化及表面变形误差分布的有限元计算方法,提出了基于三维非规则网格的刀具/工件变形的耦合迭代格式以及恒定网格下材料去除效应的变刚度处理方法等关键技术,仿真过程充分考虑了切屑厚度变化及不同切削参数对预测结果的影响。


1.Numerical Prediction of Static Form Errors in the Peripheral Milling of Thin-Walled Workpiece;薄壁件周铣加工过程中表面静态误差预测关键技术研究

2.Study on multi-axis non-instaneous envelope milling abnormal spiral-rod多自由度周向包络铣削异形螺杆研究

3.Cutting Force of Single Circumference Edge for Micro Orthogonal Turn-Milling微小型正交车铣单齿圆周刃理论切削力研究

4.end mill gashing and radius grinder端铣刀和侧面铣刀磨床

5.Be like will number a dish of shape piece of milling cutter point cover process gear" s week section from become implode on knife rest proceed rough machining, can great enhance efficiency。如将数把盘形片铣刀按被加工齿轮的周节距成组装上刀架进行粗加工,可大大提高工作效率。

6.cutter ,milling (plain, helical, staggered or angle) ,of base meta铣刀(平铣刀、螺齿铣刀、交错铣刀或角铣刀), 贱金属制

7.On Power Milling and Judgment of Headstock Malfunction;铣床强力铣削与铣床主轴箱故障“异声”判断

8.The Climb Milling and Conventional Milling Based on Cutter Radius Offset of Numerical Control Milling基于数控铣床刀具半径补偿的顺铣和逆铣

9.90 indexable face milling cutter可转位90°面铣刀

10.universal raidial milling machine(horizontal)万能摇臂铣床(卧)

11.Quill-type milling head套管轴式铣头, 长套筒状铣头

12.We are manufacturer of cutters& accessories for milling machines.我们是知名制造铣床用之铣刀的厂商。

13.The Study on Milling Drum System of Road Cold Miller;路面冷铣刨机铣刨转子系统分析研究

14.Design Of Clamping Apparatus For Step Boring With Ordinary Milling Machine;在普通铣床上镗阶梯孔的铣夹头设计

15.Physical modeling and simulation for the milling process of the ball end mill;球头铣刀铣削过程的物理建模与仿真

16.Constructional design of floating milling unit for steel plate milling machine钢板铣边机浮动铣削单元的结构设计

17.A Mathematical Model and Analysis of Plunge Milling Force on Aluminum Alloy钛合金TC11插铣铣削力建模与分析

18.Study on Effect of Milling Parameters on Milling Force in High-speeding Milling of LF21 Aluminum Alloy高速铣削LF21铝合金铣削参数对铣削力影响规律的研究


milling the groove周向铣槽

3)peripheral milling圆周铣削

1.Based on chattering theory ofperipheral milling, a dynamic model was established for simulating process ofperipheral milling.以圆周铣削颤振理论为基础 ,考虑瞬态切屑厚度及刀具有效前角对动态铣削力的影响 ,建立一种更准确且更实用的圆周铣削过程的动力学模型 。

2.This paper establishes the milling model based on curvature inperipheral milling.在对具有自由曲线外形的零件进行铣削加工的过程中,由于诸多影响铣削力大小的参数相对于定曲率外形零件铣削加工时发生了很大变化,导致传统的铣削力建模方法在应用于自由曲线外形零件的圆周铣削加工过程时产生了很大的误差,使得误差预测和补偿变得非常困难。

4)Peripherally milling process周铣加工

5)Plain milling周边铣削

6)end milling force prediction周铣铣削力仿真


