100字范文 > 金石篆刻 inscription and seal cutting英语短句 例句大全

金石篆刻 inscription and seal cutting英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-08 18:21:16


金石篆刻 inscription and seal cutting英语短句 例句大全

金石篆刻,inscription and seal cutting

1)inscription and seal cutting金石篆刻

2)seal cutting篆刻

1.How Remarkable It Is About“ Cutting”—— a Comparison Research on the Art of China sseal cutting and that of Lettering of the Time;怎么一个“刻”字了得——中国篆刻艺术与当代刻字艺术的比较研究

2.The form beauty ofseal cutting expresses its inner endless beauty through limited outer space, embodying in the peculiar and strong sense of crude beauty of knife cuts with the special formation, seal characters as well as lines.篆刻艺术的形式美是利用有限的小小外在空间表现内在的无穷美,具体体现在通过空间组织和构成、篆字、线条等独特而又强烈的刀味美来体现的。

3.The author of this thesis is going to make a detailed study on theseal cutting of Qing Dynasty.有鉴于此,笔者本文拟对当时的篆刻艺术界进行微观研究,通过阐述和剖析篆刻艺术在清代的发展状况及其特点,藉以揭开和凸显考据学对篆刻艺术影响的全部具体细节,从而深化人们对考据学的认识和理解,推动清代文化史研究的发展。


1.He was versed in Zhen Script, Xing script, Li script, Seal Character and Seal Cutting, especially expert at Seal Character.他于真、行、隶、篆、篆刻等无所不工,尤擅于篆书。

2.Seal cutting art informal essay (four) Chatting the Carving skill篆刻艺术随笔(之四)——闲话刻技

3.Researches on Forged Ming and Qing Dynasty Seals of Notables in the Collection of the Palace Museum(Ⅲ):Four Works with Seals Donated by Mr.Deng Yizhe故宫藏明清名家篆刻伪讹丛考(三)——邓以蛰先生捐献的四件篆刻作品

4.The Authenticity of Seals of Eminent Ming and Qing Personages in the Collection of the Palace Museum (2);故宫藏明清名家篆刻伪讹丛考(二)

5.The Artistic Style of the Stone Portrait of Nanyang and Seal Cutting;浅论南阳汉画像石与篆刻的艺术风格

6.How Remarkable It Is About“ Cutting”-- a Comparison Research on the Art of China s seal cutting and that of Lettering of the Time;怎么一个“刻”字了得——中国篆刻艺术与当代刻字艺术的比较研究

7.The one below was carved and then given to me by Upasaka Tan Seong Yeow.下面那个则是由陈祥耀居士所篆刻并致赠于我。

8.Qi Baishi made great accomplishments in painting, calligraphy, seal cutting, poetry and literature.齐白石的诗文、书画篆刻都达到很深的造诣,

9.He lived a poor life in his childhood and developed interests in reading, calligraphy and seal cutting.他幼年时生活清苦,酷爱读书,喜欢书法篆刻。

10.A golden seal with Chinese, Manchu and Tibetan, issued by the Qing government to Dalai Lama.清政府发给达赖喇嘛的金印,篆刻有汉、、三种文字。

11.Seal Engraving? To the Chinese, a seal was for many centuries a symbol of power.篆刻千百年来,对中国人来说,图章是权利的象征。

12.Seal Cutting Technique of Dong Gao, an HonourableBuddhist Monk and Its Influence on Japan;东皋禅师的篆刻艺术及其在日本的影响

13.On "The Selection of Long Kailang s Calligraphy and Seal Cutting;琳琅满目,有文有野——读《龙开朗书法篆刻艺术选集》

14.A Study on the Influence and Implication of the Art of Seal-cutting on Visual Communication Design篆刻艺术对视觉传达设计的影响与启示研究

15.Robbery of the National Treasury and Emergence of Seal Cutting--Study on Calligraphy and Painting Forgery in the Song Dynasty(Ⅱ)国库失窃与篆刻兴起——宋代书画作伪研究之二

16.The Chinese Seal and the Art of Calligraphy:An Urgent Basic Course to be Taken Care书法和篆刻:亟待重视的美术基础实践课程

17.Wu used seal cutting and calligraphy brushstroke techniques in his flower and bird paintings, forming a bold and vital painting style.吴昌硕从篆刻书法入手,把金石篆籀笔法引入花鸟画中,形成"雄健古茂,盎然有金石气"的风格。

18.at the age of 27, he adopted Hu Qinyuan as his teacher, who taught him painting, seal cutting, poetry and literature.齐白石27岁时,拜乡绅胡沁园为师学习绘画,篆刻和诗文。


seal cutting篆刻

1.How Remarkable It Is About“ Cutting”—— a Comparison Research on the Art of China sseal cutting and that of Lettering of the Time;怎么一个“刻”字了得——中国篆刻艺术与当代刻字艺术的比较研究

2.The form beauty ofseal cutting expresses its inner endless beauty through limited outer space, embodying in the peculiar and strong sense of crude beauty of knife cuts with the special formation, seal characters as well as lines.篆刻艺术的形式美是利用有限的小小外在空间表现内在的无穷美,具体体现在通过空间组织和构成、篆字、线条等独特而又强烈的刀味美来体现的。

3.The author of this thesis is going to make a detailed study on theseal cutting of Qing Dynasty.有鉴于此,笔者本文拟对当时的篆刻艺术界进行微观研究,通过阐述和剖析篆刻艺术在清代的发展状况及其特点,藉以揭开和凸显考据学对篆刻艺术影响的全部具体细节,从而深化人们对考据学的认识和理解,推动清代文化史研究的发展。

3)Seal Cutting篆刻艺术

4)seal-cutting subject篆刻学

1.This article sums up comprehensively some new study questions and discussion results from the developing strategy seminar of theseal-cutting subject.本文对全国“篆刻学”发展战略研讨会所提出的新课题、所获得的研讨成果作了全面总结:一、对篆刻的展览方式提出了大胆的学术质疑,表明了进一步澄清的需要;二、对篆刻创作手段的规定提出了新思考;三、对篆刻生存环境提出了新思考;四、对篆刻艺术的“主体”部分提出了质疑。

5)art of seal cutting篆刻艺术

1.Nowadays theart of seal cutting is very flourishing, but it is in a long distance from the modern life.当代篆刻艺术空前繁荣 ,然而篆刻艺术与现代生活的远离 ,又无情地压缩了篆刻艺术的生存空间。

2.Theart of seal cutting is a key representative of the Chinese traditional culture and also an important component of the world cultural heritage.篆刻艺术是中国传统文化的重要代表和世界文化遗产的重要组成部分。



