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封填 fill and seal英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-01 18:26:48


封填 fill and seal英语短句 例句大全

封填,fill and seal

1)fill and seal封填


anic-seal double-glazing unit有机物封填双层玻璃窗

2.body seal [refuse collection vehicle]车身填封物料〔垃圾车〕

3.box-filling[and making /filling, closing, sealing or labeling machine ]箱装填[及制造/装填、封口、密封或贴标签的机器]

4.joint gasket- or packing- type, of laminated metal foil层压金属箔密封或填密封式接合衬垫

5.cask-filling, closing, sealing or labeling cachine用于桶装填、封口、密封或贴标签的机器

6.It has two stem sealing: one is stuffing box and another is toroidal sealing ring( O-ring).本阀阀杆密封分为两种形式:一为填料密封;一为O型密封环密封。

7.sealing compound电缆膏; 封口膏, 密封剂, 油灰, 腻子; 电瓶封口填料; 密封接合物

8.jar-filling, closing, sealing or labelling machine, industrial广口瓶装填、封口、密封或粘标签的机器、工业用

9.Class 300-600: Fully-encased spiral wound graphite-filled stainless steel gasket.600磅级:全封闭螺旋缠绕石墨填充不锈钢密封垫。

10.Research on the Sealants to be Used to Fill Cracks and Repair Potholes in Asphalt Roads沥青路面裂缝填封和坑槽修补用密封胶的研制

11.Reasearch of packing and sealing technology in high pressure water revolving sealing高压旋转密封中填料密封技术的分析与改善

12.Research on comparison between traditional compacted clay and evapotranspiration cover systems of landfill垃圾填埋场传统封顶和ET封顶的比较研究

13.An order form is enclosed for your convenience, along with a stamped addressed envelope.附上订单和地址已填、票贴足的信封。

14.packerless single selective gravelpacked completion无封隔器的单层选择性砾石充填完井

15.Short and narrow packing chamber improves sealing effectiveness.又短又窄的填料腔改善了密封性能。

16." Bag forming, filling and sealing machine"GB/T17313-1998袋成型充填封口机

17.solid gravel seal密实的砾石充填层间密封

18."This information will be used to fill in the fields on your cover page."该信息将被用来填入封面上的域。


Packing seal填料密封

1.Application study of Packing Seal Group for Oxygen Compressor;1500氧气压缩机填料密封组应用研究

2.An available structure design for the combination of soft - packing seal was accomplished through application tests.为了更好地解决石化行业常用的设备水泵的密封问题,提出了在水泵上使用组合式软填料的优良设计思想,并通过应用试验设计了可行的填料密封结构,在水泵试验台上成功地对该结构的组合软填料进行了实验。

3.Through an analysis of structural failure of dual-end-face, mechanical seal and soft packing seal parts of centrifugal oil pumps, a suggestion of improving the pump seal structure with spiral seal made of engineering plastic material is proposed and practiced with satisfactory effect.通过对离心式油泵端面密封和软填料密封的结构失效分析,提出端面密封改进措施,采用工程塑料制 造螺旋密封来改进离心式油泵的密封结构,取得满意的效果。

3)sealing and filling充填封堵

1.Experiment on fly-ash gel material forsealing and filling coalmine fire zone;矿井火区粉煤灰胶体充填封堵材料的试验研究

4)stuffing seal填料密封

1.Structure design of the automatical compensation and radial compaction softstuffing seal;自动补偿径向压紧软填料密封结构设计

paring former design of seal structure-stuffing seal,the new sealing structure-spiral seal was reslndied and introduced.对某钢厂烧结工艺过程中产生的废气与熟石灰反应的密相干塔烟气脱硫除尘系统中出现矿粉泄露的现象进行分析,比较了先前的机械传动轴与壳体的密封结构——填料密封,发现此结构存在设计选型上的缺陷,重新研究分析采用新的密封结构——螺旋密封,利用Matlab进行优化,确定出轴与壳体之间最优密封结构尺寸。

5)sealing packing密封填料

1.Leakage treatment tosealing packing in gate valve stem;闸阀阀杆密封填料渗漏处理

2.Introduce the properties ofsealing packings in common use and using statusquoes in some refineries.本文介绍了目前国内常用密封填料,提供了典型石化企业密封填料的使用现状,提出了比较实用的密封填料之选用。

3.The typical packing seal structure and mechanism of naval ship tail shaft, pertormance ofsealing packing and performance screening test results are introduced.介绍了典型舰船艉轴填料密封的结构特点、性能测试情况以及通过试验研究最终确定的作为舰船艉轴的密封填料的实船应用情

6)packing shaft seal填料轴封


