100字范文 > 气郁体质 Constitution of qi stagnation英语短句 例句大全

气郁体质 Constitution of qi stagnation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-06 20:57:10


气郁体质 Constitution of qi stagnation英语短句 例句大全

气郁体质,Constitution of qi stagnation

1)Constitution of qi stagnation气郁体质

2)constitution of Shaoyang qi stagnation少阳气郁体质

1.Theconstitution of Shaoyang qi stagnation is due to the dysfunction of hinge in Shaoyang, depression and qi stagnation for long-term.其患病率高,并发症、致残率高,患者容易伴发心理疾患;少阳气郁体质是以少阳枢机不利、长期情志不畅、气机郁滞而形成的以性格内向不稳定,忧郁脆弱,敏感多疑为主要表现的体质状态。

3)Qi-stagnation constitution气郁质

1.Objective:To explore the related influencing factors ofQi-stagnation constitution.目的:探索气郁质的相关影响因素。

4)melancholy temperament忧郁气质


1.Pathos·Melancholy·Woe--The Discussion on YU Da-fu s Mopish Character in His Novel;感伤·忧郁·悲鸣——论郁达夫小说的忧郁气质

2.Somewhat melancholy to be sure, but this was only in keeping with her own melancholy temperament.多么崇高的音乐呀! 诚然,有些忧郁,但正跟她自己的忧郁气质相称。

3.Hu is the melancholy poet from northeast China.胡,一个具有忧郁诗人气质的中国东北青年。

4.a funereal expression, atmosphere忧郁的表情、 凄凉的气氛.

5.the sanguine [ phlegmatic, choleric, melancholic ] temperament多血[粘液, 胆汁, 忧郁]质

6.He climbed moodily into the cab, relieved and distressed.他忧郁地上了马车,既松了一口气,又忧心忡忡。

7.a doleful face, manner, expression, etc愁眉苦脸、 垂头丧气的样子、 忧郁的表情.

8.There was an air of gloom and despair hanging over us.一种忧郁和绝望的气氛笼罩着我们。

9.The bad weather was getting her down.这坏天气使她的心情变得忧郁起来。

10.Yu Dafu,a Melancholy Man--Reflection on Yu Dafu s MelancholyZhuang Zongrong;忧郁的郁达夫——试析郁达夫的忧郁情结

11.It was a melancholy tempered by recurrences of faith and resignation and simple joy.心中不时产生信念,乐天知命的情绪,单纯的欣悦,从而冲淡了忧郁的气质。

12.A chill enveloped him and he was weighed down by a nameless despair.他被冷气包围着,被一种莫名的忧郁压迫着。

13.The party broke up in silence and dismay.这次的集会就在沉默和忧郁的气氛中散

14.To feel, appear, or act despondent, sad, or mournful.忧郁,沮丧,悲伤,忧伤

15.Same Form and Different Contents -The Comparison betweenSink into Depravityby Yu Dafu and The Idyllic Melancholyby Sato Haruo;形同质异——郁达夫的《沉沦》与佐藤春夫的《田园的忧郁》之比较

16.Intense nervous depression or anxiety. Often used with the.极端神经质的抑郁或忧虑的状态。常与the连用

17.melancholia involutionis衰老性忧郁症 衰老性忧郁症

18.melancholia praesenilis初老性忧郁症 初老性忧郁症


constitution of Shaoyang qi stagnation少阳气郁体质

1.Theconstitution of Shaoyang qi stagnation is due to the dysfunction of hinge in Shaoyang, depression and qi stagnation for long-term.其患病率高,并发症、致残率高,患者容易伴发心理疾患;少阳气郁体质是以少阳枢机不利、长期情志不畅、气机郁滞而形成的以性格内向不稳定,忧郁脆弱,敏感多疑为主要表现的体质状态。

3)Qi-stagnation constitution气郁质

1.Objective:To explore the related influencing factors ofQi-stagnation constitution.目的:探索气郁质的相关影响因素。

4)melancholy temperament忧郁气质

5)Constitution with stagnation of liver-qi肝郁体质

6)blue mood忧郁的气质


气郁胁痛气郁胁痛 气郁胁痛 病证名。七情过度,肝气郁结所致胁痛,见《东医宝鉴·外形篇》。治宜沉香降气散、枳壳煮散、枳壳散、桂枝汤、小龙荟丸。
