100字范文 > 滞气 stagnation of qi英语短句 例句大全

滞气 stagnation of qi英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-04 21:11:39


滞气 stagnation of qi英语短句 例句大全

滞气,stagnation of qi

1)stagnation of qi滞气


1.Role of "Qizhi" in Coronary Artery Disease (CAD)论“气滞”在冠心病发病中的作用


1.Qi less blood, kidney and liver insufficiency, Cold staging, gas stagnation blood stasis caused by the circulation of fluid line, General Clauses pain.如血气虚少、肝肾亏虚、寒邪凝滞、气滞血淤,导致经行滞涩不畅、不通则痛也。

2.For indigestion , food retention and qi stagnation, diarrhea abdominal distension.促进消化不良、食积气滞、腹泻、腹胀的康复。

3.The Clinical Study about the Effect of Massage on Curing Primary Dysmenorrhea (Qi Stagnation and Blood Stasis Type);推拿治疗原发性痛经(气滞血瘀型)的临床观察

4.Observation of Clinic Result into the Use of Auricular Acupuncture and the Treatment of Liver Qi Stagnation Induced Mammary Hyperplasia;耳针治疗肝郁气滞型乳腺增生病的疗效观察

5.Studies of Effect of QizhiWeitong Granule on Gastrointestinal Motility in Mice;气滞胃痛颗粒对小鼠胃肠动力的调节作用研究

6.A Clinical Study of TCM Zhi Mi Tong Ⅲ in the Treatment of Constipation Due to Stagnated Liver Qi;痔秘通3号治疗肝郁气滞型便秘的临床观察

7.The Clinical Curative Effect in Treating Hyperplasia of Mammary Glands of the Type of Stasis of Liver-qi by Scraping Therapy;刮痧治疗肝郁气滞型乳腺增生病的疗效观察

8.The Clinical Study of Taking Gexiazhuyu Concoction in the Treatment of Dysmenorrhea of the Qi-Stagnation and Blood-Stasis Syndrome膈下逐瘀汤加味治疗痛经气滞血瘀证临床研究

9.Proteome study on hyperplasia of mammary glands of Ganyu Qizhi syndrome肝郁气滞型乳腺增生组织蛋白质组的研究

10.HPLC determination of four components in Qizhiweitong granulesRP-HPLC法测定气滞胃痛颗粒中4种成分的含量

11.Clinical Efficacy of Xuangui Zhitong Drop Pill on Treatment of Qi Zhi Xieyu Type Migraine玄归止痛滴丸治疗气滞血瘀型偏头痛临床疗效

12.creeping of aneroid barometer空盒气压表的滞后现象

13.free gas space in column柱中游离气体空间(气体滞留)

14.A state of sluggishness, inactivity, and apathy.无精打采,呆滞懒散,无生气,冷漠的状态

15.viscous-drag gas-density meter粘滞阻力气体密度测量器

16.The air was warm, thick, heavy, sluggish.空气是那样温润、浓重,沉闷呆滞。

17.When the winds are light, the air in a valley becomes stagnant and stratified.当微风时,谷地的空气就会停滞和层化。

18.Gases are much less viscous than liquids.气体的粘滞性大大小于液体。



1.Role of "Qizhi" in Coronary Artery Disease (CAD)论“气滞”在冠心病发病中的作用

3)Qi-stagnancy and blood stasis气滞血瘀

4)yangqi stasis阳气郁滞

1.The article discussed the role ofyangqi stasis for psycholepsy from over seven modes of emotions and lossing five expressions of emotions and pointed out that theyangqi stasis in human body was basic pathogenesis in psycholepsy.从七情过极、五志失舒及素体阳气功能不足等方面论述了阳气郁滞在抑郁发作中的作用,提出各种原因引起的人体阳气滞而不通是抑郁发作的基本病机,对于临床确立抑郁发作的治疗具有重要指导意义。

5)stagnancy of collateral-Qi in a deficiency condition络气虚滞

1.Establishment of model of endothelial dysfunction withstagnancy of collateral-Qi in a deficiency condition and the intervening effects of herbs to dredge collaterals;络气虚滞型血管内皮功能障碍病证结合动物模型的建立及通络方药干预研究

6)stagnated Qi in stomatch胃腑气滞


